Get the fuck in

Monaco app is released aug 31. buy now while its at 13 it will be $100+ in 5 days

yeah. go buy high u fucking faggot

Fuck, I hate all these useless, pointless shilling threads.

>pls buy my coin so i get rich

Go fuck yourself.

Im trying to get you all rich. Did you buy eth at $2 when it was 'high'?

are there people still in tenx?

don't be this guy

Didn't buy in low, then I won't buy in high. I'd rather just miss the rocket.

Kek this brainlet thinks $13~ is high. We are going to $50 and on the 31st if Visa rumors are true $150+

your loss

First wall taken down nothing is stopping us now

I just bought in high before I saw that everyone else was mocking OP.
RIP 60 dollars.

What now?


Jews everywhere.

where are you now OP?

Theres plenty of time untill 31th I'll wait it to dip to 8$ whales are going to pump and dump it

> they still haven't caught on the daily pump pattern around 2-3pm

This is the right mindset. There's endless rockets and only so much money any of us can spare. If ICO faggots have 20x returns already, it's best to look for the next moon mission than to pray the flavor of the month shitcoin will rise an extra 100%.

agreed. i'm not paying for an ICO buyer's lambo. lol. much smarter just to get the next ICO.

Guys no need to be mad about missing 20x like me. You can still get in now and 5-10x+ You are my /bizbros we are all going to make it. Accumulate now don't be the guy that buys my monaco bags at $150

Monaco at $14~ is a fucking steal. I am going to screen cap this to remind you cucks what you missed out on when its $150.

Rule #1 about buying, dont buy the fucking rise man. Buy low (after a dip) sell high (like after that sharp rise)


Upon further consideration. This guy's right.


I bought in a few hours ago.
I'm at a profit right now. But I know I messed up.

Just bought in. This ship is not turning back

Market cap is still small, if you think Monaco is dipping anytime soon you are never going to make it... for fuck sake user its still 5x less then the tenx pajeet card.

Fuck it guys, im going all in. See you on the moon ( some of you )

Sell walls are getting taken down fast. Once we push past $16 resistance we will see $20 very fast.