What exactly is wrong with anarcho-primitivism?

What exactly is wrong with anarcho-primitivism?

high opportunity cost

Luddites are retarded.

The fact that most people don't wanna die of disentry

if you're serious about it, it means running off into the woods to live like a paleolithic hunter-gatherer

Because it's adherents are hypocrits.

The only thing that makes man exceptional and sets them apart from any other animal is the fact that we've subjugated nature.
In throwing that away you basically become subhuman.

It entails culling the vast majority of humans.

Post more anarcho-primitivism memes

You say that like that's a bad thing.

They have clubs (or possibly just fists)
We have guns
They can't create their society

Hi fellow proles

We can start with the need to eliminate over 99% of the human population as you colossally reduce the world's carrying capacity without modern technology.

REEEEEEEEEEEE: the ideology

Well aside from the luddite retardation, it has the same problem all anarchist ideologies do

There isn't any realistic way for anarchy to enforce itself. It would go as Dostoevsky says, unlimited liberty leads to unlimited despotism

Humans basically lived as animals for most of their existence. Civilization isn't Man's natural state.

Modern day humans are domesticated. That's like saying poodles are meant to be prowling the savannas.

I'm in love with Pol Pot. He trolled so hard, even the CIA, who supported him, was trolled.

>There isn't any realistic way for anarchy to enforce itself
Enforced anarchy is an oxymoron, any society is only as good as its members. On a desert island 10 people can build a village or kill each other.

Civilization isn't any less natural than living as hunter gatherers. Humans are part of nature. Literally nothing that humans do is or can ever be unnatural.

It is ok if you like the gamy type.

This makes sense, except "nature" is usually defined as something like "that which hasn't been tainted by humanity."

Primitivism could be a good idea like adhering to (keyword) voluntary avoidance of unnecessary technologies to maintain a natural way of life but keeping useful technologies for convenience.

wife material

Fuck off you goddamn hippy.

You wouldn't be so mad if you didn't know that the hippies are right.

Maybe it would work, maybe it wouldn't. What I can tell you for sure is that people in the west wouldn't be able to make the transition, and it's retarded to advocate a system that can't be implemented.

What do hippies actually advocate?

The best argument against anarcho-primitivism, I think, is Ted Kaczynski's. Look up his essay "The Truth about Primitive Life".

Free love, beat poetry, LSD, that sorta stuff.


>loser calling others losers
Reactionary thought is literally degeneration

It's also a much better add on to an existing value system then am ideal in and of itself. It goes without saying that plenty of primitive societies were hardly Anarcho-.

But I think most if their concepts about the ideal society are accurate, it's just not a workable main goal. If their ideas are accurate, any just society will naturally progress towards it.

You basically described Mt.Athos and most monastic orders in Greece and eastern Europe.

Infectious disease and infections in general. Also the inability to feed our current population with an anprim lifestyle.

Hunter-gatherers had nice lives compared to early agriculturalists and technology isn't always a good thing, but there are 7 billion of us now and there's no going back.

t. haven't read Kaczynski

The reason why civilization isnt part of the natural process is because it changes the very organism that creates it.

For example, a beaver builds a dam which shelters it but it does not change how the beaver behaves unlike with humans where the sheltering provided with their cities and states ultimately begins to change them and drive them to spread such sheltering to more and more spaces.

Think how modern medicine has helped you, imagine what would have become of you without it. I would be constantly in pain, my both hands having been broken once and an illness that nearly killed me left me insane, also my teeth are all broken and painful

anprims can always switch places with pajeets and niggers, to prove that it is indeed a great lifestyle.

>Anprim are losers

We both agreed man


Nice buzzword leftyfag, waiting for revolution I presume

Essentially this. We drop the human population to 500,000 people and then what? Enforce policies to prevent people from planting seeds or establishing hierarchic communities? Doesn't sound very anarchic. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle is fascinating and I genuinely think that the advent of agriculture was possibly the most disastrous serious of events in human history, but the gates to that lifestyle have been closed. The best you can do is establish your own individualist approach to anti-civilization as it's never happening on a global scale.

Not him, but taking the word of a denerate mass murderer like Kaczinkski is the epitome of degeneracy. He is a modern day Herostratus, a man without talent who wanted to be remembered by history so he blew up the works of better men than himself

I just take his word because I found some radical leftists praise this bastard and even considered him a full anprim. I don't embrace any ideals of this bomberman loser.

>wanted to be remembered by history
>never gave away his identity