Mary Beard vs Nassem Taleb: Dispute over Roman Britain

Who is right Veeky Forums?

Starts here and he uses actual statistics

Mary Beard goes after Nassim Taleb arguing classical historical texts prove diversity in Roman Britain. Taleb counters with DNA studies and asks where the genes went. Half of British academia has dog piled in support of this diversity drivel, Taleb amplifies and simply will not quit.

More Kangz here:

Seeing these break out in public spheres gives me a warm feeling deep down in the sub cockles. The truth is starting to push back.

Other urls found in this thread:

What exactly is the threshold for "racial diversity"? Does 1 black family living in a town of 100 white families make it "diverse"? If so, then yeah it was pretty diverse.

The same way modern Japan is diverse thanks to a few thousand American soldiers on military bases.
tl;dr Anglo academia being a propaganda machine like always in history

seeing as the only tangible proof of (POC) presence in Britain during Roman era was a shitty tag on a boulder saying we wuz here by some south-eastern med coast auxilia sods who got stationed at the wall, I would personally go with the option A

>Japan is monoethnic
I see someone bought into the meme, friendly reminder Japan does not measure ethnicity, only country of birth

What I don't get is why the insistence of making everything black, as if diversity=black? if only they used brown people from modern Syria/Libya/Turkey for minority representation it would actually be accurate

We've found Chinese skeletons from Roman Britain laying about London. Roe was comparatively quite diverse

even 10th gen descendant of an expat is still a fucking gajin
they literally only care how you look like, that's why chinks and koreans can sometimes pull off playing natives, but a blonde kid who can only speak Japanese and only knows their culture and nothing will always be a fucking circus freak

I have to admit that my respect for Mary Beard has taken a nosedive because of this nonsense. The idea that Roman Britain was filled with black people is just nonsense.

Well no, there is genetic proof of a Near-Eastern gladiator in Roman Britain.

However people the Romans had barely any interaction with like SSA would have been rare to non-existent there.


It's wierd because the amount of Asians in Britain dwarfs the black population but to the BBC diversity = black African, whilst Indians etc are left out.

Even fifth generation Koreans are actively discriminated against.

Why is everybody ignoring the most important part of this?

The cartoons containing black picts and black normans etc.

This is evidence that blacks are being shoehorned into English history. The black Roman is not there for historical accuracy, he is there to continue the trend of forcing blacks into English history to appease modern demands for diversity.

No you autistic little fucking faggot, that is how the census works, there is only Japanese born and foreign born, if you want to pretend Japan is actually ethnically 99% Japanese fuck off to 2ch

horseshit. anyone in japan that had great grandparents or great great grandparents come over from korea during the imperial era. can still be discriminated against. especially if they are part of the north korean loyal enclave.

there are 4 major groups of people native to Japan. The Jomon, Ainu, Yayoi, and Ryukyuan.

Taleb provides scientific facts. Beard takes historical anecdotes and extrapolates from there. We're there black/dark skinned people in Roman Britain? Yes. Was it 'diverse' by any measure? No. This is jumping on the modern diversity bandwagon.

>Chinese merchants visited London at some point
>Therefore, black people were a normal part of the population

Isn't traditionally only Yamato people counted as Japanese

Not the issue fuckwit, you can meme as hard as you want about muh not really Japanese, the government considers all natural born citizens Japanese whether they are niggers, gooks, whitie or Jap

Are there even any phenotypical Ainu left? My understanding was they got cucked into oblivion.

>muh census

fuck what government does, the society is what matters

yamato is a culture not an ethnicity.

Ainus came from the north of asia and look more like siberian inuits. Jomons came from the south and are more pacific islander looking. the ryukyuans settled in the okinawa islands. Then the Yayoi came from korea. Then various city states popped up and the Yamato kingdom became dominant.

>Ah the governments own consideration of what a Nip is contradicts my "Japan is an ethnostate" meme

Black people were a minority in roman society but they were there. Briton was s frontier but there was a strong roman presence.

So logically there probably were black people in roman Briton but they were a minority among a minority, as the vast majority of Briton at the time were people of Celtic stock genetically pretty similar to those who live there today

That guy is right though, what government does is literally irrelevant. Polish citizenship also isn't based on ethnicity, do you think Poland is a racially diverse country now?

a few tens of thousands and that number varies widly. they're all pretty much mixed at this point. They're like the Sami of Japan.

>that is how the census works
are you alright?
who fucking cares about some shitty census?
Japan is the antithesis of diverse, no matter how many niggers you ship there, they will always be singled out and pushed to the edge of society

Poles count ethnicity as a factor in their census, japan doesn't, only place of birth. I'm sure if you knocked the whole heritage thing off the Polish census it would look far more ethnically Polish than it actually is

Im Japanese passing southeast Asian and Im not discriminated at all, even manage to be allowed to one of those 'Japanese only' stores and baths, just have to speak correct Japanese
Thats a scientific/historic definition
In modern day, except northern Ainus and southern Ryukyuans which have distinct identity, most Japanese view themselves as the same people

You sound like a Western European or a burger. If you went to East Asia, you would be surprised by the intolerance, nationalism, and outright xenophobia you will experience from the natives. Male line descent determines your ethnicity in Confucian Sinitic cultures.

>This is jumping on the modern diversity bandwagon.
The only reason she hasn't blocked him and ended it is because he's not white and she can't use the dumb white racist argument like she would on people like PJW

t. indian

Still isn't it more logical to represent dominant ethnic minority of Rome like Levantines/ME and Greeks more than subsaharan Africans?
The fact that they put blacks before them isn't accurate and distorting history

this guy is fucking frothing for some reason, but I love it

i think that brings up a fair point rather than see the Chinese skeletons and the mixed race high status African woman found as extraordinary finds.The BBC and certain academics are trying to present these finds as the norm and evidence of diversity
a bit like trying to present the finds at sutton hoo as the average goods of a common Anglo Saxon man.

exactly. they even say this is a "typical" roman family which is even more dishonest

I'm really tired of retards pointing to Japan as some sort of ethnically pure holy land when it's anything but

>count ethnicity in their census
Not relevant to anything.

>ethnically pure holy land when it's anything but
isn't it majority japanese? what other ethicities are there that I can look up where i can see the difference in their faces

You've yet to prove your point. I know a black guy who once went on vacation to Japan. Does that make it "diverse"? I mean, he was there, therefore Japan is multicultural and diverse!

being united under a single culture is really what matters.

multiculturalism is a lie and failure.
>rome fell when the germanics came and didn't want to become roman.
>Austro-hungary fell when the different culture regions wanted to split off to be independent nations.
>modern europe creates minority ghettos. where parallel societies set up and create tension.

USA on the other hand discriminated against anyone that wasn't part of the WASP[white anglo saxon protestant]. catholics, irish, germans, white spainards, italians, etc. though once you became as WASP as possible. then we really didn't have a problem with you. Now the commies are trying to turn us into Mexico.

>Japan's population is estimated at around 127 million,[8] with 80% of the population living on Honshū. Japanese society is linguistically, ethnically and culturally homogeneous,[234][235] composed of 98.5% ethnic Japanese
I know it's >wikipedia but do you have literally anything to prove that Japan isn't homogenous?

are those the only 2 ethnicities that we refer to as japanese? wow so diverse

>rome fell when the germanics came and didn't want to become roman.

Bullshit. While Rome's fall is much more complicated than this, Rome's refusal to give the Goths the rights that they often gave to other tribes that sought to settle in the empire despite the Goths' repeated service to the empire was what pissed them off and forced them to overthrow the last emperor.

Stefan Molyneaux is a faggot and you shouldn't listen to him.

It's incredibly relevant, are you fucking stupid? You can't have ethnic nationalists ala WE WUZ if you deny them even existing, it's the ultimate assimilation tactic and that's why Japan gets its homogeneity meme
Ethnic Koreans are a huge part of the economy, same as Brazilians
Nice little strawman faggot, maybe take in a bit of what the meaning of no ethnic groups might entail for someone who was born of non-Japanese parents in Japan
Koreans are a huge thing in Japan and adopt Japanese names and culture, like I said this is what keeps up their charade of being so homogeneous


Do you unironically believe that governments create ethnicities? Just because the census doesn't differentiate between ethnicities doesn't mean there's no difference. If in the next census the Japanese government actually recorded ancestry does that mean they created ethnic differences out of thin air?

>Ethnic Koreans
Show me the difference how the fuck do japs differentiate themselves even with 5th gen koreans they can tell the difference

It means it institutionally doesn't matter, compare the whole Ainu movement to any other states minorities, Japanese government doesn't even acknowledge their existence as a race
With weaponized autism

How it begins: There were people from the African continent in Britain during the Roman Empire, so black people belong in the UK as much as everyone else

How it will end: Britain as we know was created as a Roman province, Anglo-Saxons are later invaders and their descendants, white people, do not belong here, their wealth and property must be expropriated and distributed to the descendants of the original inhabitants of Roman Britain: Black Africans

We're talking about genetics not about laws here cuckboy.

The Brazilians are almost all of Japanese descent and they get shit on for being Latin monkeys, just like how a Korean American gets shit on when he flies back to Korea. There is an acknowledgement of blood ties but that just deepens the shame of the loss of their cultural heritage.

Okay so for institutional purposes it doesn't matter. That doesn't mean Japan isn't an ethnically homogeneous nation, your argument that a second-generation immigrant *could* be counted as Japanese on paper doesn't mean there are a ton of such subjects, or that they wouldn't be ostracized by the ethnically Japanese majority.

Not really, that's not their goal.
>Claim: Britain had black people in 300 AD
>Goal: See, why are you bitching about foreigners in modern Britain, Britain ALWAYS had non-whites!
Who was where first is not on (((their))) agenda really, it's acceptance of shitskins because "your ancestors accepted them too"!

Those are Japanese Brazilians you idiot, not monkeys.

Japan actually asked Brazillian Japanese to come back during the bubble economy. Instead of autistic hard working japanese. they got a bunch of huehuehuehue monkeys.

there is a japanese enclave in cuba too.

And genetics do not matter to the Japanese government, who make these 80-90% ethnically homogeneous statistics, do you see what I'm getting at?
Japs are racist, I never denied they were
Japs see them the same way, but if they are born in Japan they count all the same as someone whose family has never been abroad since 1890

>do you see what I'm getting at?

No, honestly it seems like you're really upset about this for some reason.

>Be western Asian
>Terrible attitude
>definitely not fitting in
What do you expect? the same thing happen throughout Asia

>I can't read
the 98.5% ethnically Japanese was an ESTIMATION. Not derived from government statistics.

The CIA estimates truly "ethnic Japanese" citizens to be over 98% of the population.

All you are arguing is that the Japanese census counts nationality over ethnicity. Every other point you've tried to make ITT is indefensible and most of what you've said is flat-out wrong.

Do you have any better breakdown than the estimation then?

Man, I don't know what the fuck is so hard for you to understand. Japan is ethnically as diverse as a sack of rice. It's at the very least 95% homogenous. This is the same country that witch hunts and ostracizes Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors and their descendants for having "unclean" blood. This is a society that has pushed Koreans, their closest continental relatives, into an underclass so consistently that 30% of the Yakuza are ethnically Korean. Citizenship laws has fuck all to do with ethnicity encoded in your fucking genome, you fucking nonce.

Stop trying to pretend the BBC isnt doing propaganda.

Pic related

>into an underclass so consistently that 30% of the Yakuza are ethnically Korean

This is interesting, I would think Yakuza would be even more Nazi than general population.
Guess I'm wrong.

Literally everything will be an estimation.

The easiest way to debunk this is just to ask the simple question: if there were large numbers of sub-Saharan Africans in Roman Britain, then what happened to them? Where did they go? Did they all just disappear one day?

Not him, but why? Mobsters are almost always derived from society's rejects. Sicilian Mafia got created from an underclass trying to push back against corrupt nobility, for example.

Mary Black was being completely disingenuous with her "Roman Britain was ethnically diverse" comment, no shit Roman Britain had various ethnic groups, but when the conversation is specifically about the "typical family" being nogs it's a different story.

This is why I don't take academia in the humanities seriously. Not just trying to be a STEM elitist, but everything from Victorian Britain through Gilded Age USA and the USSR up to modern day proves that humanities academia only serves as a mouthpiece for the establishment.

>It's a whitewashing revisionist thread

>this is the fastest thread on Veeky Forums today

It's because the BBC is based on London, which is where most British blacks live. British South Asians mostly live in the former industrial cities of the North, which is why they show up so often in regional broadcasting in the North of England.

We're talking about PoC in Roman Britian and modern Japan, not the local ethnicity.

Of courses Romans were diverse, it was one of the most multicultural, multiethnic empires of all time. I don't know why this bothers white supremacists so much, the Romans were not even white.

Because I've heard Yakuza isn't/at least didn't use to be "just a shitty mafia" but an integral part of their local community on several levels

There are black Japanese

Well he's black and he's a smith, makes sense to me

and we've found 14th century Italian gravestones laying about China. It doesn't make the presence of Italian merchants in China anything other than an academic curiosity.

>yfw it was just some cheeky cunt trynna 'ave a giggle

Japan is not filled with tons of black people.

Romans were "diverse" in their own sense, yes, the problem is that "diverse" doesn't mean "black Africans all the time." Ironically, the BBC is obscuring and erasing the actual ethnic diversity of the Romans in order to appease the current minority which yields the most social justice points.

That's a given. "Diversity" in SJW lingo means "niggers". They're literally synonyms, you see that in the US where they think a 90% black neighborhood is "diverse" despite being the exact opposite.

This. Why aren't there more MENA characters in movies/series set in the Roman Empire? Ashur from Spartacus is the only one I can think of

this nigga was a real kang

It's cultural, if your family speak Korean and keeps ties to the Old Country then you'll be treated as a Korean even if you're fifth generation and even if YOU speak perfect Japanese and have fully adopted Japanese culture. The best you can hope is that your kids will be accepted as Japanese.

>Ashur from Spartacus is the only one I can think of
I always thought this guy from Gladiator was meant to be north african

That depends entirely on who you consider "white." Are Italians "white"? If so, then the Romans were overwhelmingly white.

Ohh so now they are writing british history again?

We all know that whites don´t exist, english, germans, french, italians, portuguese, dutch, spaniards, swedes, no one is white, they were all africans, arabs, asians, muslims whatever.
This western world is becoming crazy each day it pass

It's much more sinister than that, here n Britain our Labour Party sent teams to third worldcountries specifically to encourage and support migration to the UK, and they did so for explictitly polical purposes: They wanted to "rub diversity in the faces of the the Tories", and to ensure future Labour political domination since the waves of "New Britons" will be overwhelmingly left wing and mostly dependant on the state for their welfare. This is all a matter of public record, as is Mutti Merkel's open invitation to Muslims to come to Europe, but still (((they))) deny any conscious effort to replace us.

Modern Italians aren't really representative of the Roman empire but either way it doesn't matter. The definition of "white" has changed so much it's not even a descriptive term any more.

This is why don't really understand the point of Brexit, what does it matter that you kick out the Brussels diversity cucks if you're getting ruled by domestic diversity cucks just the same?

>Modern Italians aren't really representative of
the Roman empire

Why not?

>The definition of "white" has changed so much it's not even a descriptive term any more.
It never did, white ever since the term got inveted always meant European Christian. The "Irish/Slavs/Italians weren't considered white" is bullshit meme invented by 1960s academics solely on the basis that these races were discriminated against.

>Terrible attitude
You can literally not have any of these and it doesn't matter. There is such a vast cultural and philosophical difference between East and West. For example, if you go outside to the supermarket in your wife beater, people will look at you like you're a fucking degenerate. If you don't show deference to a person that's even a day older than you, people will think you're being disrespectful, even if that person is a giant retard. If you tell someone NO I DON'T WANT TO GO DRINK FOR THE LAST TIME, they will perceive it as a loss of face and get fucking asshurt even if you had made it clear a million fucking times you are not in the mood.

>whats trade

In Portugal our actual government wants an open borders policy for countries that speak portuguese, and they are giving pt nationality so easy, they are completly nutts.

Mary Beard sounds like the name of a female dwarf in D&D or something.

>Painting title: "A baker and his wife."
