Secret To Life

Please only share this equation I have derived to only the deserving.

>Gains+biz casual dress shirts+khaki long pants + good short mans haircut+ A stoic yet chill yet aggressive manner+ 20 grand a and a car === Women approach you and you get everything you want. Money and business come to YOU. Not the other way around. You become a magnet to all the good things in life. Everything will be drawn to you.

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This is the minimum starting position for the equation to work out. More money etc. will still allow you to equal the other side of the equaiton..

Also You have to not be a manlet. Even then though, It can still work out.


Dumbass. Women are attracted to power. Not all women who are attracted to powerful men are trying to steal their money. They dont want to fuck and have kids with a weak willed no test beta.

wearing a simple sport coat over a white dress shirt, or a white v-neck, does wonders. seriously, it's that easy. also being taller than 5'10 and not ugly.

Hmm Tell me more. How do you act around women? Im at a loss in that department frankly. Like the nitty gritty logistics are a mystery to me

Just be yourself :-)

This is a scam. I've been myself for 18 years and still a kissless virgin.
Don't do this.

Well I've got 40 grand off crypto and a 2010 grey mazda 3. Moving back in with my parents though cause I.T. jobs are a total meme.

true, investing in a mask is key

>I.T. jobs are a total meme
Please shill me not studying IT
Thought you could make a lot of money off of this?

>posts dick
>the guy that has a mental breakdown and everyone in his life either hates him or dies from cancer

What? Idk what you're asking.

Wanted to go to university and learn some IT skills because I thought it is a huge market and I'm already fairly good at it.

And now I see you telling me IT is a scam

First off, there are many different aspects/jobs in I.T. Some great, some not.

System Administration and Network Administration, which I did (Unix Admin) are dying. A lot is being scripted and programmed away. It's automation. You can spin up an entire datacenter by having one DevOps engineer and a bunch of low-paid contractors to install the equipment.

So I would advise not getting into that. Personally I am retraining to get into webdev. I could learn the skills to be on the top in whatever is left of the Admin market, but why fight the labor market?

And if you look at the numbers, STEM in general is totally a shitty meme.

Well thanks anyway.!

Also, one thing that someone taught me about I.T., applies to STEM in general as well. Everything is an abstraction. Learn to appreciate that and you'll be golden.

Programming is an abstraction of the Operating system, is an abstraction of the physical hardware, is an abstration of a bunch of circuitry, is an abstraction of the laws of electricity, is an abstraction of physics.

Traditional I.T. works with the OS and hardware, and those are being abstracted away. Hence the job market is drying up, with only the most skilled and driven left with a smaller amount of specialized, compartmentalized, lower paying jobs. You saw the same with Physics, it used to be the hot shit in the early 20th century. But EE abstracted it away. Why work with the barebones laws of physics when you can get shit done with much easier to understand circuit diagrams?

Same with EE, it is in it's death throes right now. You HAVE to be from one of the top schools AND have an excellent GPA with tons of projects to get a reliable job in EE, or Physics. That's because they serve little use to major industry now. THey have their niches, but they are small.

Go to the highest existing level of abstraction, and the labor market will suck your dick.

When I was younger I used to dote on girls and try to do anything to please them. This doesn't work. "Be yourself" seems lame, but if you're acting like the normal you and the girl isn't interested you know she's not worth pursuing and you can move on with your life.

you heard it here first biz. 20 grand, car, and good clothes. that's all you need

Also, if you don't, start taking care of your body. Hit the fucking gym and wash your face. Get a decent hair cut.

Even if you're below average attractiveness at least giving a shit will show through.

and for the love of god, if you have a beard/facial hair, you have to trim and maintain that shit. I always see manlets walking around with these shitty ginger santa beards that have never been trimmed. Avoid the duck dynasty look it's gross.

also dress sharp and don't take any shit from her, don't fucking try to please her.
everyone has fallen for the pleasing meme, just act out you are the superior of the two of you and she will stay even if she might bitch.
In the rare case she doesn't, fuck it, you don't need her anyway

I don't wanna shave until I get down to ~12% bodyfat or I can reliably see my abs. I have a pudgy face.

But believe me I want to. I don't like looking like all these nu-male fuckwads.

>setting yourself up for failure and bitterness: the post

as opposed to dieing a virgin being bitter and not a virgin sounds like a pretty fair deal alright

Honestly when I was heavier I thought my beard made my face look even fatter. Now that I've lost some weight it looks better and hides my baby chin.

I'm not saying be a complete dick or anything. But there's certain shit girls will try to get away with. Not all of them, mind you.

Modern society wants everyone to be equal, yet some girls still think it's the guys job to pay for dates/movies/meals, while taking about wage gap and all that crap, that's more what I'm getting at. Distance yourself from that garbage.

don't put pussy on a pedestal. remember that women are just (usually) dumber versions of men with insecurities, desires, hobbies. if you imagine in your head that you already have everything you need, women will be attracted to you.
When i got a hot girlfriend for the first time, I realized that women became attracted to me. Maybe they always had been, but i realy noticed it at this time. I assumed that women could tell if guys were already getting laid, so they were attracted to them more - but it turns out you subconsciously carry yourself differently when your balls are being emptied by a qt on a regular basis. Women detect this.
If you're not already getting laid, just wake up every morning and pretend that you just woke up from a night of hot banging. do this every day, and women will start to believe your delusion just as you do.

It definitely helps my face. I have a weak chin. Shaving at the neckline also seems to hide my round face.

Hopefully I get the same effect as you when I lose this extra weight.

If you wanted it to go to the deserving, then why did you post it on Veeky Forums?

Also, how long till noticable change in my body if I stick with a program like stronglifts 5x5 for 6 or so months? 3 or so times a week.

Don't wanna ask Veeky Forums because that place is a mess.

What do you suggest if I'm not quite out earning my girlfriend yet. It's hard to take charge when she still has more money than me, even though I fucking know I'd do a better job at literally everything than her. Also the reason I'm not out earning her yet is because I'm fresh out of high school and she's already been in college and working for a bit.

Strong lifts is good shit. I noticed big gains around 8 or so months but my diet was shit the whole time. Also you get mild t Rex bod from it if you don't do upper body assistance work. I like skull crushers and curls in sets of 2x12 as well as lateral raises to help with OHP gains.

I try to lift at least 4 times a week. I think I did 5x5 at one point, did 3x3 also but that beat the shit out of me. Lifting works best for me for losing weight, the afterburn helps. Try to get in cardio on the off days, at least a 30 min walk or something that gets you moving. Make sure to take before pictures cause the scale will start to move less and less each week, the pics will help with motivation.

I'm sure some fitizen will call me a fuckwit tho

>t rex bod

Fuck, problem is I already kinda have this. I guess I'll throw in what you did too.

Also, nice to hear about you still having gains despite diet. Mine isn't great either. But slowly getting better.

Planning on MMA 2 hours a day, 3 times a week. Sunday is total rest day.

Id say all of this is really bad advice. It can get you what you want (gold digger pussy) but then you find out you dont really want that.

Instead: dont go to the gym, train your brains instead. Only faggots like six packs he-mans, girls like toned-fit, you can get this from running or cycling. Work on your social skills not your looks: women dont care about looks the same way men do. Go take public speaking classes, go to social gatherings for an area you are interested in that isnt completely male dominated. Learn and accept the good parts of leftism. Nothing more unattractive to women than these mouthbreathing muh-red pill alt-right fashtards. Become an intellectual, but not of the James damore-type (aka, not totally autistic). Find a job you are good at and be the best you can be. Success and excellence counts more than power and cash.

Unless you want a shallow bitch to fondle your balls while you daytrade. Then buy an expensive looking fake watch, get a tan and a suit, and move to a country where you are exotic to local females. But thats the beta view of success. Its like thinking pussy tastes like strawberry when you are a virgin.

oh jesus christ, yeah that should fucking do it. Lifting 3 times a week sounds hard to do along with MMA, let alone 4 or more.

>wake up every morning and pretend that you just woke up from a night of hot banging. do this every day, and women will start to believe your delusion just as you do.

This sounds fucking tough to do.

I'm sure I'll get tired and have to rest more , but might as well shoot for the moon. The guys at the MMA gym who are committed and also lift are fucking monsters.

Gotta to something to make up for living at home. Thanks for the insight user

What I am saying is: if you are a sheep, dont dress up like a wolf and try to fool the dumber, less perceptive, end of the female spectrum, just be the best fucking sheep you can be.

i partially agree with you. i did the six-pack thing and while i looked great, being with a girl who liked me for it was stressful both because she never thought she looked Veeky Forums enough and i felt like being shredded was tied to my identity. i think you should focus on:

1) eating better (like, 20 healthy meals and 1 shitty meal a week)

2) core workouts

3) mindfulness & sleep habits

Just going to the gym won't make you a bodybuilder douche instantly. Toned-fit still requires you to build SOME muscle mass.

That and after a good workout my brain works way better as well. The gym helps me with lots of things, it's not just to get huge arms and flex at people.

>dont be a manlet

If ithelps with your self esteem and mentality then by all means do it. Just dont fall into the trap of becoming Hercules. It takes a lot of effort and attracts the shallowest of Barbie dolls (and the closeted gays in your gym will jerk off on your bod)

You forgot to add just be tall and white and have a large head circumference, bone mass and projecting maxilla and mandible.

>I bought an expensive watch because GQ told me to

terrible taste

Right, fair point. Gym sluts should be just something nice to look at, not a goal.

That and the gym isn't for everyone. I just think a lot of people that are having health problems or issues with depression could fix a lot of those things if they just did some fucking exercise on a regular basis.


Consider burning yourself

you're wrong.

the #1 secret to life is optimizing cellular mitochondrial production for adequate brain energy supply which makes everything effortless

It's confidence. Don't try to analyze or logic your way through it. The "be yourself" meme, means to be someone interesting. Hopefully being interesting comes easy to you. Oh, and lie.

If you're boring fix that shit nigga or dont, and lie about being interesting.