How Jesus became white

is the most famous depiction of Jesus based on cesare borgia?

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This should really be a non-issue. Every single culture adopts Jesus to look like themselves, from Ethiopia to china and beyond.


>I-it's okay it doesn't really matter anyway.

No, it is not, it's Christian tradition for artistic depictions of Jesus to resemble the local people. This is done in every single Christian society in the world.

It really doesn't though. The teachings of Jesus don't put any emphasis on race so it's pointless to argue over the race of Jesus himself.


Fuck off nigger, Jesus was Jewish (not Khazar) and there fore white

I like these Jesús more

I doubt the tendency towards chesnut hair and light leans strongly in the Mediterranean even back then.

Sure having a single template disseminated as the image of God does nothing to peoples thoughts on it and there is no conflict between contemporary Christian culture which exhorts being a conservative male with nicely cropped hair over being a long haired hippy yet the image of the supposed savior with the power to punish you for not doing this can't be bothered to cut his own hair.

Jesus is depicted accurately. People from the Levant look like that.

How is that not an accurate portrayal?


The reason why it's not an accurate portrayal is proven by the fact that you are retarded.

Jesus was chinese and had a brother named Hong Xiuquan

More accurate Jesus.

>Maghrebi Jesus

Wth are you talking about? Just go back to /pol/



Still more accurate than a brown haired Rapunzel.

That is preety cool story though let`s be honest even back in the day they had no idea what he looked like. Wich is hard to do whe he died hundreds of years ago

I like this version of Jesus the best, desu

Do one for Mormon Jesus, pls

This one is probably the most accurate of them all

It doesn't matter, he would have been pretty white anyway

Everybody wants a piece of Jesus.

Adam is white, Jesus is white end of the discussion.
It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('adam) meaning "to be red", referring to the ruddy colour of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning "to make". According to Genesis in the Old Testament Adam was created from the earth by God (there is a word play on Hebrew אֲדָמָה ('adamah) "earth").

I like this one.

It's old as fuck too, dating back to the 4th century.

The clay Adam was made with was red clay. Hence the ruddy. Same as with David's complexion.

You might even say everyone wants a personal Jesus

Anyone claiming Jesus is black is a heretic, to be black or negro is a literal curse that Noah cast.
White = Holy in all religious traditions across the world .
fucking niggers

Based on the part of the world he was from he was definitely brown.

>blacks living in Roman Britain = historical revisionism
>blue eyed Aryans living in Roman Judea = very likely

Such a ruddy people.

>jew are white
Am I in bizarro Veeky Forums?

The whiteness is blinding.

where did jesus talk about race?

That picture is actually fairly interesting. Its King Abdullah I of Jordan and the dark men behind him are actually Habbani Jews (Jews from a small community in Yemen) who were brothers and served as his bodyguards.

I really prefer the stylistic depiction (pic related) of Christ (and the Theotokos) to more modern interpretations.

While I understand the desire to portray the two as sort of perfect humans, certain attempts at realistic portrayals of them as perfect humans can serve to arouse blasphemous thoughts in the beholder (e.g. some statues of Mary that are deliberately made physically attractive).

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

—Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV)

Where did Jesus our Lord and Savior talk about quantum theory?

What are the contexts and the era?

Mostly seems directed at producing statues and carved reliefs and worshiping them which is why Jews produced some mosaics and frescos. Only contemporary fundamentalists would want to take it literally.

Behold the oldest depiction of Jesus
>worshipping an ass on a stick

Except no, not everyone does do that. There are black churches that pray in front of white Jesuses.

Black guy here. This is true. I don't recall having ever seen a depiction of Jesus as a black guy in any of the churches I've been to.

An Axum depiction. Albeit mixed race.

Y Tho?


Ethiopian churches even make some lighter depictions of biblical characters. Many of their Jesus images follow the popular template.

Jesus is literally God who chose to come to earth in Judea, doesn't mean God is Jewish you dumb cunts stop arguing about it.

Stoopidest argument ever

You do realize this adjective isn't a pejorative, as in 'dont draw any fuckin pictures of me, human', but rather engraved. This also extends to carved and casted most likely. Whether this extends to painting is dubious but possible.

Also note the second sentence:
>Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God
The first clause is a synecdoche. It does not mean literally 'do not bow in front of images', but rather 'do not bow and worship'.
The adjective 'jealous' is also key: this clause is reinforcing the previous two. In short, it is stating not to worship an image rather than God. Do not serve an image. Having an image of Christ is fine, because the image itself is not the object of worship.

One doesn't need to be a of a ethnicity to rule them.

Mate baby Jesus has a fucking afro there.

>posts an icon older than da Vinci that shows the consistency of Christ's images
>is the most famous depiction of Jesus based on cesare borgia?

Pretty sure he has a long nape if you look hard enough but Afro Jesus is also popular though.
Well the consistency is probably due to the trail of transmission from Rome. Pre Constantine there was great variation.

You can have a nape and an afro. I've seen it. The guy sculpted it with hair wax.


And a hot chick with a white rabbit tattoo.

It was more like a tail. Tightly bound together.

why is Jesus doing the shocker?

that was written by the romans or pharisees I think. Like mocking him.

No, he was Japanese and his twin brother died on the cross so Jesus could farm rice and have three daughters

He came not to be served but to serve

The Good Samaritan

He also taught in the synagogue, was called rabbi, had a Jewish name, spoke a Jewish dialect, is believed to have been prophesized in Jewish scripture, what else?

Jesus was always white.

They all look like that 1205 mosaic to me.

Im from the levant and i gotta say, we typically look more greyish then white.

a lot like pic related in:

Reminds me of this Jordanian dude

I love ethiopian art now?

Iraqi prince (from the same Jordanian family)


>trust me I'm from the Levant


Nah, I agree. Levantines look almost greyish sometimes.

In that case they'd be Ayylmaoantines.

It doesn't.
Mexicans pray to Hispanic Jesus, blacks to black Jesus, Assyrians to Arab Jesus, Chinese to Asian Jesus, but it only becomes a problem when Europeans pray to white Jesus?
Get fucked.


Neck yourself

Fuck off shitposting monkey.

>Why can't important historical and religious figures be whatever we want them to be after all our differences make the world beautiful.