Just how retarded does someone have to be to not only be a communist, but to actually convince themselves this guy was anything other than a butcher, failure, and the WORST leader in recent history?
Just how retarded does someone have to be to not only be a communist...
I think it's /pol/ you're looking for
I know people in China who hold him in high regard.
They credit him for the first time their families had access to proper affordable healthcare, education, and gainful employment. To them he was also the architect of generally raising China from half a century of civil strife, and all the nastiness that goes along with it.
They're well aware the damage he caused, but given the improvement in quality of life that they experienced, I suspect they are willing to overlook the excesses of his rule (plus a lot of people did rather well out of the Cultural Revolution).
>advanced the country from a backwater place which was the playground of European powers to its own entity that could play with the rest of the world
>b-b-but people died!
I don't know user, but people still suck Hitlers dick too so I guess it's no surprise
Tens of millions. If I could just toss large portions of the population into the grave, I better be able to improve quality of life for the remainder.
>if you don't like mao you're a nazi!
This is the retardation I was talking about. Reminder that Mao slaughtered WAY more people than Hitler
China is like twice the size of Europe. Of course more people died.
>making up lies in order to justify your autistic obsession with the worst mass murderer in history
Why do you think this is a valid excuse user?
>Think they're both gay cunts
>W-well you must be a gommunist
Flawless logic
Because tens of millions isn't alot when you first, realize how big China is and then realize how many were dying before Mao came into power.
And people died in Europeans countries too to forward their development.
Difference is that China did it faster and the people died in a smaller frame of time instead of being plastered through centuries.
Point one single lie.
>It's not a big number because the country is big
OK user, killing almost 8 times more than the Holocaust in the first 4 years is totally normal because there are lots of Chinese, makes total sense
>tens of millions isn't a lot
Lol, I love this response
>ONLY 15 million people starved to death, it's not that big a deal!
He didn't advance shit, every single one of his ideas failed horribly and resulted in millions dead, and china only became a quasi superpower when xiaoping trashed maoism
>let me rewrite history because I am a mad teenager that can only think in binary terms and hate gommunism
Mais own government said the Great Leap Forward was a failure. Stop being a stupid LARPer just because you are using it to substitute for your lack of a personality and stop pretending you know history. Please go back to your containment site and jerk off over your cringy memes
>the great leap forward is the only thing that matters!
Mao certainly killed more people, but his regime lasted 30years. Not 12. Hitler was arguably more destructive and deadly in his short reign. Also the majority of the nazi regime victims were directly murdered, as opposed to simply starved and abused. Not saying Mao didn't execute millions during the various rightist purges, but it's not quite the same either.
But back on topic, yeah, Mao was probably one of the worst and incompetent statesman history has ever seen.
Maoism is autism incarnate
They also use the soviet secret techniques of vernalization from this guy.