
Why do people hate the concept of white privilege or in any other respective country, majority privilege? You don't have the choice of where you're born. If you're born as a black, mexican, Jew, asian, arab, Native American,, in a country in the western world like the US or Sweden. You didn't have the choice of being born there and likely have no more money than anybody else to move back to your country of origin. So, yes, the people who are born in a country they aren't part of the majority in are usually less privileged than the majority, why do people fail to grasp this concept?

>You didn't have the choice of being born there
Neither did anyone else

They don't fail to grasp it, you dumb fuck, America teaches it's children that it's a meritocracy, any social system that places one person above another based on anything other than merit of character/performance is unmeritocratic, whydo you fail to grasp this simple concept?

Because it's a bunch of rich Jews saying middle class white people have all the power and "cheated"

Privileged just meant you came from money when I was growing up

Great, another word redefined to shame whites. The sad part is when (you) don't actually grasp the concept.
For an example of actual institutionalized privilege look no further than affirmative action. Special rights granted to certain peoples and not to others based on their race. Another example is a special set of laws for nobles in the middle ages and a set for the commoners. Again, one group of people awarded special rights based on their class. That's privilege.

Minorities in the US are literally privileged members of society by definition of the word.

What about Jewish privilege? The overwhelming majority of white people are working class schlubs. 50% of all us billionaires are Jewish.

Jews are white

Racial privilege is nonsense, it does not exist
However, rich privilege exists

jews are white

Love the circular logic.

Fact is that minorities are literally privileged members of society by definition of the word privilege.

That's anti-semtic besides Jews are white when talking about this. They're only non-white when pursuing minority benefits and arguing for a Jewish state. Then they turn into oppressed minorities.

Some don't understand it, most do, it's just the fact blacks act like it's the only reason they dont succeed, even if Jews and Asians don't seem to experience the same kind of discrimination they do.

>tl;dr niggers gon nig

There are a few immediate problems with the concept:

1. "White" is a coherent group in what sense? That's a fairly broad category. If we see big differences when we break the category down into subcategories (Scotch-Irish, Scandinavian, 'Anglo,' Jewish, Germanic, etc.) then perhaps "white" is not the correct level of analysis to even begin with.

2. "Privilege" is very ill-defined. It is usually phrased in terms like money, but if that's the case, then very dark-skinned southern South Asians/Sri Lankans are doing better than "whites" as a category.

Those two flaws alone are pretty severe, and I haven't seen them addressed all that well. There are many more flaws I could list, but let's start with those.

>That's anti-semtic besides Jews
If talking about Jewish privilege is antisemetic than talking about white privilege is anti white.

The difference is that being anti-semitic is wrong and hateful.

White privilege exists. It has a genetic basis in creating more cooperative and intelligent people on average. Non whites are simply inferior.

So is being anti white.

That doesn't make sense, white people are evil so being anti-white is a good thing

Absolutely meaningless. For every one of those towns there are literally a hundred white towns like it at an equivalent level of poverty. Orthodox Jews are massively involved in welfare and tax fraud either way I wouldn't believe that statistic for a minute.

The problem is that the concept "white/male privledge" is being used by intersectional feminist to unjustifiably disadvantage a demographic which is the majority of both the top and the bottom of society. It abandons meritocratic and egalitarian values which is supposed to be the very core of western values. The people who promulgate these ideas, are in favour of creating actual institutional systematic privledges based on race/gender, which is obviously incerdebly hypocritc.

jews are white and based

People often think it's hostile, or being pointed out to shame them or think that people talking about it are saying they aren't allowed to have problems.
Certain demographics suffer from disadvantages. Privlege theory is about analysing this.
We don't live in a meritocracy, which is exactly what this is trying to show.
Really privilege theory is more usual on a large scale analysis rather than applying it to individuals.
Same thing applies to cis privilege, male privilege and het privilege. They're useful tools for analysising society and the groups it favours, but when used on an individual level can make you look like an ass.

Because it turns into a type of masochism. While the average blue collar white worker might have a much better standard of living than than the indian sweatshop worker, he/she is still struggling to get by like everyone else. In their everyday existence they don't feel like they command great power over others so when you start carping on about the actions of their ancestors of how good they have it they naturally feel alienated.

The thing is that these teories has manifested themselves in American/western socities as affermative action in universities and hiring, which is as anti-meritocratic as it gets. We should strive for equality oppurtunity instead of equality outcome.

How would you go about equal oppurtunity and removing racial prejudice?

I don't think they fail to grasp it they just plainly dislike it.

Education. Modern day minorities won't be benefiting from it, probably, but if done well in a couple of generations it will be solved. Ranting about privileges sabotages this, as it's actively against equality. You expect whites to consider others their equals when you literally are telling them they're not.

That's a comfortable way to dust your hands of any responsibility or obligation. In an equal world it would make no difference to look out for the downtrodden of your own nation or those of others by avoiding things like commercial exploitation, regime control, coups, proxy wars etc. Just carrying on with the usual way of things will do nothing but ensure a law of the jungle/ survival of the fittest like outcome.

>That's a comfortable way to dust your hands of any responsibility or obligation.

Humans are evil. There are no such things as 'downtrodden" citizens. They're the descendants of murderers and warriors and people who hungered for social status, power, and wealth. They're not saints. They just lost a battle or a war.

To abolish war and suffering, you'd have to abolish the willingness of many many men to sacrifice body and mind for wealth and power.

You'd literally have to change human nature.

Now tell me of this "responsibility" or "obligation". It's surely something you define right? It's something you hold against the victors, as if they were a special case of human evil. Should not the citizens of Mongolia wander the asian continent, apologizing for the mass murder, rape, and slavery they committed?


There's nothing wrong with racial prejudice. I will never move to a black majority neighborhood after being homeless for a few years. NEVER.

Different groups of people act differently. I don't give a shit about your privilege theory, I give a shit about being safe from people who have demonstrated an out of proportion tendency to rape and murder.

The only real "privilege"is having money. It's not skin color, I'm not even a c*mmunist either, but "white privilege" is horse shit, it's like going to China and complaining that the average Chinese citizen has it better than you.


So tell me btw. Are you going to Africa and asking every person of Bantu heritage for slaughtering your ancestors and enslaving them in their expansion from the Zimbabwe region to most of Africa?

Surely the submissive position they put other tribes in was a key factor in your ancestors being enslaved so that they could be sold to slave ships.

>thats a comfortable way to dust your hands of any responsibility
m9 I already have 0 responsibility for anything that happens to minorities in this, or any cunt

>law of the jungle/survival of the fittest outcome
So, a pure meritocracy, then?

>why do people fail to grasp this concept?

Nobody fails to grasp the concept. The problem is that most faggots who bitch about privledge fail to account for intersectionality.

So sure, majority race is privledged in some regard. but majority-race people can also be born poor, or gay, or disabled, or autistic, etc.

So when some faggot comes up to a majority-race person, who due to their intersectional circumstances, is actually not that privledged and says "youre privledged", its irksome.

So yeah: most people get privledge. What people hate are faggots who dont get intersectionality.

Except rigurous education is not comfortable at all, faggot. You managed to make not an argument but one that actually goes against you like says. You don't want equality, you want a magic wand to automatically give money to the poor colored folks.

>You expect whites to consider others their equals when you literally are telling them they're not.
Achsually aid keeps undeveloped country perpetually impoverished but unethical trade and commerce and destabilization in your constant competition with Russia doesn't exactly help much either. Reality has proved that ignoring this only comes back to bite you in the ass eventually in the form if immigrants, increased hostility from others, and an increased resentment among your own people. You ideally want to be an entity with as little blame as possible in anything that goes wrong atm.

After WWII, interest free housing loans were offered to white people. The mortgages were government backed, and had the condition that the houses could never be resold to blacks.

It is literally the reason a middle class developed in the US. A whites only middle class.

So who is privileged?

>only whites are middle class
try again sweetie

As a benefactor of past and present racial policies, you are directly responsible.

Writing "we wuz superior because muh IQ" is simply an attempt to escape responsibility for the sins of your fathers.

There will always be individuals who rise above a biased system. That does mean you can hide your head up your own ass and deny the bias.

the majority of the country is white women, good luck with that one kiddo

>People often think it's hostile, or being pointed out to shame them or think that people talking about it are saying they aren't allowed to have problems.
Because that's how it is used by the undergraduate women's studies majors who are the only people on the planet that actually talk about this kind of stuff outside the internet. They use it as an "I win" card against anyone who isn't a black lesbian transgendered Muslim with autism

>directly responsible
>sins of your fathers
Which is it, direct personal responsibility or inherited responsibility from people you had the accident of being descended from for actions that happened before you were born? Can't have it both ways. Should descendants of criminals who die during their incarceration finish their sentences for them? Sins of the father and all...

This really, "sins of the father" kind of shit doesnt go down well with anybody.

The you get these bourgeoisie college kids fresh out of their sociology 101 classes who think they can fix the world by condecending the bigotry out of people.

Don't expect any consistency or honesty from people who sit around in universities coming up with ridiculous ideologies designed only to demoralize and confuse.

>50 years of affirmative action
>still active today
still complaining

Because it's literally a cult themed on Catholicism. Original sin, penance, mass, the bible, all equivalent with privilege, patreon, pride parades, diversity seminars


Minorities use it as a device to invalidate the opinions and experiences of the majority if they dont like them.

It's the modern day version of original sin.

are you dumb or intentionally misconstruing his argument? older generations set forth a system based on racism and oppression, you are a beneficiary of this racist system.

Beause it's a motte-and-bailey tactic. The idea that whites are privileged is used to justify anti-white legislation and the destruction of white society,

Judging people on something they had no control over and were given at birth is something I disagree with. Judge people on their actions.

where the hell do yall live where people are using priveledge to call for a downfall of white society? everyone ive met irl uses it to discuss and explain systematic disadvantages minorities have.
and no, linking videos of hoteps does not count

Nobody is a "beneficiary". We are a vast amalgamation of the results of "racist" and "privileged" systems dating back to the beginnings of the neolithic revolution.

Why is whitey pointed out? How can asians and mexicans build successful communities while dealing with racism on par with blacks post Civil War?

Are they just Uncle Toms or do they pursue strategies that give them wealth, power, and independence? Because you ain't getting those things by complaining to white daddy.

Have privilegetards ever been able to explain why it's wrong and racist to be proud of the achievements of your race, when it's socially just to be punished for perceived wrongs by your race?


Or just think of this. In an 80 year period, 5000 blacks were lynched.

In the past decade, Chicago has had something close to 10,000 murders. Just one city.

Racist bigoted southerners were safer for black folk than inner city living and big daddy in the form of government welfare.

That's absolutely insane.

>America teaches it's children that it's a meritocracy
>Implying it's the truth

The character limit is 4000, not 400 jackass.

Because there is no such thing as "white privilege" you stupid marxist.

It's kind of retarded to come into another country and complain about the native population having an advantage because their ancestors worked for their future and handed down their legacy to them...

You don't think that scales up in correlation with population size overall?

In the case of the US, this can be countered by the fact that the majority of the black population was forcibly moved.

Except that doesn't give you rights to the legacy of whites, it gives you right to a safe passage back and re-instating of the former communities disrupted.

Then why doesn't the black population in the states fix this? Oh, wait I know. Most of the black community are like crabs in a bucket. They could easily reach to the top if they worked together, but instead they fight and shit on each other.

>They could easily reach to the top if they worked together
oh gee really maybe that's why the CIA and the FBI killed every black leader ever and destroyed all their nationalist movements. but please tell me more about your retarded crabs or whatever

No because when you allow the government to practice dysgenics in the population, you get dysgenic people. You forget that 3/4ths of blacks are born in single parent homes. And overwhelmingly, it's under single mom.

That's a social apocalypse.

Look at black on white rapes and white on black rapes. The lopsideness is fucking absurd.

Look at the reaction of AA rioters after the Rodney King trial and the reaction of people who lived in the same shitty neighborhoods but owned businesses.

You can blame the CIA and the FBI for a lot of things. But you can't blame them for inherent lack of delayed gratification. At most, they proffered rope and razor blades to aspiring suicides. So to speak.

>but please tell me more about your retarded crabs or whatever
You've never heard of crab mentality, which basically means "If I can't have it, neither can you". Are you fucking retarded? Also, show me which black leaders where assassinated by the FBI and CIA.

that would only be valid for the ones who came on the boats, not those born in the US

Because you benefit from the white privilege and the patriarchy that controls America. America is full of misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, racist and sexist transphobic, mansplaining bigots who benefit from White Privilege and the patriarchy.

You want to add a couple more buzzwords, or are you done?

Stellar bait you got there.

I know /pol/ likes to argue bait but come on guys some of the replys in here deserve nothing but a bait picture.

I'm still waiting for my list of assassinated black leaders by the FBI/CIA, faggot.

You think the FBI publishes a list of the people they've secretly killed? How about you go watch some more anime and continue not getting laid?

You claim the FBI have killed black leaders in America, and yet you don't show any sources to justify your argument. Instead, you know your wrong because you can't prove your statement. How fucking pathetic. Hell, I don't even need to insult you because your doing all the work on your own.

Oh wow, you're really smart. Maybe I should change all of my opinions and start complaining about black people on the internet like you

I guess I`m privelleged then
>despite being in the bottom 10% of classes
Because ethnicity is a fucking terrible way to measure privellege. Class is 10 times better why dont yanks adopt it?
I`m English in England so I would be classed as privelleged. But thats completely ignoring the fact that me and all my family are poor as fuck.
Complete fucking imbeciles.

>Class is 10 times better why dont yanks adopt it?

Because the richest majority black neighborhood, around the fucking Bel Air area have more crime than the poorest white neighborhood.

We had prosperous communities but Lyndon B. Johnson loved power. So the "Great Society" became the "Great Haremization" where single black women were able to use government as big daddy while having little babies with ordinary thugs.

And now 3/4ths of black children grow up in single parent homes. That's a fucking social apocalypse and it's utterly shameful for a group like BLM to not immediately spotlight that.

That's Lord of the fucking Flies social dynamics.

>start complaining about black people on the internet like you
I was not complaining about black people. All I stated was that if the black community in America didn't have crab mentality, then they could actually get somewhere in life. I'm also not denying bias or prejudice against black people, but I'm also not going to lie about the fact that black people in America cause more crimes, most live in areas teeming with violent culture, and as an user has stated in on this thread and doing some research, single parent households have a far better chance in raising criminals, especially black families.

That would valid for them as a people, who are the inheritors of the date of said boat folk

Because the proposed way of fixing it does not bring the average up but bring the average down. The middle class cannot bring the poor out of being poor, yet they are the ones targeted and focused.
Because the rich people are very good at directing poor people. There is not white privilege in America. There is rich privilege. And sure, there are more whites who are rich than anyone else, but I am not one of those rich whites. I've found that the situation is largely biased AGAINST whites because Affirmative Action says the best way to pave the way for equality is to give minorities an easy break and make whites and asians have to try harder for less.

In closing. Fuck you.

Why are you and everyone else on here nigger loves? Niggers look like shit and they stink and smell like poop as well. Instead of white privilege, there's a thing called shit privilege.

>there is no way Jesus could've been white, he was a Jew!
>but Jews are white

That was obvious bait tho

White is an American concept, but Americans toss the term around like it applies to the whole world.

>being poor means your life is a complete hell
You also live in the first world, are you also going to say that you don't have it better than someone living in Nicaragua or Cambodia? That's not to say you shouldn't try to improve your life because you're not as downtrodden as some third-worlder, but just admitting that there are things you don't have to deal with as a first worlder shouldn't be treated as a crime.

With that said, the reason why the class struggle isn't as noted in the US is because poor whites have had a bad time getting along with poor blacks and other minorities.

No one cares about AA except for white people with a isn't even a thing in most places these days, and its main beneficiary is WHITE women, not blacks.

>muh BLM
BLM is a group focused on police brutality towards blacks, their name ought to be considered a misnomer.

>blacks cause more crime
>most live in areas teeming with violent cultures and broken families

Could there be a connection? Nah.

Shut the hell up retard.

Struck a nerve, user?

Not really you're just a tremendous faggot and wasting your time and my patience.

>and its main beneficiary is WHITE women, not blacks.

White America doesn't have a single parent crisis in the same way AAs do.

White women, numerically, do use welfare more. But, in proportion to the population of "races"/"ethnicities" as part of the total population, blacks use welfare A LOT more. The reason why 3 out of 4 AAs are growing up, with shitty parents and shitty culture, in a single parent household is that the welfare scheme in this country takes the role of big daddy.

As long as big daddy pays, it doesn't matter that Tyrone just got locked up for raping a 9 year old white girl. The government, god bless their tolerant and PC hearts, will take up the financial responsibility. If she has more kids, she gets more funds.

Don't you love apocalyptic dysgenics in black majority areas?

PS:They also commit more rapes and more murders per person.

>be a white man born in South Cali
>move to south Texas
>everyone is a beaner
>be white
>tfw minority

Its not THAT bad. I'm glad to see other whites in places I frequent because I see that they do exist down here but they're like fucking unicorns.

Obamas daughters will have more privilege than I as a white man will ever enjoy, and I have loads more privilege than the poor white boys from the family on welfare that live across the street from me.
The biggest mark of privilege is your parent's bank account and social status, not your race, or your gender. That is what so many people rail against In these 'privilege' discussions

People fail to grasph this concept only when its mentioned to them by liberals. The "privilege" thing is often used by "sjws" as a dismissal of a white mans opinion on matters of race and sex. Additionally, things such as those charts that tell you how privileged you are (based on arbitrary numbers attached to labels such as: race, handicap status, and sex) are often used in arguments as some sort of non-privilege rhetorical currency. The idea that privilege exists is not hard to grasp, the extent to which it exists and how much it effects people however is not agreed upon. Many people outright reject it because of their political biases and related frustration with race/privilege politics.
See, even this guy has a completely wrong idea as to what "privilege" means in this context.

>things noone said ITT for 500 Alex
just to be're saying Jesus is white correct?
>There's no way Jesus could be white because he was born in the fucking Levant 2000 years ago you dipshit
seems a little more apt

So if we don't give blacks welfare they won't commit crimes, go to prison, and create broken family situations? Ok gotcha. We'll get right on your proposed plan of action Einstein.
Are the beaners running all the businesses? No they aren't, are they?

>Are the beaners running all the businesses? No they aren't, are they?
Most of them yes. And they own the local Government, its a good thing that they're populist minded too.

They run restaurants, low level contracting, and laundromats. Its kinda hard to institute a local privilege vector for fellow beaners when you don't offer actual careers. As far as the local government? well you got me there...

>when you don't offer actual careers
So privilege comes from careers? What is privilege exactly? Or is that my white privilege to never know what it is.

"privelege" is a lot of things.
Racial bias can effect who gets hired where....then again this doesn't really apply fully because even minorities are wary of hiring other minorities (or rather even minorities are wary of hiring blacks, especially if they don't talk "white" enough).
Don't tell anyone you know this though, you'll be sent to the "Racist Retention and Rehabilitation" Camps in the deserts of southern California if (((they))) find out.

African born Americans and their kids (eg Obama) are one of the most succesful groups in America, the idea that racism is a major factor in your ability to suceed nowadays is just laughable..
If 'privilege' exists it's being born to wealthy parents and not having one of those parents take off after you're born, which most blacks don't have.

So white privilege is acting normal. Wonderful.