Why did they kill her? It's not like she posed any threat after the rebellion was crushed. What's the point of killing somebody who's already been defeated?
Why did they kill her? It's not like she posed any threat after the rebellion was crushed...
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She was a filthy female, deserved everything she got.
What was her endgame really? I heard everything from social democracy to communist dictatorship.
why the fuck would anyone suggest she was a SocDem?
Have you ever listened to a yenta kvetch about how she got cheated out of the lunch special? It's vile. Now imagine that times a million.
She was rebelling against a government that was dominated by social democrats.
they were compromised by rightwing millitias
How so?
I'm not clicking that shit nigga
Wasn't she complete scum? Like a genuine shitty person. And her creation of the KDP was that ultimately led to the revolution. She's basically responsible for setting the narrative that'd lead to the rise of national socialism
Either way, treason was grounds for immediate executing until the 60s or so. We could argue she wasn't involved in the revolution, but she supported it publicly. That's enough to qualify as treason in most turn of the century governments.
>treason was grounds for immediate executing until the 60s or
Except Hitler was also found guilty of treason after his initial coup and he wasn't executed.
>why they killed this total pacific revolutionary?
>expecting better from SuccDems
Punishment. I would have had her whole family to the third degree tortured and extermimated as well, and their property confiscated by the state. You should brook no dissent from leftist scum, especially from a filthy foreigner.
>implying social democrats aren't right wing
>SPD signed on for the non aggression ideals at the 2nd International
>Ignore them and get millions killed
Well, can you blame her?
Probably the whole employing them thing
traitors deserve no mercy
Can I ask why 90% of the commie rebellion, or at least the spearhead of the movement, was Jewish?
Pure coincidence =^)
Liebknecht was the most important person and wasn't Jewish
Still, the majority of them were Jewish if not /pol/ is full of BS. They also tended to not take the leading position but surround themselves around the leader as in Lenin's case
>if not /pol/ is full of BS
>They also tended to not take the leading position but surround themselves around the leader as in Lenin's case
They did the same with Trump, who is provably not Jewish, but almost everyone around him is.
t. Commie
Same reason the Bolsheviks killed the Tsar after he was deposed
>isn't even on wiki and according the pages history it never was
This one I know is a lie because I remember screencapping that list a few years ago. Pic related.
Commies = kikes. You're a kike as you consistently prove by shitting on NS Germany, excusing kike behavior worldwide and shilling for the (((Confederacy))).
and that turned out to be a bad idea
I don't think Wikipedia used to mark names with JEW in red text outside of the border margin, but nice try
No, I market that. Are you retarded or just pretending?
This isn't /pol/ faggot
Also, National Socialism, like all forms of socialism is shit and its adherents deserve helicopter rides alongside the Communists.
That just proves that some of them were irrelevant/non-jewish. But if you actually look at Lenin's central committee, the was majority is in fact Jewish. Your picture is full of misinformation btw
So why are Jews so prone to get into positions of power?
>muh socialism is bad
>yes goy stop caring for your kinsmen only (((individual merit))) is what matters
Blow it out your ass Schlomo.
Every Socialist form of government ever attempted has turned its respective country into a shithole so yes it's bad.
You're going for a ride Hans.
Was just a bit of fun man
What the fuck does Lenin have to do with the Spartacist Uprising?
Your beloved South was, is and forever will be a shithole, and so is Israel, so apply your kike standards to yourself first.
They make good advisors because any time you want, you can throw them to the dogs. They are beholden to you and only to you.
It wasn't before the Civil War you filthy niggerloving Yankee.
Reminder that the only good Unionist is a dead one.
It absolutely was a shithole. Undeveloped, backwards fuckhole with a 100% agricultural economy, full of niggers, dirt and illiterate poor people because your mulatto kin can't measure up to the Germanic industriousness of the North.
"I was still childlike enough at that time to want to make the madness of their doctrine clear to them; I talked my tongue sore and my throat hoarse and thought that I must succeed in convincing them of the harmfulness of their Marxist insanity. In fact, I achieved just the opposite. It seemed as though the mounting insight into the nihilistic effect of Social Democratic theories and their realization only served to strengthen them in their determination.
The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic. At first they calculated on the stupidity of their adversary. Then, when they could find no other way out, they played stupid themselves. ...Whenever you attacked one of the apostles, your hand closed around slimy matter which immediately separated and slipped through the fingers and the next moment reconstituted itself. If you struck such an annihilating blow that, observed by the audience, he had no choice but to agree with you, and thus you thought you had taken one step forward, the next day your amazement would be great. The Jew knew nothing at all about yesterday and repeated his same old twaddle as though nothing had happened; if you angrily challenged him on this, he could not remember a thing other than he had demonstrated the correctness of his assertions on the previous day.
Many times I stood there astonished.
I didn't know what to be more amazed at: their verbal agility or their art in lying.
Gradually, I began to hate them."
They just wanted to do her a favor and goodify her.
>tfw you will never be part of the freikorps
>tfw you will never be part of the white finnish army
feels bad man
The answer is simple. War destroyed these men. They returned to their country as ruthless murderers. Violently murdering someone wasn't hard for them.
Many Freikorps soldiers later joined the Nazis.
Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with this uprising? It was small, ill-organized, and most of the deaths were the insurgents themselves. No civilians even died.
Daily reminder that Rosa was a Polish nationalist
/pol/ dipshits like to inflate it to make it look like the Nazis were brave heroes who stopped "Germany and the world from falling to the red horde" or some other BS.
>What's the point of killing somebody who's already been defeated?
The Spartacist uprising was an act of treason when Germany was in crisis after the war and part of wider troubles across Germany which were still going on at the time. It is possible they were executed quickly so their deaths could be pinned on the chaos. It is possible it was an arbitrary decision by soldiers and officers who blamed her for their casualties and viewed her as a threat to Germany.
Not really. She was against independent Poland.
So was Kapp putsch and Hitler's betrayal.
They were trying to restore the previous government so it was not treason.