Why are Hobbesians so Alpha?

Why are Hobbesians so Alpha?

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I blame Warhammer 40k for the rise of monarchism again


Hobbes's philosophy was an atheist materialistic who contribute to the income of modernity and all that shit.

I real monarchist dont support his theorys.

>I real monarchist dont support his theorys.

Depends. Do you plan to have the monarch to have any kind of power, or do you want a ""monarchy"" with the monarch as a figurehead? Because his theories essentially justify the former.


This is a good article on monarchism from a Russian Orthodox perspective: pravoslavie.ru/81926.html


Hobbes liked parliamentarism, tho. Hobbesianism is about why state-like entities arise from anarchy or power voids, not about why you should worship Saudi-type kings.

It's a realististic approach to politics (machiavellianism, legalism, centrism in some ways) rather than an idealistic one (anarchism, libertarianism, communism, mohism, philosopher kingship, etc).

But the Imperium is more akin to a communist state than a fascist one. It's not even a good system, it's just that totalitarian control is the only means of survival when you're under constant siege.

>By Mako

>muh Imperial oppression
t. Chaos undivided

>not understanding the meme
>signing it

xth post best post desu

No, the Imperium is Monarchical. Single party state with indirect control over most worlds which are ruled by autocratic governors which pay tithes to the Emperor. Those who pay their tithes are given free reign within reason, and those who don't get the Imperial navy showing up in orbit. It's very similar to the British Empire and its various colonies.

>by mako
this is unfunny and "mako" misunderstood the point of the meme

Chad ruler wouldn't have 6-6-6 stats. He'd find diplomacy useless so it'd be more like 1-6-6

>Monarchical. Single party

Why do nerds like you think everything revolves around shitty popculture? Personally I blame the failures of democracy for the rise of monarchism.

What legitimizes a monarchy in your mind?

Because it's not convinient to reflect about what they have been doing since they are still invested in destroyng all that was good and make everyone as gray as themselves

>popculture obsessed redditors are drooling tards

Wouda thunk

Because only pop culture obsessed nerds are 'reviving' monarchism.

Yeah except the monarch doesn't do any governing so the High Lords of Terra handle that.

>implying Monarchism ever left as an ideology
>Implying Warhammer 40k influences politics

Said the popculture obsessed nerd. Don't you have to make some GoT and Harry Potter analogies for good measure?

This, and the digits, even the lord almighty concurs

>always a man
b-but Queen Elizabeth I, was the best Monarch of England