>Germans invade Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union
>people still somehow believe that the Germans wanted peace
can someone explain this to me?
Germans invade Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, Soviet Union
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Dey dindu nuffin
It was self defence, everyone else violated the NAP by not worshiping Hitler as the second coming
>Luftwaffe continues bombing the BEF and sinks a clearly marked hospital shop. Captured BEF soldiers are beaten, some to death. 100 British and French soldiers locked in a barn then machinegunned. Water left out by French civilians for prisoners deliberately kicked over by guards.
>Hitler let the BEF escape as a show of mercy.
Hitlerwasright.blogspot said hitler wanted peace though
Contrarian teenagers with edgy tendances try to support the man shown as the great evil of another time by any means possible, thus wanting to justify each and every ones of is actions as some kind of misunderstood benevolant leader.
Hitler was a cripto zionist
Well it was beneficial to send Jews to Palestine and seize their assets
The reason they invades Scandinavia is because the allies would do it otherwise
Norway was an ally.
Only Stormfags and "red-pilled" teenagers think that.
Norway was neutral, but it controlled a critical route for iron ore to Germany, both sides were sizing it up
Hitler, in his speeches, spent time and time again reminding his German subjects that it is not he, but international racketeers that brought this war upon Germany: He kept saying it was Britain and France that emboldened Poland with the confidence to go to war with Germany, he claimed it was the bankers and war industrialists of America who could make money off this war because unlike him they had stocks in the armament industry, and therefore war was forced on the German people.
Carefully selected segments of his speeches with English subtitles are accompanied by colorized high resolution footage stolen from WW2 documentaries with their respective audios muted, then underscored with stolen movie soundtracks like the ones composed by Hans Zimmer, and then presented by today's neo-nazis on Youtube as "documentaries" that "tell the true story" which "THEY don't want YOU to know" and "expose the lies we've all been told about Hitler". One example is a video called "Adolf Hitler's Struggle For Peace": youtube.com
If you have trouble opening the video, just type the given video title in youtube and usually some other neo-nazi will have re-uploaded it with comparatively few views, and therefore it isnt blocked yet. In any case, they garner tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of views and many people get swayed by Hitler the same way the German people did 70 years ago. Part of that fault lies with our own media and education system that ever portray Hitler in fits of rage rather than a cunning and clever orator.
The same people who keep saying "you are a sheep if you trust the government" are here trusting the Hitler government's official speeches, because it plays well into their pre-conceived notion that the Allies are the bad guys because in the Cold War that ensued, the "good guys", especially the US, went on waging a ton of proxy wars to stop the enemy's ideology (communism) from spreading, from the Vietnam war in the 60s over Central- and South America in the 70s, Afghanistan and the Middle East in the 90s to the Global War on Terror today. This makes them believe Hitler when he said he does not have stocks in the armament industry to be a profiteer of war, but the enemy.
Let's examine this "Hitler was a man of peace" meme, shall we?
The first thing this "man of peace" did after the Machtergreifung in 1933 was to ban all other political parties. He confirms it himself in his 10.11.1933 Montagenhalle Berlin speech:
"Vielleicht wird mancher unter Ihnen sein, der es mir nicht verzeihen kann, dass ich die marxistischen Parteien vernichtete. Aber mein Freund: ich hab die anderen genauso vernichtet!"
which translates to:
"Perhaps there's one of you here are who is unable to forgive me because I eradicated the Marxist party. But my friend: I have eradicated all other parties likewise!"
Earlier on 10th February 1933, he had also said:
"Deutsches Volk, gib uns vier Jahre, und ich schwöre dir: So wie wir, und so wie ich in dieses Amt eintrat, so will ich dann gehen."
which translates to:
"German people, give us four years, and I swear: Just as we, and just as I came into office, so will I then leave it."
Indeed, what became of Hitler's promise 4 years later? By 1937 he was dictator for life, and anyone publicly criticizing the Nazi party would be put in a camp, if not executed for treason to the German people, because the NSDAP had been deemed the one and only representative of the German people, as Adolf Hitler attested during the Parteitag in early September 1934:
"Denn als unsere Partei gerade sieben Mann hoch war, sprach sie schon zwei Grundsätze aus: Erstens, sie wollte eine wahrhaftige Weltanschauungspartei sein, und zweitens, sie wollte daher kompromisslos die einzige Macht und alleinige Macht in Deutschland."
which translates to:
"Because back when our party numbered just seven men, she made two basic principles: First, she wanted to be a party with a real world-view, and second, she therefore wanted without compromise the sole power and only power in Germany."
and we have Rudolf Hess who made clear in 1934:
"Die Partei ist Hitler! Hitler aber ist Deutschland, wie Deutschland Hitler ist!"
i.e.: "The Party is Hitler. But Hitler is Germany, as Germany is Hitler!"
This "man of peace" was also orchestrator of the Night of the Long Knives, also known as Operation Hummingbird or the Röhm-Putsch, where from June 30th, to July 2nd 1934 Hitler and his wing murdered the wing of the Nazi party he could no longer work well with: At least 85 people, possibly more than a hundred were killed when Hitler carried out a series of political extra-judicial executions intended to consolidate his and his cabinet's absolute hold on power in Germany. Many of those killed were leaders of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the best-known victim was Ernst Röhm, the SA's leader and one of Hitler's longtime supporters and allies. Leading members of the left-wing Strasserist faction of the NSDAP, along with its figurehead, Gregor Strasser, were also killed, as were prominent conservative anti-Nazis such as former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and Gustav Ritter von Kahr, who had suppressed Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. Does this look like a peaceful way of conflict-solving to you?
Adolf Hitler has had a long trail of blood covered by telling lies to the public. From re-militarizing the entire nation, over claiming German Volksgenossen residing in north-western Czechia (Sudetenland) were being systematically mistreated to the point that annexation or war were the ONLY options; to getting Austria "Heim ins Reich" (and erasing the entire nation's 900 year identity by calling it Ostmark henceforth including even renaming two of its states, Oberösterreich and Niederösterreich to Oberdonau and Niederdonau), historians can list you a long list of demagoguery that would be too long for this post. Encouraged by the passivity of Britain and France (Hitler-Appeasement policy), he wiped yet another nation off the map, namely Czechia, and eventually set his eyes on reclaiming East Prussian territories lost after WW1, including the city of Danzig and the corridor bearing the same name.
Let's not forget Hitler's involvement in the Spanish Civil War, especially the bombing of Guernica (a Basque civilian town) under the code name Operation Rügen on April 26, 1937, during which German Luftwaffe planes (part of the Condor Legion) violated the Kriegsvölkerrecht, international laws of armed conflict. Indeed, what were Germans doing in Spain in the 1930s aiding Franco? Perhaps this "peaceful nation" was rehearsing for war?
By this point it was clear that German promises to the rest of Europe were worthless. The annexation of Czechia had already proved that despite assurances in Munich that this would be the last (another lie), Hitler intended to continue taking territory he deemed "should be German", having expanded his army around tenfold and his navy in contravention of treaty obligation.
Hitler got away with re-militarizing the Rhineland despite this being forbidden according to treaties. He got away with annexing Austria "democratically", despite this being forbidden according to treaties. He got away with annexing the Sudetenland despite this territory belonging to a sovereign nation. He got away with swallowing whole the rest of this sovereign nation next. And now he was trying the same thing with the territory of another sovereign nation - the Danzig corridor in Poland.
So this allegation of Hitler "proposing peace solutions to the Poles who rejected them" were in reality very much like a street thug offering to leave me alone if I would just give him $100, and then my wallet, and then my bank account. He was not offering peace solutions because there already was peace. He was making demands to keep the peace, backed by threats.
The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, a non-aggression treaty between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, was signed on August 23, 1939, 9 days before the invasion of Poland. Hitler invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939, having already given the order to do so on August 26th. Early in the afternoon of August 31st, Hitler gave the go-ahead order for pre-planned overt operation that faked an attack around 8pm that evening on the German border radio station Gleiwitz to create a false flag excuse for the invasion that began at 4:45 the next morning, September 1st.
The next day, September 2nd, France and England notified Germany that the invasion of Poland had triggered a mutual defense treaty between the 3 countries. That didn't change Hitler's mind. Something revisionists won't tell you.
On September 3rd, the Nazi government received an ultimatum by the British ambassador demanding a response by eleven o'clock concerning the assurance to withdraw from Polish territory. Even that was ignored. Again, something revisionists will not tell you.
Only as a result of all this was Germany declared war by Britain and France. Indeed, this "man of peace" then proceeded to invade a whole host of other nations like Denmark, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Yugoslavia, and Greece within the next 2 years. Again, something revisionists conveniently decide to "overlook", or try justifying by saying a war between two big powers turns smaller countries around them into something akin to "pawns on a chessboard ripe for the taking, only to prevent the opposing power from claiming them".
Let's also not forget the fact that Hitler allied himself with the Empire of Japan on September 27, 1940 through the Tripartite Act. Why? They're on the other end of the world, a beyond useless trade partner especially during wartime, so what practical use could an alliance such as this have after the war had started, given that Hitler had already defeated France and sent the British Army across Dunkirk by June 1940? The only logic is if Hitler were following an expansionist geopolitical strategy, specifically in trying to open an eastern front in the Soviet Union (whose western flank he was to invade without warning in summer 1941). The alliance with Japan after WW2 had started is also a slap in the face to any revisionist who insists Germany did not have any international interests, and was only seeking to secure a future for her own people.
And speaking of Dunkirk, another revisionist fairy tale is that Hitler halted the Wehrmacht's advance to spare the lives of the British trapped on the beach, as a show of compassion with which he hoped Britain would see reason and accept peace terms. In reality, it was Von Rundstedt and Kluge who ordered the advance halted, primarily because the advancing tanks had overextended themselves, the terrain was marshy, the armor was valuable and still needed for the final assault on France, and Göring had assured Hitler that his Luftwaffe could deal with the stragglers on the beach.
Hitler might have been an admirer of the British people due to their anglo-saxon ancestry. But his "many peace offers" revisionists like to remind us were not worth the paper they were written on given this track record, and Winston Churchill, unlike Joseph Stalin, did not fall for them. Stalin did, and how did history reward him for trusting Hitler? Operation Barbarossa, the largest motorized land invasion in the history of mankind that ended up costing over 20 million Soviet lives, and two poorly sourced novels trying to make a quick buck off people 50 years later claiming Hitler's goal of destroying "Judeo-Bolshevism" was but a pre-emptive strike to an invasion of Europe planned by Stalin. Keep in mind the guy had trouble gaining ground in Finland.
G*rms have no brains, no souls, and no culture. Don't ask why they do wicked, insane, and evil things, that's just their nature.
Finally, let's address the question revisionists ask regarding the hypocrisy of Britain and France, given that they did not declare war on the Soviet Union when she invaded Poland two weeks after Hitler did. Let me begin by saying the Soviet Union was not part of the Allied powers until Operation Barbarossa, so "letting an allied power get away with something" is not the answer. Rather, given that Britain and France had already committed themselves to war with a European superpower and Poland was all but overrun, it would have made little sense to declare war on the largest nation on the planet on top of that as well. A bit like committing to challenging a 6 foot bully to a fist-fight but realizing there's an 8 foot bully nearby beating someone else up as well. In the end, when that bully got attacked by this bully, he was considered a friend until the first bully was brought down. Then a cold war ensued with the surviving bully.
The only legitimate question then, is how Britain and France would have acted, had the opposite been the case: the Soviet Union invading Poland first, and Nazi Germany two weeks later. Would their defense treaty have included guaranteeing Poland's safety from a Soviet attack? The answer is no: there was a legal loop-hole that meant the treaty was mostly tailored to respond to German aggression. The idea of the Soviet Union invading Poland, and nothing happening as a result, and then Hitler invading to take back Danzig, and having Britain and France declare war on him wouldn't have sat well with post-war morality. Good thing for the victors then, that Hitler turned out to be an ideological warmonger after all, and Stalin the cold opportunist, rather than the other way round.
Are you that same user who posted this from /k/?
Get a lot of this
>be Nazi Germany in 1940
>create combat outfit composed of thugs and criminals "convicted of major crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, arson and burglary"
>"terrifying rabble" of "cut-throats, renegades, sadistic morons, and cashiered rejects from other units"
>unit turns out to be an almost comical band of fuckups who were kicked out of every major field command they were assigned to and whose most noteworthy achievement was sadism and brutality that appalled even some of the most notorious architects of the Holocaust
>be Louisiana in 1861
>create combat outfit composed of “the lowest scum of the lower Mississippi...adventurous wharf rats, thieves, and outcasts...and bad characters generally”
> the worst men I ever saw…. I understand that they are mostly wharf rats from New Orleans, and Major Wheat is the only man who can do anything with them. They were constantly fighting with each other. They were always ready to fight, and it made little difference to them who they fought.”
>unit turns out to be one of the best in the Confederate Army, earning a legendary reputation for being utterly fearless and hard-fighting, becoming the Army of Northern Virginia's premiere shock troops alongside the Stonewall and Texas Brigades
Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?
Well for starters the Confederates didn't put a convicted pedophile alcoholic in charge of said unit
Yeah that'll do it.
True, you couldn't have asked for a better commander of such a group of misfits than Chatham Roberdeau Wheat
I think James Bowie or William Walker would have worked pretty well too
dey dindu nuffkin, they wuz good boyz
Goebbels was REALLY good at his job.