There is reason why I dumped my BNB gains

There is reason why I dumped my BNB gains
BNB investors are blind & their staff is brick

Other urls found in this thread:


part 3

Same goes for those retarded ICN holders.

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

NEO will moon and BNB will follow shortly after. Nice FUD btw

Part 9

Part 10

and last part

>ICOs will be exclusive traded (sic) BNB

Fucking lie right from the outset. No wonder this BNB shit has been dumped hard.

Gook cunts.

whew buddy looks like you chimped out and got shat on. you really thought BNB coin was a shareholder option? you have to be absolutely retarded to come to that conclusion at any point. those slack groupies were right, you're definitely too much of a moron to be investing if you can't even read a whitepaper

I'm not in fact the guy who wrote those messages

>Muh You didn't read da Whitepaper
>ICOs will be exclusive traded (sic) BNB
>ICOs can be purchased with ETH and BTC

Get fucked, insectoid shithead. These chink subhumans have been exposed as the scammers they are.

Everybody this man seems very intelligent we should listen to him. Sell this coin now. SELL THIS IS NOT A DRILL. THIS MAN SAID ITS A SCAM. SELL SELL SELL SELL

I wondered this too, still don't own any BNB

Why the fuck wouldn't people just purchase a few to cover fees?
Who the fuck would buy a ton and horde it when fees are already piss cheap anyway, and BNB makes it 50% cheaper.

I primarily use other exchanges and the fees don't even concern me for a second, I dont know which kikes are so worried about a few cents or a few dollars on larger purchases.

The very thing that gave this shitcoin the majority of it's worth was the whitepaper's promise that ICO's on Binance could ONLY be purchased with BNB and NO OTHER COIN - a promise Binance literally broke immediately.

Neck yourself, gook shill garbage.

I think people are mostly in the for the gains. This coin is backed by an exchange that is partnered with NEO. That alone gives it more potential than probably 95% of all altcoins that are pumped out of thin air. Just wait and keep an eye on this one.

Funny, this Jagerr guy keep licking BNB team arseholes on Reddit


I want to believe

Stfu , they never promised ICOs only in BNB

Heavy bags?

lol allways do the Veeky Forums opposite, gonna land on jupiter with this coin.

get rich or die tryin' hoes

>Stfu , they never promised ICOs only in BNB

>ICOs will be funded with BNB ONLY . This is smart because it attracts new users to join Binance and buy BNB.


i feel like retards like mofo are usually 3rd worlders

Why you think so? I think he have some really good points

I mean he is right...tell me why BNB is useful
pro tip: you can't

Can you find the part in the whitepaper where they promised BNB-only ICOs? I can't find it.

I thought they were shady but if they really promised this then hooooly shiiiit. Wow. They go form shady to outright liars and probably scammers, considering they were played a huge role in OKCoin, which actually took customer funds and put them in risky investments without telling anyone.

there is no mention about it in white paper v1.1
not sure if there was something earlie

Decentralized exchanges are the future. BNB will crash and burn eventually.

Actually they are planning DEX



i dont understand why anyone thinks a token that simply pays for fees on a platform is a good investment. both BNB and 0x are shit

and frankly, i'm pretty sure the new LINK ICO is the same way. it's just a fee token for the platform. in which case, people will make money on the hype but it's not a good long term hold.

Except for the fact that ICN is burned periodically reducing the actual supply

They're going to run out of money before they burn any significant amount.