Extreme Wewuzism

Extreme Wewuzism

Lets share some of the more unique examples of Wewuzism.

I'll start.
This website claims that the Swedish people are the descendants of the ancient Thracians.


Other urls found in this thread:


This fellow here claims that the Franks where not of germanic origin, but of Trojan-Italo-Pannonian heritage and have always been French!

A classic

Why do Wewuz claims always involve the Trojans.

Even the Romans fucking did it.

this made me realize I really know fuck all about the history of the isles

fun fact; the royals of britain still circumsize their male children because of this.

another one; askenazi jews.

>On the topic of being a Kohen, Leonard Cohen told Richard Goldstein in 1967, "I had a very Messianic childhood. I was told I was a descendant of Aaron, the high priest."

never underestimate the power of the Larp

I don't think you understand the OP's intentions. I also think you aren't familiar with global rule #3, mate.


kek. he is not the first one to claim that.


>Francus is an invention of Merovingian scholars which referred to a legendary eponymous king of the Franks, a descendant of the Trojans, founder of the Merovingian dynasty and forefather of Charlemagne. In the Renaissance, Francus was generally considered to be another name for the Trojan Astyanax (son of Hector) saved from the destruction of Troy. He is not considered to be historical, but in fact an attempt by medieval and Renaissance chroniclers to model the founding of France upon the same illustrious tradition as that used by Virgil in his Aeneid (which had Rome founded by the Trojan Aeneas).[1]

"Pinkerton very much wished to purge Scottish history of all Celtic elements. In this aim, through two works, the Dissertation on the Origins and Progress of the Scythians or Goths (1787) and the Enquiry into the History of Scotland preceding the reign of Malcolm III (1789), he developed the theory that the Picts were in fact of the race of ancient Goths, that the Scots language was a pure descendant of the Picto-Gothic language; and, moreover, that the Gaels, or Highlanders, were a degenerate impostor race who were originally golems made of clay."

What the actual fuck. It's borderline wewuz to claim that modern Bulgarians have a connection to the Thracians let alone Swedes! Why does everyone wants our Hellenic culture and heritage?


One of the worst cases i've ever seen is a bunch of irishmen claiming to be a lost tribe of israel. Odd bunch.

Nah, the Irish bullshit cycle claims they are Scythian

I see that more with some crazy Poles claiming they are really ethnically Slavified Sarmatians.

Italians claiming the renaissance

Italians started the renaissance. Not sure what you are insinuating.

Northen Italians, those guys were Celts

>15th century Italy


Cry more faggot

The Principal Frankish haplogroup is J2 which peak in ANATOLIA

And French are genetically close(admixture wise) to J2a1 Pannonian



DNA confimed my claim btw

Holy shit what an ugly motherfucker

Meanwhile, I always laugh at the whole Macedonians and Greeks thing.
Macedonians because there seems to be a bizarre obsession with claiming they are the TRUE SONS OF ALEXANDER while Greeks get upset at this claim and go through a lot of effort to refute these claims

What this doesn't change at the end of the day, is that both sides of the debate live in shitholes, their lives probably suck and their obsession who's got the right ancestors won't help them get anywhere.

I'm pretty sure that obsession with ancestry is directly tied to a lack of personal achievement.

He's not wrong though, Northern Irishmen were oppressed by the Irish for centuries before the English came

What did you mean by this?

have ye not heard of the cruthin?

Yeah but they were just Irish people living in the north part of Ireland, they weren't culturally or linguistically different from the rest of Ireland

>He's not wrong though
fuck off

thats what taig wants ye to think

He probably is tho. Full Ashkenazi Jews are 30-60% Middle Eastern on average

Looks like Wewuzizm was strong in 19th century Hungary.
>A Hungarian non-commissioned officer Ferenc Jós Badiny wrote his book ( Jézus Király, a pártus herceg) "King Jesus, the Parthian prince", where he invented the theory of Jesus the Parthian warrior prince. Many Christian Hungarian Turanists held the view that Jesus Christ was not a Jew but a proto-Hungarian or a “noble of Parthia”.

>Hellenic culture and heritage
>Thrace-Pelasgian culture and heritage
Pick one. Or do like Hellenes: steal everything and claim loudly that is yours

t. Shlomo.

that's Orange order (protestant loyalists) nonsense they spread to try and add some legitimacy to their meme """"culture""""


t. butthurt uneducated gayrmanic

The same reasons the Athenians made up myths about them being super relevant during the Age of Heroes and the Trojan War despite being a tiny backwater at the time. They feel insecure when comparing their own history to their neighbors.

>The same reasons the Athenians made up myths about them being super relevant during the Age of Heroes and the Trojan War despite being a tiny backwater at the time

Greeks were much richer and had much grander cities than Troy around the "age of heroes" (late bronze age), Athene was an average Mycenean city but it wasn't backwater by any means

If it was anything more than a small and unimportant settlement, it would've been included alongside the rest of the Achaeans in the Iliad.

Lol, no


>one palace
Wow, that's literally every Mycenaean town.

Only Shitalians and Angaylos deny our Trojan blood

Hopefully DNA proved them wrong, i started to learn Hitite* btw

*my ancestors :)

At many points in their history, Korea WE WUZed as the country next to them.

Literally translates to "Small China." It is the belief that whenever China splits apart or gets invaded by barbarians, Korea became the bearer of Chinese civilization. More like WE CHINA NOW instead of wewuz really.

It got them into trouble twice: when they claimed Mandate during the Yuan Period and when they claimed as SUCCESSORS TO THE MINGZ N SHIET during the Qing Period. The Mongol and Manchu Emperors of China had opinions regarding that claim, causing them to invade and subjugate Korea in their dynasties.



>Macedonians because there seems to be a bizarre obsession with claiming they are the TRUE SONS OF ALEXANDER

The whole thing started as a reaction to Albanian irredentism, them claiming the western part of Macedonia as being theirs, citing Illyrian ancestry as proof of the west being their land usurped by the Slavs. It was always a vocal minority claiming this, when the political party VMRO was in charge of the country they pushed it as an agenda to piss of Greece in order to keep Macedonia out of NATO and the EU and give us a scary boogeyman i.e. Greece that is keeping us down by blocking our entry into EU and NATO. Our government didn't want to enter the EU and NATO because they wanted to rule Macedonia un-opposed and suck us dry. Most Macedonians don't believe the bullshit tb h

We wuz sumerians too.
