Hey, european user here. I was wondering if Veeky Forums can help me understand syndicalism in the South...

Hey, european user here. I was wondering if Veeky Forums can help me understand syndicalism in the South. Was it a legit issue, or is it a meme?

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syndie scum need to fuck off
Huey Long did nothing wrong

But... I know Long was a "populist", but was he against unions? I thought he was popular with the worker class.

this has to be a meme, the South was mostly agrarian until after WWII, and syndicalism was past its heyday by then (in fact, it would be heavily scrutinized as 'communist' by contemporary US authorities)

even in the prime of trade unions in the US as a whole - from about the 1870s to WWII - syndicalism was never a strong current since even basic socialism was so frowned upon by the establishment (the New Deal era being an exception)

Was the civil war just about slavery as the mainstream media says?

he was popular with the worker class because he was against government corruption and for wealth redistribution that wasn't "I'm going to kill all of your bosses and take their money. You might get some if I decide you're worthy"

Yeah pretty much. Muh states' rights meme is a dodge, not the truth. Backward hillbillies to this day like states' rights because it means they can be provincial petty little tyrants and do things like...own slaves.

I'd like to hear a diverging opinion WITH source.

the cultural erasing of the rebel flag is cultural genocide. Prove me wrong

>the cultural erasing of the rebel flag is cultural genocide. Prove me wrong

We don't need to prove you wrong, it is truly an unworthy culture.

The "confederate flag" was an esoteric symbol not widely used by the confederates themselves, was only adopted in the mid 20th century as a symbol of segregation, and to actual historians represents a distortion of history, a culture of welfare queens justifying their privilege through a campaign of terror and state-sponsored persecution, and white-washing the cause of the confederates into something it never was.

Removing it from public property not cultural genocide, it's cultural chemotherapy


no, the war didnt start because they were going to take away slaves, but that was the core of the issue.

It was more to do with southern states realizing they were in the minority of states and could effectivly just be vote bullied by all the other states into whatever will the federal government wanted, so they said "fuck this, we're leaving and forming our own country"

That kind of shit made the Confederacy last forever in the hearts of the Southern people.


>its a "dumb yankee speaks about something he has no knowledge about" episode

wow, youre buzzfeed article knowledge is really impressive to me user

The Confederacy was one of the evilest regimes in human history, on par with Nazi Germany. Erasure of confederate symbols is as much a genocide as is the erasure of nazi symbols.

Once again, all the lost-cause Cletues are incapable of making real arguments, like a trained dog they go full retard with the posturing and ridicule when confronted with the truth in a bid to weasel out of the hollow vacuity of their ideas.

I mean fuck, one of the main reasons the south seceded was because free states were flat out disregarding the Fugitive Slave Act. They didn't give any more of a fuck about states rights than the north did, it's just part of the weasel language lost cause losers employ to draw attention away from what they think the state should have the right to do. It's a dog whistle, anyone else can come up with whatever answer they like while the racists get winks, nods, and snickers on the side. You have to have a blatant political axe to grind in order to actually believe it.

>strawmanning with more buzzfeed knowledge

Why do you think rural Appalachian leftist dedicated to anti-racism and who were allies with the Black Panthers used the rebel flag symbol all the time user?

Because they're idiot leftists, using the confederate flag for the same vacuous reasons that modern leftists wear Che Guevara t-shirts.

It's not like they actually amounted to anything of historical significance

>5% owned slaves
Totally what the war was about

More weasel language. Sure only a small minority were the actual owner of the slaves, but his entire extended family would be mooching off of him, and he would employ huge numbers of whites to help him maintain his slaves. A poor white antebellum southerner could always find work as an overseer or in the slave transportation business.

They called it "king Cotton" because of how much that industry dominated the southern economy, how virtually every southerner was either directly or indirectly employed by this industry with only minor exceptions. The low figure of slave ownership actually represents just how stratified their society had become

But you just said it was an evil racist symbol of segregation, why would it be on the same level as the famous Che portrait? Its almost as if the symbol has come to mean something to rural and/or southern people and you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about with your moral outrage.

The Guevara symbol itself is a meme based around an exaggeration of a guy who in practical terms didn't amount to all that much, and what he actually stood for is exactly the kind of tyrannical government model that these "rebels without a cause" think that he stood against.

By adopting a symbol which is a distortion of history, they're just making themselves suggestible to people who will tell them the lies that they want to hear.

>it would be heavily scrutinized as 'communist' by contemporary US authorities
In what way is it different?

>Muh states'
>Backward hillbillies
>petty little tyrants and do things like...own slaves.

Please check your bias, friend. This language is not that of someone who's thought the issue through.

>This language is not that of someone who's thought the issue through
Where do you think you are?

(((Plantation Owners))) convinced farmers that he needs to sacrifice himself for his """""country""""" so that (((they))) could still own slaves.

It's funny how only 5% owned slaves yet the entire economy of the south was centered on it.

Or maybe he has thought the issue through, and he uses derogatory terms because he's decided that the slave owners and the people that would fight for them were either evil or brainwashed.

The symbol was reappropriated by poor, Leftist whites long during the 60s; stop trying to say that it always held the same meaning. There were a plethora of Leftist groups in the Appalachians like the Ray O. Light Group (now Revolutionary Organization of Labor) and Industrial Workers of the World.

More can be read about the 60s Appalachian radicalism in "Hillbilly Nationalism": monthlyreview.org/2013/09/01/hillbilly-nationalists-making-urban-race-alliance/

Yes, but it wasn't "muh womens lib lets fuck niggers" syndicalism, it was essentially Strasserism.

But it was used to a vastly greater extend by the segregationists in the 1950's and 1960's. In the 1920s it was still extremely esoteric symbol rarely used, and none of these Appalachian leftist groups ever produced an elected official or workable legislation. They were just LARPing as confederates because the north was (and still is) the heartland of American industrial capitalism.

The confederates themselves were not fighting for "freedom", "small government values" nor "anti-capitalism" they were fighting to preserve a society built around a natural hierarchy, then which whites are the superior race at the top and blacks are used as beasts of burden. The CSA had more in common with medieval European feudal states than they did with either the modern right or modern left.

>The confederates themselves were not fighting for "freedom", "small government values" nor "anti-capitalism" they were fighting to preserve a society built around a natural hierarchy, then which whites are the superior race at the top and blacks are used as beasts of burden

>moving the goalpost because you realized you lost the argument

Bimbo. It's really not worth it to argue with rightists about anything with logic and sourced facts. It's all "fake news" to them. Just flatly state the truth, call them names and move on.

Pretty sure trade unionism and the IWW's base is in the Rust Belt, not the South

>I want to hear my words come out of someone else's ignorant mouth
Then go to /pol/.

FTFY. I wouldn't call the South "alive".

I'm moving the goalposts back to their original positions, taking them away from political malcontents who project false narratives, and putting them back in alignment with primary sources.

Confederate primary sources overwhelmingly focus on the "Peculiar institution" of slavery. It's pervasive among primary confederate sources. You don't start seeing the "muh state's rights" argument until confederates started to realize just how little the European powers were interested in their pseudoscience.

>wahhh stop destroying my lost cause safespace!!

>Why...used the rebel flag symbol all the time user?
to garner sympathy among southerners for their cause? to show them that they were patriotic americans who were inseparable from the regional subculture? do you know anything about politics and PR?

as others have said, a majority of the economy was raked in by the 5% who owned these slaves, slaves which made up 30 PERCENT of the south. And the 5% figures is utter bullshit. a third of white families owned slaves, with some states like mississipi and louisiana having 50% whites owning slaves

in what way are they the same?

>fight a war to end slavery
>Prison Industrial Complex exists today
unionfags btfo

t. mass murdering Unionist vermin,

Henry Wirz wasn't committing murder, he was doing pest control.

The confederacy's own constitution literally says it's over slavery.

Licoln wanted to send all the niggers back to Africa, but booth killed him before he could do it. And his vice president was a nigger loving confederate sympathizer who wanted the nigs to stay.