I have a pretty good business idea that is probably very simple to code but I don't want to tell anyone about it in...

I have a pretty good business idea that is probably very simple to code but I don't want to tell anyone about it in case they steal! What do i do

learn to code or find someone you trust to make it

ideas are worth exactly nothing without execution
what are you waiting for?

Someone to do 50% of the work

it won't work

Of course it will user, there is nobody servicing this need right now. Well, actually one company does, but they don't even really know it yet. We could steal their business and probably get bought out by them. Join me!

this is bait right?
you arent seriously so fucking deluded you think your genius idea hasn't been thought of and attempted atleast 100 times already, with probably 5 working projects at this moment.

get over yourself, youre no special snowflake and your idea is 100% not unique

What 50% would you be doing?

I'm the brains man, 50% is not even enough for me, but im generous

listen all the best entrepeneurs in the world are a little full of themselves. Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Steve Aoki etc. Even Bill Gates is a ruthless killer. Just joking about Steve Aoki by the way but the point is that you have to fake it before you make it, I believe that.

But anyway, I identified a need and a simple way to fill it... go watch Shark Tank, 50% of those ideas is extremely simple, its something you could have thought of if you werent sitting at home eating doritos right now with three threads open about how pissed you are Skyrim offering paid mods

Whats the idea? An app, an altcoin, a website?

>what 50% would you be doing

>literally nothing, i just thought of it

OP is full on trolling
Move along, everyone

ah, an "ideas" guy. we've got a pretty good community on reddit, come join us!

Wow what a grumpster..
One day I'll own reddit
It's a website, not sure how much i should reveal, because the idea really is pretty good.

Too late, thats enough for me to copy your idea, see ya sucker!

I will bet you my entire portfolio that there are 10 websites right now that accomplish exactly what you think your special idea will accomplish

Additionally, I will bet you that atleast 3 of those websites either do it better, or have additional features you have not yet thought of.

Face it, kid, the world and the internet are far too big for your idea to not already exist in multiple places.

it won't work, you aren't milking this one from me sucker!

Lol no working programmer wants to steal your shitty idea senpai. Everyone thinks their idea is amazing and worth stealing, it never is.

No it's really a pretty good idea. I don't know if it's revolutionary but it might be, it's intended to be used on Veeky Forums but also a lot of other places. Listen, let me ask you something. When you want information on recent events surrounding a specific subject, what do you do? For example if you wanted to know what was happening with Kingdom Hearts 3 in the past week, what would you do?

bump, i would invite anyone to answer this question.

reddit, fb groups

search button?

Google it like a normal human
if im already interested im usually subbed to an RSS or on twitter

Your idea is shit and you should kill yourself before you embarrass yourself further

Yep, we do all of these things. But none of them are really comprehensive, and the content especially for smaller communities can be really hit or miss. Reddit and Facebook are not curated, they are community driven. RSS Feeds and Tumblrs are great, but they clogged up with a lot of peripheral stuff and they might not be updated all the time. You would actually have to use Tumblr to really get all the content you want to see too. Wouldn't it be great if you could get all of this stuff in one place, curated by the people who know it best? See guys I already have a pitch, don't bully me. I thought this place was supposed to be business-friendly, how do you expect anyone here to actually become successful if you don't support them?

>acting like he knows these things
Why are you so offended by somebody who has an idea they don't want someone else to steal?
What made you so fucking fragile? Are you insecure about your own lack of creativity? Acting like a fucking pussy over someone who is asking a legitimate question about protecting an idea of theirs...fuck man quit being so miserable.
I feel so fucking bad for you my man.
>REEEEEE you dont have any ideas you can't be successful, I dont know what you're doing but I know its been done, and better, REE
Quit projecting your pathetic insecurities, faggot.

OP, best of luck in your entrepreneurial endeavors. I hope you find great success.

So reddit?

>I thought this place was supposed to be business friendly
Lol. Business threads that aren't shilling some meme coin die very quickly on this board for a reason: few people on here are business minded, most people on here are bitter that their crypto portfolio is shit because they got led to the slaughter by some faggot PnD shill ad nauseam

No, Reddit isn't curated and also there is no commenting

an idea guy, or how all the 14 year olds in the world think they're going to get into the gaming industry

Steve Jobs was an idea guy. He was also a very successful 14 year old. I can be both, except I'm a lot older than 14.

I'm rooting for you OP, but to call Steve jobs an "ideas guy" is to vastly understate what he did. He didn't just sit around and have ideas. He worked his ass off. He didn't just sit around, think of an idea, and then lounge around while his minions did his bidding. The dude put in more effort than most people do.

so, facebook

Why is everyone taking this bait?