Do all dictators have to be Chads?
Is there such a thing as a beta dictator?
Do all dictators have to be Chads?
Is there such a thing as a beta dictator?
>Is there such a thing as a beta dictator?
Yes. Adolf Hitler.
Does being a manlet equate to being a beta?
Hitler was pretty beta before WW1
cucked by his own county, had to rule the remains of another one. Sounds pretty beta to me
he's essentially the "my wife's son" of dictators
Based Göring
>hahaha he lose the war, what a loser beta LMAO.
Have you never read or listened to any of his many biographies? He was so beta he became a dictator through integer overflow.
A beta with a iron cross
for getting laid... into a hospital bed by some fucking shrapnel whoa
>He was so beta he became a dictator through integer overflow
He actually got two but only one was first class. He was a runner for most of the war (not a position for the brave) and only earned the first-class iron cross for delivering a message, and only after making his commanding officer promise one for doing the job.
So he really was such a failure or you are just memeing?
You can fuck right off with that.
Hitler actually had 2 iron crosses. The first was for rescuing a wounded officer in France. The rescue was pointless, the man soon died of his wounds, but Hitler was still rewarded for bravery just for trying. The second iron cross was for capturing 12 French officers, while armed with only a pistol, much later in the war.
>He was a runner for most of the war (not a position for the brave)
Being a runner means constantly being exposed to gunfire......
who cares? he was shitler after all.
>wanted a degree in liberal arts
>loved animals more than humans
I guess it's true
No, being a runner meant being away from the front lines most of the time and occasionally being exposed to the fire that the boys in the trenches had to deal with every moment.
He was a Regimental runner. Still exposed to danger, but FAR less than a Company runner.
That was actually from his own fabricated account. Hitler did not actually capture twelve soldiers, that was the story he told because it reflected better on him than how he actually earned the cross (delivering a message during a critical moment).
Napoleon wasn't short, but he wasn't tall. He was average.
>few friends
>loved to read
one of us one of us
Nazi's were literally a beta uprising
>when you just want to direct films but are forced to become Supreme Leader/Generalissimo
it all makes sense now
There was a thread here or on lit recently where a guy posted excerpts from a book written by Hitler's only real long-term friend. Adolf was a pure robot, fell in love with a girl, practically never approached her but made complex long-term plans envisioning their life together. Socially he was an autist in general, had almost no friends and just reading and studying all the time.
Hitler Hating Tread?
it's more like pity and mild amusement, really
What are these excerpts from?
Kim Jong Il actually worked to get that position though. His rise to power is actually more impressive than his fathers.
He literally stalked a girl for like five years and used to sleep alone on a bench. He was as beta as they come.
His father was basically appointed by the Soviets when they couldn't get their first choice.
>Kim Jong Il actually worked
It's easy when daddy was the father of the nation, don't you think.
This beta required a world war to stop him
He wasn't thought of as being next leader initially. He basically wire tapped all the other leaders and generals and then executed them or (like his dad's still living brother) basically forced them into isolation.
Elliot Rodger went on a murder spree too.
He was 5 foot 8 which was the average height in Italy at the time.
The Young Hitler I Knew
> Looked beta.
> Scholarly and physically weak
> Didn't drink. Drank warm milk at bars.
> Died crying like a bitch.
Dunno who else. Claudius maybe? Hitler also obviously.
Most are turbo Chads though. Stalin wasn't a Chad or beta. Just a man of pure steel
>Stalin wasn't a Ch---
>Elliot Rodger went on a murder spree too.
Not a very accurate analogy for a world war user
>He basically wire tapped all the other leaders and generals and then executed them or (like his dad's still living brother) basically forced them into isolation.
Why commies liked to cannibalise themselves for power?
The idea is the same. Hitler was personality wise a loser. Causing violence doesn't make him not a loser. If Hitler wasn't a dork then defend this.
So if he had won the war, he still had been considered a beta loser?
Yes, I'm talking about his personality. That's what OP's question is about. I'm not talking about his politics or military capabilities.
Their power structure is often unstable enough, so such a thing can happen, so it will.
This, the Nazis were literally a beta uprising.
>haha ugly faces
Beta doesn't mean weak, it means somewhat submissive.
Dictators tend to be swaggering shitlords.
Hitler was extremely alpha. Hectoring, ruthless, determined. He dominated everyone, including the ultra-conservative Prussian caste.
You can't be a beta and come to power through will alone.
Beta dictators achieve power happenstance.
Many monarchs are in this category. A good example of the beta dictator is Bashar Assad.
A mild mannered ophthalmologist who worked in Paddington, head of the Syrian computer society, he took power reluctantly. His father and his brother were alphas though.
Holy shit i'm Hitler
>Chad Dictators
-Mao (manlets can't even compete)
-Young Gadaffi
>Scary Lookin Dictators
-Matyas Rakosi
-Pinochet (full sunglasses mode)
>Average Lookin Dictators
-Enver Hoxha
-Boleslaw Bierut
>Beta lookin dictators
-Klement Gottwald
-Janos Kadar
-Old Gaddaffi
>Nigger dictators
>Mao chad
>Hoxha not a chad
fuck off revisonist
Looking beta af
He's definitely got the most punchable of faces
I don't think hitler looked beta, average imo
Go back to /leftyredditmocraticunderground/ you goddamn commie. Saddam understood that the most important part of dictating is looking fly.
Pinochet was alpha as fuck
Who are the guys on the bottom?
>Elliot Rodger
>like 6 or 7 people
>tens of millions of people
Both betas but they are in entirely different leagues.
He was pretty fucking beta in his youth, being obsessed with a romantic novel.
Jesus Christ. How long do you think people were on the front lines before being rotated out? You were exposed to danger longer being a runner, not that it really even matters. The only time you'd want to be a runner instead is if there was an ongoing offensive. If it's that or sitting in a trench for a couple of weeks I'll take the trench
>not drinking is beta
I guess getting blackout drunk and sleeping in the gutter is the most alpha thing you can do
>nazis were LITERALLY a beta uprising haha btfo
Wow truly got my noggn joggn. Lmao you're pretty desperate reaching for those kind of straws huh
This guy gets it
Yeah because hitler went up to all those people and shot them lmao are you even reading what you're typing? It's like you're a sad desperate pathetic man that won't be remembered calling one of the most ruthless and powerful men of all time a "beta". It's pretty clear you are projecting because you don't get to be a fascist dictator by being a beta. Meanwhile you are nothing and will continue to be nothing and you will not be remembered. What a sad sad joke you are
Go back to hell Hitler, you're drunk.
How has no one mentioned good ol Englebert yet?
>was 150 cm or less
>born from unmarried peasants
>mother repeatedly cucked her husband with his father
>wanted to become a priest
>served on the Italian front and survived (never a good sign)
>became Chancellor because no one else wanted to be
>only accepted the position after praying
>stubled into dictatorship because the government just gave up
>cuased a civil war because of just straight up incompetence in purges
>killed by the Nazis
>Mussolini briefly considered supporting Austria, but gave up
this is what i assume most of the alt right would do if they ever came into power anywhere