Name me one civilization south of the Sahara that actually contributed something to mankind

Name me one civilization south of the Sahara that actually contributed something to mankind.

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fucking mods

Ethiopia gave us coffee.

>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.

See , asshole
You dont get to throw high discours away because someone doest share your opinion

It was a Yemeni sultanate that gave us Coffee, Ethiopia just had the coffee beans native to their land. They didn't invent coffee but nice try.


Fire, bow And arrow, spears, language

unironically being this retarded

i don't think the user meant to post that rule because it doesn't apply to this post

There used to be this Gabonese guy on /pol/. I told him to stop eating bushmeat but he just laughed and said it's his culture and cheap.

>The Kingdom of Aksum (also known as the Kingdom of Axum or the Aksumite Empire) was an ancient kingdom located in present-day Eritrea and the Tigray Region of Ethiopia.[2] Ruled by the Aksumites, it existed from approximately 100 AD to 940 AD. The polity was centered in the city of Axum. It grew from the proto-Aksumite Iron Age period around the 4th century BC to achieve prominence by the 1st century AD, and became a major player on the commercial route between the Roman Empire and Ancient India. The Aksumite rulers facilitated trade by minting their own Aksumite currency, with the state establishing its hegemony over the declining Kingdom of Kush. It also regularly entered the politics of the kingdoms on the Arabian Peninsula, and eventually extended its rule over the region with the conquest of the Himyarite Kingdom. The Persian Prophet Mani (died 274 AD) regarded Axum as one of the four great powers of his time, alongside Persia, Rome, and China.[3][4]
Ethiopia wasn't that bad during its time.

Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia were all part of ancient kingdoms with close ties to MENA, Europe and Asia. They are genuinely interesting places, especially their position with regards to early Christianity and Islam.

West, Central and Southern Africa are almost totally devoid of anything noteworthy.

Wrong. Humanity came from Asia not Africa. Oldest pre hominid was found in Europe not Africa.

Source? Legitimately interested.

So what exactly did it contribute to human society despite being a knock off egypt?

You didn't answer the question....

Oldest pre hominid, older than anything in Africa. And it was found in Europe :0

Not much, but there are places of historical interest

>was more the point I was making

And nobody has yet to mention anything people South of the Sahara contributed to the world...

Completely irrelevant to the thread you moron.

Whether Homo spent time in Asia, Europe or North America a million or two years ago has no effect on reality that Sapiens replaced Neanderthals and Denisovans in Eurasia starting around 80k years ago.


The black genocide is real, preach it bro

Doesn't matter. Oldest hominid was found in Europe, and studies are underway at this moment that will change the historical record of humanities birth from Africa to Eurasia. Africa has contributed nothing as per usual.

Even though she's dilouted, the 1/8th black still has that nigger eye shape. Niggers have ugly distinctive eye shapes.

>when a Veeky Forumsposter gets btfo'd can't even respond properly

I'll give you another attempt to answer the original post. Well?

It changes nothing that we know about the events of the last 100000 years eg. expansion into Eurasia from Egypt.

It may potentially have deeper implications for earlier epochs or it may not. We might not know for decades.

It changes a lot half wit. Have you ever considered that people migrated into Africa as opposed to originating from there?

>the question that befuddles Veeky Forumslets

Genetics mostly

Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't anything about the origins of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, only hominids in general. Homo Sapiens Sapiens still came out of East Africa with a bit of Neanderthal admixture in Europe

[citation needed]

But we already know that Sapiens replaced Neanderthals, not the other way around.

Whether the common ancestor of Sapiens and Neanderthals lived in China, Poland or Zambia has no implications here.


There's this weird racist belief held by some, that the reason why Yuros and Asians are smarter than Africans is because of that Neanderthal admixture. I don't really get it, but it is out there.

Oldest homo sapian sapian found wasn't in east Africa but morroco. Don't you Veeky Forumslets ever read and get caught up with current events?

>Oldest homo sapian sapian fossile almost 300k years found in morroco
>Oldest pre hominid fossil found in Europe around 7.2 million years old

There's no concrete proof that homo sapian sapian came from Africa with all the historical/archeological finds coming out.

It does pertaining to the original question.

But we know for a fact that Sapiens replaced Neanderthals. You can't autism that away.
Middle East used to be Neanderthal land just like the rest of Eurasia west of Altai.

Your forgetting that in reality Black Africans are a mix of lesser and unknown hominid creatures which explains why they're low IQ. Generally simple.

ill do that ,but first
name me one thing you have actually contributed to man kind.


That doesn't prove sapians didn't originate from Eurasia, only that sapians became a successful race of hominids compared to others.

No see this

Probably because it's known to play a role in certain psychological conditions

I produce some gibsmedats to Africans where I live.

Massive autism is required to imagine a parallel co-existence between Sapiens and Neanderthals for 500000 years.

Seriously nigger?

We know that the oldest fossile of homo sapian sapians wasn't found in east Africa but the Maghreb. Your autism is believing everything is set in stone for the origin of humanity. Too bad you're a half wit.

Why does a population of apes have to contribute anything?

You are aware that implied in your question is the weight of Western civilization's obsession with utilitarianism the last 400 years right?

Maybe you should ask a different question instead. Something like: "Why did genocide start happening in Africa only after the West started to colonize it?"

Then you would've actually sounded intelligent.

This is true. Blacks in Africa are like gazelles in Africa, they're fauna, wildlife. I'm not sure why anyone finds their lack of accomplishments offensive and wants them to be like us, or even ends up hating them for it.

>the Maghreb isn't in Africa
>the Maghreb even existed as an area isolated from the rest of Africa back then

See It doesn't make a difference where specifically the Sapiens line was prior to even the first deep branching inside it which resulted in proto-San/Khoisan.

It has no relevance to the reality of the last 100000 years. Sapiens expanded to Eurasia from Egypt.

90% of people in general are like gazelles in Africa, moron. They sleep, work, eat and fuck and then they die.

>believing this meme
2017 was a great year, two major archeological finds and hopefully we'll have more to finally debunk this mess called out of Africa. Don't hold your breath user because soon it will happen. I can feel it.

>being intellectually dishonest

Typical Veeky Forumslet response. Did I say that the magrehb wasn't in Africa? No. You lie like the typical Veeky Forumslet.

Yeah maybe we'll find out Neanderthals were actually from outer space

Only Maghreb and Egypt should count as Africa, not nigger countries.

But if they were from Outer Space, they'd be taller because of the lack of gravity, yet they were shorties.

No, the only logical conclusion is that they came from a subterranean world, and that it was actually us who came from space.

>Veeky Forumslet response

>60 posts and still no adequate correct/proven/factual answer to the question asked

>implying you actually want an answer and aren't just trolling/baiting

Who gives a fuck who contributed what? Is the sole purpose of every group of people to produce something of value to you? Fucking collectivist, seriously.

Another successful thread hehe

the correct answer is nothing and that's why you can't answer OP.

so they contributed nothing of value?


there's no way of knowing this. fire could have been invented north of the sahara

What do you define as value? Because depending on your definition, less then 0,00001% of humanity would've been important or literally everyone would've provide some value.

something original and significant enough to influence humanity positively as a whole

The Bantu learned how to smelt iron pretty early on.

>to human society
what the fuck does this even mean? they contributed to their own society. they created a civilization of their own, with its own society, economy, state and culture. They contributed to the lives of their own people. They traded with other nations on international trade routes of the red sea and indian ocean. International trade is beneficial for other societies, because you provide commodities to other societies that might not otherwise have access to it in their own lands.

That's like saying don't eat gamemeat.

What two finds? I'd like to find out more

lol calm down they found a single tooth and it's widely contested . Jesus the confirmation bias on you stormfag is crazy

>single tooth

Jesus you libtards are such lying scum.


>Something like: "Why did genocide start happening in Africa only after the West started to colonize it?"

>why didn't large scale genocide happen when people were all packed in isolated small tribes and on the technological and communicational level of chimpanzees?

Don't know man...hard riddle...must have something to do with free masons and the Western tradition of blabla.
Besides I really doubt that tribes didn't commit total genocide on each other before we had any written testimony of it, they just did it on a much larger scale since they know...fewer.

*smaller not larger


Incredibly few civilisations have a legitimite claim to producing anything new.
I feed my moms cat last weekend, that's significant to her. How much significance is required?
Positive in what standpoint? In a humanitarian standpoint, technologically progressive standpoint?

This sentence is incredibly vague and non specific.

The BBC, of course

best troll i have seen in a long time

And yet you would still stick your winky in there if you could.

Saying otherwise makes you a fag or a fag who puts themself up on a pedstal.

so what exactly did Rome contribute to human society despite being a knock off Greece

So what exactly did the HRE contribute to human society despite being a knock off Roman Empite

So what did Japan contribute to human society despite being a knock off China?

Hold it you uneducated buffoons, look at this. This is the skull of the species Nyanzapithecus alesi, specifically an infant.

This is an ACTUAL pre-hominid, as Graecopithicus was not only a great ape (hominid), but also is most likely not a hominin. In fact, the link I gave gives the theory that Nyanzipithecus might even be one of the earliest true great apes.

A hominin is a group of apes that include the following: Humans and their extinct relatives in the genus Homo, chimpanzees and bonobos from the genus Pan, Australopithicus/Paranthropus, and other bipedal apes related to the above. Hominids are great apes in general. By the way, we have evidence that apes existed all over Africa and Eurasia that are even older than Graecopithicus or Sahelanthropus (the African ape that is about the same age as Graecopithicus that may be a true hominin). But considering we only found teeth instead of an actual skull or other bones, you can't jump to conclusions saying that because one ape's teeth were found in Greece/Bulgaria means that it's the first human ever.

t. Berber faggot

It was their linguistic (but not blood related) cousins in West Africa who did it first.

A jaw. Okay, that sure changes the fact that it's a hominid, but possibly not a hominin.

>on the technological and communicational level of chimpanzees?

I didn't know chimpanzees had iron tools, had agriculture, and herded animals, not to mention created art. Boy user, you sure showed me!

Stupid nigger.

pretty convienent they find a skull older than graecopithicus months after it was discovered. I wonder (((who))) benefits from this and if (((they))) want to keep the charade going.

That's how science works you fucking brainlet. Did you really think Graecopithicus wouldn't be contested like every other controversial fossil? Hell, some scientists think it's actually Ouranopithecus instead of a new species.

So what exactily did you contribute to this thread despite being a retarded faggot knock off from /pol/?

Americans got the idea to fight smallpox with innoculations from African slaves. So the idea of vaccines came from Africa.

Hominid is human like, not just homo sapien sapien.


Neanderthal admixture is there but it's a tiny part of our blood.

How is this racism? You look like a dumbarse.