seems pretty solid
i dunno could be good could be bad who knows at least it's not a gay faggot eth token tho am i rite yall
I am balls in. easy x5
moon please
how many did u buy? i only have 40k odn
i have 30k coins, ready to dump this shit hard so be ready for it lads
Is this the Stratis ICO?
No, it's a completely separate thing that used Stratis' code as a base and has absolutely nothing to do with Stratis itself
Stratis is a promising coin. Each ICO lowers the # of stratis coins available. Pro-tip: if Veeky Forums isn't shilling a coin, it's a good coin.
This coin isn't associated with Stratis in any official capacity
>Its only added value is an anonymous messenger
Seriously guys
They will eventually sell blockchain food
You know that Nestle is already working on it, right?
once the ICO finishes it'll be about 2 weeks before any exchanges so keep waiting
How much should I buy? As in, what % of my portfolio?
Is that for the audit shit? Liqui won't need it since it's not in America, right?
There are free and gpl solutions to the problem this coin is addressing.
This is clearly another way of enterprise funding.
Only that this way the company doesn't have to pay back.
Shit mang u whale.
im all in on obsidian. go fuck yourself, NSA
>There are free and gpl solutions to the problem this coin is addressing.
None of which are decentralized. I don't think you understand how revolutionary this is. No longer will files and messages be stored in a central server, it's a completely trustless and fully encrypted system.
get whatu can out of it, cause the second it hits exchanges its gonna go down everyday like all coins except btc
I could only afford 6k coins because the rest of my money is in 0x. Am I gonna make it?
How will they deal with CP? Either devs refuse to interfere and it becomes a haven for criminals or they do interfere and then it's not decentralized. Kinda fucked up but at least it might moon if they let it be.
if by "it" you mean "money" then yes.
all my money in this, only 15k
poorfag reporting
huh why?
huh huh huh huh huh why huh why huh huh huh?!?!?!?!
It's decentralizated. There's nothing to deal with.
too late to buy?
>all these people claiming to be poorfags with 5 digits in coins
>only can afford 3K coins
H-heh, p-poorfag reporting in
if i got in on this, when would i be able to sell for profit?
Dont wanna hold for too long. Looks solid. I dont really see why there needs to be a token, but thats like 90% of ICOs
If anything this is a long term hold.
ICO has run for ages so anyone that wants it already owns some.
I expect a decent proportion of holders want to dump straight away for "mad gainz" so I expect the price to eat shit for the first few months.
But I own 10k and plan to run a masternode. Even if it doesn't make bank, I'm ideologically in support of private, decentralised messaging so i'm happy to be a part of it.
1K here, stop gloating you whale.
I like the messenger concept. What's the Obsidian coins for exactly?
>decent proportion of holders want to dump straight away for "mad gainz" so I expect the price to eat shit for the first few months.
Eat shit like below ICO price shit tier??
I imagine so. There has been so much time and opportunity to get on board the ICO, why would anyone that actually wants ODN tokens still not have any?
I mean, if I put my money where my mouth is I wouldn't own 10k already, and would wait for the drop, but I would be surprised if ODN increases in value out of the gate.
I got a question about the moment it hits any major exchange.
When the time comes and EVERYONE is selling their ICO discounted shit at an obviously "jet overpriced" rate, who the fuck is going to buy that? Please enlighten me about that process because in my "world" the price is falling hard right from the start and as far as I know, there has to be someone to put the money on the table to actual make profit off of it?! Help me understand /biz, pls!
What you understand is that you should buy this a couple of weeks after it hits exchanges, when all the ICO "investors" have panic sold their bags for a discount
That way you can buy in at the actual bottom then make straight profit as the project actually gets legs.
But how do the ICO investors make money if it?! Makes no sense?!!
Hold long term and buy a masternode. That's my plan.
So you basically risk a huge loss in the first period and hope for a later rush to make any profit -ok! But how does it work out for the short term ICO holders that brag about that they made x3 on a coin just because they made the ICO invest and sold right at the moment when the coin hits the exchange?!!! I mean...the price is dropping so rapidly in most cases, that all the ICO investors would need to overtake themselves with a steadily lowered price per coin to find a potential buyer, right?!
even blockcat pumped after its ico. not sure why you think obsidian won't
I wish it will pump, no doubt!! But I don't get how the investors make so much profit within the first minutes of exchange life while the candle is all red in most situations.
Depends on the coin.
In this case you have to look to the fact that the ICO was long in duration and everyone had plenty of opportunity to buy in.
That doesn't suggest that there is a second pool of buyers waiting to snap it up at a premium, unlike more limited ICOs that sell out in seconds and therefore leave a large pool of second tier buyers.
underrated post
Because most crypto traders are absolute casuals. An ico like this scares them because they don't understand where their coins will end up (no erc20 token, no wallet instructions available yet). Don't see it on bittrex et cetera. You really overestimate how few people are actually on bitcointalk checking new coins et cetera. They just buy what is trending on bittrex or what is posted on the absolute top tier of casual crypto reddits.
The fact that you know about this ico with groundbreaking technology, low fee, working product, masternodes makes you a fool to not get in on groundfloor. There is no guarantee this will go under ico price and most people with an actual holding will be putting it in masternodes, putting dumping idiots the only coins in circulation.
I see no reason to not put at least some spare in it. A cap of 6m with a working product, covered by forbes, in talks with institutional investors? Sign me the fuck up.
People don't know this ico exists. It's not mass hyped, no outrageous cap
i'm thinking of buying 10k but i never participated in an ico. how does this work? when do we get the money?
What exchanges will have ODN on launch?
You got to Obsidian Platform dot com and they create a BTC or ETH address for you to send money to. It will then tell you how many tokens have been assigned to you.
After the ICO ends, you will get wallet instructions.
Should i spend 2 more eth for a masternode? Id have to sell my CAT at a loss to do so
They are targeting cryptopia, liqui, and bittrex. Cryptopia is next to useless. Buttrex will be difficult with all the regulatory bullshit going on. If they can pull that off, great, but it may be a while. I think liqui would be a great exchange for it. Very easy to pump coins there, especially with trollbox. Obsidian is such a sexy name as well, lends more reason to purchasing it in all honesty. Think of antshares vs neo
You fucking idiots its a drug dealing messenger app over shitty Skype UI. The company is keeping a quarter of all the tokens, and 60% of their initial investment money was spent making shitty moving node looking lines on their homepage.
>shitty moving node looking lines
Seriously. Does every new crypto website use this meme
What the hell, I'll put in 5 ETH.
Actually forgot I threw 1 ETH at this ICO. Eh, I went fat on Lisk a few days ago so anything after thing is hooker money.
Any gay KYS for this shitcoin?
it's particles.js, quite popular nowadays. Work in UI/UX, customers want this shit all the time. Was cool a year ago, is boring af now.
It could be better if they focused on implementing it on mobile. I still put in some money though as it does seem to have generous support
and the video showcasing the product was fucking retarded
Reminder that DNT didn't fill its hardcap either.
Bought 100k. Let's see if I make a profit