One hour and fort-five minutes with no end in sight

>one hour and fort-five minutes with no end in sight

Can this faggot fuck off already?


fuck your mother if you want fuck

i like this goofy fuck. he makes the scene fun.

fork your mother if you want fork

(((someone))) needs to take care of this already

It's hilarious how much power this nerdy chink has.


Whats going on?


you housebound faggots are naive little ladies. jihadn isn't alone in this. he can't do this by himself.

he doesn't have that much power. it's just blockstream propaganda trying to create an evil enemy.

op here

three hours

0 confirmations

for some reason that's bleeding over to eth now as well. exchanges just aren't transferring eth.

he is just the face, behind him is the government/mafias

>bbbbut muh difficulty reduction

Fuck your mother if you want fuck, OP.

Soon there's gonna be 1mb per 2 hours, with rarer blocks and tons of empty ones.

I'm gonna enjoy watching this ship sink...

OP here. 4 hours 0 confirmations.

BTC btw

these niggers refuse to give me a transaction ID

>BTC btw


What's the matter kiddo? Can't handle the competition?