Was this the greatest empire in history?
How did they manage to cuck anglos and frogs at the same time?
What happened?
Imperio Español
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>In March 1519, Cortés formally claimed the land for the Spanish crown. Then he proceeded to Tabasco, where he met with resistance and won a battle against the natives. He received twenty young indigenous women from the vanquished natives, and he converted them all to Christianity.
They are the most alpha empire.
>How did they manage to cuck anglos and frogs at the same time?
Said frogs destroyed that empire, so....
Sorry bro but those frogs lost their short empire because of the campaign in Spain.
On that we can agree. Also it was said that when the Tercios marched Europe trembled.
What a nice fake map.
lol nice map. Got a date?
reminds me of this.
Italians and Belgians flee in terror leaving the Spanish alone. Such shame. But that day only brings pride. Only alpha males can withstand being outnumbered and "besieged" for so long.
Pic related
fake maps everywhere
Truth is relative
>Two French charges were repulsed by the Spanish tercios, but the infantry formations were forced to stand closer together to maintain their pike squares. d'Enghien arranged for his artillery and captured Spanish guns to blast them apart.
Soon the German and Walloon tercios fled from the battlefield, while the Spanish remained on the field with their commander, repulsing four more cavalry charges by the French and never breaking formation, despite repeated heavy artillery bombardment. d'Enghien finally offered surrender conditions just like those obtained by a besieged garrison in a fortress. Having agreed to those terms, the remains of the two tercios left the field with deployed flags and weapons.[5]
French losses were about 4,000. The total Spanish losses were about 7,000 dead, wounded, or captured. Most of the casualties of the battle were suffered by the Spanish infantry, while the cavalry and artillery were able to withdraw.
That was towards the end of the battle, that they fled and for good reasons to. You're about the same as that Aussie turk poster, expect he kinda had his own memes.
shit skins we wuzzing over clay that wasn't even theirs
Nice dubs, but if you leave when the going gets tough you're not worth much
There's bravery and there's stupidity. Loss of cannons to the enemy and plus enemy own cannons firing on tight infantry formations is not great of a thing. They should have left to fight on better ground rather than waste material on a losing fight. Also in the end the spanish lost, there was really no excuse for that. All this would spell disaster for spain and loss of land, dominance, prestige, and tons of gold in that war.
You're right but it speaks volumes about the type of men that they were. I can't imagine myself being in that position.
hey fuck you we just wanted our gold back
and the eternal anglo seemed a good guy...
Anglos can never be good it is known
>Was this the greatest empire in history?
Nope, sweden was. Blue related
Lazy ass nigger
But they weren't able to beat the Dutch after 80 years
I know a little bit about Bolivar and Gran Colombia. Could any of the other countries in South America have been "consolidated" into larger, stronger countries, or are the cultural/ethnic/geographic differences too great?
Bolivar was a monkey all his projects were doomed as they were dumb
todo de acuerdo al plan
Pronto el mundo hispano se unirá hermano. La escoria negra indígena se va vaciando cada día.
How can indios compete?
>Manage to kill 90% of Indians through disease
>Could've easily managed to exterminate them and create a second white continent
>Instead they rape their hideous women and birth a whole race of mongrel criminals
What did they mean by this?
They got raped into non-existence by the United States who cucked them out of the Americas.
En realidad los Incas eran superiores a los europeos.
Imagine a world without peruvians, colombians, mexicans, etc....
>lo dice cuando habla un idioma europeo
Literalmente hablando con monopeos. Intentalo de nuevo, eurocerdo.
>How did they manage to cuck anglos and frogs at the same time?
By being first to the jump
>What happened?
Poor management
Isn't claiming land for the Spanish crown a pretty empty gesture when you have no way to get back to Spain?
>Spanish empire
¿Estas enfadado indio?
>fake map
>stealing other people's achievements
>converted them to Christianity
Spain rule over Poortugal my 7-1 fabela monkey friend
Intentalo de nuevo con algunos hechos, mono. Los Incas eran superiores a los europeos. La historia lo demuestra. Asúmelo, simio inferior.
Pero tus incas están tan muertos como su cultura, basto una gripa para diezmarlos a todos y los sobrevivientes o estan mestizos o ya hablan castellano ¿que pretendes lograr con tu shitposting indio?
, indio*
If I was a Spanish commoner and this was the advert they used to get me to come to the new world, I would break all ties and leave immediately.
>west africa
It's a map from a guy on Deviantart that makes "Greater" versions of empires
OP fucked up
Gracias indio, se ve que ya estas civilizado.
, indio*
¿No eres indio?, entonces ¿por qué estás tan molesto?
Only Anglos believe this. The Russian campaign is what lead to their demise. Tbh even the situation in 1813 and 14 was salvageable.
Most of this clay belongs to Portugal. Do Spaniards really think they can get away with this?
Well, not on my watch
Presumably Iceland is because Murat Reis (Dutch-born Privateer who served the Ottomans) led a successful slave raid on Iceland.
Moronic to include it on a map of actual borders.
>Anglos can never be good
>Posts best Anglo
It gets bigger every time
Falso, los quechuas viven todavía al igual que los aymaras norteños. La lista de enfermedades principales que mataron al 90+% de los amerindios es mayor a la decena de ellas.
Literalmente mestizos euromonos.
¿Como si no voy a comunicarme con los simios eurobonobos?
Intentalo de nuevo con algunos hechos, eurobonobo apestoso.
Los Incas eran superiores a los europeos. La historia lo demuestra. Asúmelo, chimpancé incivilizado.
>"we cant let the Spanish set their sights on empire again ! "
Stop , the conquistadors were Nazi's ! Follow in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. not Cortez! !
>Spain controlled all that
do it again Bomber Harris
Como sea atahualpa, tu civilización jamás volverá, yo sé que solo eres un triste trol de todas formas. Continua el shitposting pero a mi no me engañas.
>Only Anglos
Anglos and Napoleon you mean, he himself in his memories said that his two biggest mistakes were both Spain and Russia.
¿Porqué estás LARPeando como un inca cuando seguramente seas descendiente mestizo de conquistadores?
Intentalo de nuevo, con algunos hechos, eurobonobo.
Los Incas eran superiores a los europeos. La historia lo demuestra. Tanto ardor por un solo hecho jjejje...
Y este es el ultimo post que vas a recibir. Prueba a usar hechos, simio inferior.
Y no vuelvas mas juanito, por lo menos me reí de ti un buen rato.
Was this the greatest empire in history?
How did they manage to cuck anglos and frogs at the same time?
Having balls of steel
What happened?
Trying to save humanity from all the agents of destruction that populate the earth while being sabotaged by masons,jews,frogs and anglos takes its toll
That even 16th century people had more morals than you. You piece of shit
If it was the greatest empire in history why does nobody talk about it?
>killing 90% of an entire race and raping therest is moral
t. Alejandro Barbosito
>believing anglo propaganda
More moral than finishing The job at least