Poorfag here...

Poorfag here. I've been dabbling with cryptos over the past couple of months and have put together a total of about 500-550 dollars in cryptos. About 200 in btc, 100 iota, 100 in vert, 80 in omg and 40 neo.

I've seen a few gains, but nothing major. Should I continue to spread out my money over these different coins hoping for takeoff, or should I invest all into one of them. If all in, which one? (whether it's listed or not here)

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Poorfag here as well, but way less than what you got.

I've been lurking here a bit, but they seem to suggest NOT going all in on one crypto. Hopefully one of them can confirm this.

i've done better by NOT going all in on 1-2 coinbitz.

but then sometimes you do have to go all in if you have limited funds, if there is low-risk vs. high-payoff potential.

go all in on Mysterium

my guy told me it's gonna moon

any word on sub $1 coins that may take off thanks to this or that?

Sell your vert for one the coins you already have and keep it that way till at least the end of the year

That's a decent pool for some decent long term holds but spread out a little more. Those coins have already mooned and although yes they still have some fuel in them there are many more you can choose from. I like to pick a few shitcoins from the penny exchanges and set an alarm on my blockfolio whenever they do increase, a dollar here and there for an eventual 10-20 dollars later doesn't hurt.
Also I can easily tell that you don't do much research and go with hype...... Dont do that, research research research there are moons coming very soon from completely different coins.

Is vert just hype, then?

Yeah, I am definitely all hype as it is, the fact that you can see that lends more weight to your words. I am still a little in over my head with how everything operates, and exactly what coins are all talk and which have real potential, because a lot of them sound so similar to each other in terms of what they do.

Spend a few days going through the top 100 market. Here are some tips if you arent too code savvy - Check how much traction their Bittcointalk announcements have (You can check any BTCT Announcement on coinmarketcap, theres a link for it). Check if their github has been updated recently. Hype is okay sometimes so feel free to check their Twitter/Facebook/blog occaisionally but most of the time you are too late if you got the news from there. Try to stay as far away from vaporware though, unless you can ride the hype before it dumps, but most of the time its risky af.

Hype is indeed useful though. If you want early-ins on hype pumps join a few slack groups of what coins deem reasonable to you after you thoroughly researched them (Functionality is key, you dont want to put money into a coin if its goals are to promote something that has already been done or is pointless(unless its being done better)).

Take the time to learn what smart contracts / PoW and PoS are there is tons of educational material on youtube.

Hope to see you on the moon.

oh and also, Veeky Forums is only right about 15% of the time.

Oh one more thing, READ THE WHITEPAPER , seriously it just takes at most 10-15 mins and it can make you fucking rich if you just take the time to sit down and read it. I know that twitter and tumblr dumbed us down with oour attention spans but it is critical that you scrutinize that thing and if it doesn't have a whitepaper its fuckn useless.

Thanks for the advice, I will look into these things. Do you have any slack groups you can recommend?

Yeah, I can admit to feeling overwhelmed looking at white papers and haven't read one yet. /shame

If you are talking about possible moons, I cant tell you anything sorry. Now if your asking for learning more on crypto, yes there are tons of great youtubers that have been calling out these recent moons YEARS ago. The information is everywhere man, just look for it.

Fuck it i'll be nice for once, this thread is dying anyways. I'll give you one moon. XEM, great no bullshit no hype coin that is gaining heavy traction. Devs are reclusive and shutting up about release dates but they just revamped their website. Much more is soon to follow once they release catapult. I have no clue when that is but expect some gains. The core layout of this coin is solid enough tto have spawn a couple ICOs under it and this coin has existed since 2015. Super undervalued atm.

Once again Veeky Forums is right 15% of the time so do your own research.

I almost accidentally bought xem today when I went to buy NEM because I didn't know which was what. It's cheap right now too. I'll look into it, thanks for the tip!

>About 200 in btc
Damn that sucks. Gonna cost you more than that in fees just to cash out. You'll owe btc money by the end of it, and the worst part is it will take weeks before your negative balance even clears.

Following up on this, seems very interesting, I am pulling out of very and putting it into this. Hoping for a lift, for you as well. Tell me what color lambo you end up with.

BAT, Siacoin

BAT is a no go IMHO, wayyyyy too much hype to be able to assimilate it's true value.

Siacoin is a total hit or miss right now, I think they are on to something but I dont think they really want the coin to fluctuate in value knowing that it will be implemented as a tool for the platform.

What are you thoughts on iota? The no fees thing seems pretty nice, but the large number of coins is scary.

I know they are working on a completely new idea w/ the blockchain platform (Tangle), and it looks really good, but they just started not over 3 months ago. There is a lot that needs to be done, I would say this is a long term hold but there is no point accumulating this now, the price will die down after the hype, I'd wait for the dip to slowly settle.. It's a great project and a great Idea but they seem far away from implementation.

Then again looking at the design on their page kind of makes me wonder if they want to continue this hype indefinitely until it's release (IE: website revamps / rebrandings). They put a lot of time into visual presentation, I may be wrong or I may be right. In the end I tend to pay more attention to the fact that the coin's platform is complete and ready to use / upgrading / or in the making.

Where is the white paper?


Like most altcoins with no clear problem being solved AND a deliverable and not a shitty MVP

I don't count day trading volatile coins I'm taking about its use in society and what it offers

I thought you were talking about IOTA, not just any whitepaper. Whitepaper = The functionality of the token you are analyzing. The white paper is the pitch to their sale, If there isn't a good technical analysis of the token. You know that it's still in it's infancy.

Yeah, one of those things I definitely need to research. I don't quite get how it works, how is anything verified without miners, what exactly in the tangle. Guess it's likely all in the whitepages. I only had a general idea of what it was. Seemed like a lot of hype as well, but I suppose it's not too expensive to get a web design student to make a slick page.

I figure 100 is fine to sit at, might get a few more with a big enough dip. My gut tells me it will rise quite a bit down the line.

Are you saying it's bad to hold and exchange to fiat high amounts of BTC?

solid holdings OP. now put them in a margin wallet and make some dosh

How do margin wallets earn money? and where is one at besides bitfinex since they are going to close to the US.

Can somebody explain for a newfag like me where to look for new coins that would moon.

Steer clear from IOTA. It's the emperor's new clothes in coin form.

Everyone here says the tech is promising, but the truth is 95% of people can't understand a whitepaper. IOTA's only covers a convenient subset of attacks and failure scenarios and leaves aside the real ones.

> Impossible to achieve consensus on transaction order.
> Centralized forever because their math to prove they won't need a centralized monitor when there is X adoption is completely off.

And then there's the issue with the devs professionality... I'll link you a thread where they all weigh in and let you to decide:

what sites is XEM listed on? Polinex?

Why haven't you put money in Ethereum?

Just buy some Ether and get in to quality icos. Eth is already a good investment. Going all in on one coin is generally not a great idea but you only have a few hundred bucks anyway.

90% of coins are equivalent to penny stocks and will fade away eventually. The most likely to survive are Ether and Bitcoin.