
What's wrong with globalism that make people from both the left and right hate it?
Isn't for the best to be united in this world and dependent on each other to avoid future wars and massive conflicts?

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The autists on the left and right hate it because they are idiots. The center right in the US pretends to hate it to pick up votes from the far left, the center left generally wholly endorses internationalism.

1. Local government is more responsive, efficient, and human then gigantic distant bureaucracies

2. The current globalist order is run by crony capitalists and unelected bureaucrats whose primary interest is their own.

There is no true cosmopolitan movement, only the alliance between megacorporations and super-national organizations to increase their own power and influence. If you want to be a slave, by all means be a globalist.

bleh, should read, "the center right in the US pretends to hate it to pick up votes from the Far Right". But judging by 2016 they picked up a fair number of far left votes as well from that perspective.

Anyhow, internationalism and free trade opens up a country's producers to more competition, which can often drive them out of business and cause those workers to lose their jobs. On the other hand, the consumers have access to cheaper goods, which raises their buying power and quality of life.

The other big fear is that some people believe the multinational corporations hold the interests of the company over the interests of the nation, and are getting too powerful to be comfortable. That I agree with but the answer is to not "Close the country, stop having it be open" but rather curbing the power of corporations by limiting the influences of money in politics.

A naive perspective, because financial power IS power even if it has NO influence in the political process, which it inevitably does.

It's good for the global economy in concept but the power hungry always find a way to exploit.

Any good documentary or article on Globalism?

The populist far left claims that globalism is just an attempt by powerful world elites to exploit the oppressed classes, especially in the third world.
The alt right claims that globalism is just an attempt by powerful world Jews to impose world government and destroy muh white civilization.

Cont: I should probably explain - I say "alt right" rather than "far right" because I believe that "right" is a meaningless term in politics. The differences between the alt-right, mainstream big business Republicans, fundamentalist Christians, small government constitutionalists, and so on are so big that it makes little sense to lump them all together.
The mainstream right doesn't hate globalism.

Global elites took advantage of it to skew the new systems in their favor. I wouldn't be mad if it was a meritocracy, but they seem to be trying to start up a weird democratic aristocracy. As a middle class pleb, that pisses me off, though if I get in I'll do a complete 180.

Environmentally it's a complete disaster. It's wiped out a shitload of species and morphed entire landscapes. The North American carrier pidgeon, Chestnut tree are gone. Mny of Canada's river and waterways are having their local species wiped out from invasive species right now. The African carp has spread like a plague in central Asia. And of course, international shipping is the greatest contributor to greenhouse gasses.

Any good documentary or article on Globalism?All this talk about economy and mention of the environment is godd and all but what about the social aspect?

What is globalism? Didn't you meant Globalization?

I don't remember anyone calling themselves globalist, except for a few irrelevant memesters.

Yes, post-nationalism is the future.

Whose globalism, though? It's not a good thing if malicious ideologies and practices permeate every corner of the planet.

Just another buzzword that avoids more significant sources of problems and is used because it catches on easily with the impulsive rabble.

Internationalism is maybe a more positive alternative.

A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies.

The banker takes 19 cookies, uses those 19 cookies to fund globalism, civil unrest and increased immigration, while the worker has to share the last cookie with the immigrant that considers him more disgusting than a pig and would behead him and rape his daughter if he had the chance.

>the government, a worker and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies
>Government takes 19 cookies, and then demands from worker to give the last cookie to immigrant

the (((banker))) takes 19 cookies for himself, he then takes the worker's cookie and breaks it in half and gives half of it to the immigrant that he invited in.

He then says to the worker "if you say a word about what I just did I will tell everybody you are a racist!".

Then he offers to loan the worker a cookie at interest.

they rebranded an archaic and evil system
it is just a euphemism for imperialism

>What's wrong with globalism that make people from both the left and right hate it?

Nice logic

>people hate stuff so there has to be something wrong with it

Left and right are looking for excuses why the world isn't perfect and for a justification for their idiotic ideology.

Pro tip there is nothing wrong with it.
The world isn't perfect or just and it never will be.

Left and right are equally retarded in their simplifications and intellectual dishonesty.

It's the uneducated working class that hates it because they see it as a threat to their jobs. And because they're one of the biggest voter demographies, politicians from both the left and the right try to win their votes by being critical of it.

Wait, so your argument is that the world isn't fair and because of that globalism is okay?

>The world isn't perfect or just and it never will be.
>Left and right are equally retarded in their simplifications and intellectual dishonesty.

ah yes, the intelectually complex and refreshingly honest viewpoint of "fuck you life sucks eat shit", lefties and righties btfo