So once the last bitcoin or bch has been mined what incentive will the miners have to continue mining?

So once the last bitcoin or bch has been mined what incentive will the miners have to continue mining?

Has it all been a literal ponzi scheme all along?

Bippity bump bump bump.


bch is hyperinflating towards its next halving, meaning that it'll be less profitable to mine. Everyone still left mining it will switch back to btc.

btc will plod along long after bch is forgotten. When all the coins are mined, the value of bitcoin will be huge. People will be happy to pay a relatively small fee. Bitcoin will then be more like a Swiss bank holding your savings. A second layer (think SegWit / Lightning or something else) will be used for smaller, everyday transactions.

the fees, which is why you idiots complaining about fees all the time are so short sighted. they are a necessary part of the system

Fees keep BTC afloat. The blockchain can run out of bitcoins to emit, which it can't, and mining still would go on thanks to fees.

Seems like a zero sum game. In the end only a privileged few miners will be making all the money from it. All the bitcoin wealth will literally trickle up to the top while everyone at the bottom becomes collectively poorer.

This is also the way the current fiat system works.

>Has it all been a literal ponzi scheme all along?
No, btc used to offer a unique live changing product, and now BCC does.

>Relatively small fee

Bitcoin was never about the miners or hodlers it was a revolutionary product, the means for decentralized trading on a global scale. Now it will go through the bank.

Long live the king, the true Bitcoin



Obviously those mining are going to keep making fees but bitcoin still allows me to make a payment directly from A to B.

If the miners are the only ones collecting fees then they would have to spend at least a large portion back into the economy somehow or else all the wealth would slowly but surely end up in the miners wallets.

Transactions fees will be roughly $3 million USD by then

It's ok. In 2020 the last bitcoin transaction will take place. After that, people will switch wallet words around. All other coins will be illegal (Hail Blockstream) and the lightning network will work with your local bank.

Correct me if I am wrong. Once the last coin mined, will more nodes be tempted to come online to facilitate transactions on the network or will the infrastructure be too expensive by then

Hypothetically, if no miner ever spent, then yeah over a long enough period of time they'd wind up with all the coins. But why would they mine if they never intend to cash out?

>he isn't mining
lol you fucking idiot.

Don't i need a server farm for that?

1.75 ths here and in a college dorm, no you dont.

Do you have to pay for electricity?

No. one flat fee. It's probably hard to find that, maybe you could negotiate at an apartment complex

by then their values are so high, the miners can live off transaction fees

how profitable would something like genesis mining be? i don't really want to pay for electricity or buy special hardware.

not sure how much they charge for SHA hashrate, but i bought some ether mining power on their and i'll barely break even after a year.
Not sure how bitcoin would be, sorry. Make sure you do the calculations though could be legit.

Right but it costs money to mine