Veeky Forums meme thread
Veeky Forums meme thread
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Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?
Anyone have the Veeky Forums flag?
Fresh OC, I think someone might have edited the same pic, but w/e, tell me why it sucks
Change STEMmies on the main sign into /pol/fags or something, find a better color to paint over the words with, and maybe find a font that fits the original sign better.
Willy did nothing wrong.
Those countries didn't exist before yuros came, desu senpai.
This triggers the rightycuck
kek, that's a good one to trigger stormfags
Lel now they are all shit
This triggers the leftycuck
>Tfw I will never personally put one through Rosa's forehead
In light of recent events
Please quit putting down Marshall Goering you're hurting my feelings. ;(
He was a great person. ;( ;(
In light of recent events
>North offers the south slavery
>They refuse
>B-b-but the war is over slavery!
desu the right have been getting cucked for the last 300 years by the left
Desu the right got cucked by the liberals who then completely cucked you too
I'm not a leftitst dumb nigger
Then you're both a regular cuck and classcuck
desu you probably don't even know what cuck means
Yeah. The Inca empire was bigger than the shit it is now. Thanks eurangutans.
>Word for word copy of the original
>Yanks believe this
Needs a Wehrmacht vs US soldier edition. The latter's advantage in literally every single area was just staggering.
>Face all of the conscripted soldiers that didn't want to he there and only about 10% of the total forces of the US while being in a state of resources scarcity
>Muh American superiority
Heh, sure thing kiddo
>10% of the total forces of the US
so is this eurangutan - inca thing a meme or are you just one dude?
Please outline the differences.
Eurangutans like to copy their superior. But it's obvious their posts are inferior to mine.
>not posting the superior version
Wrong. Inca's ethnic group was from the glorious mountains. Their mythic origin is the sky. Meanwhile eurangutan origin is literally a rib covered in mud. Hehe
lol so randum xDDDDDD
Tie a noose and neck yourself with this atahualpa.
t. radical centrist
>dude centrism is when you have no views!
Kill yourself you teenage LARPer
Wrong. Atahualpa was a mongrel between sacred Inca blood and peasant "blood".
Eurangutans are al so mixed up that they don't even know what's their origin, and fight with themselves. hehehe
Can we go back to memes now?
Of course you are the purest inca alive I presume, but really, when did this forced meme begin? this is /pol/ or just plain shitposting.
this is brazzilian not inca related
Eurangutans don't have some sections of the brain developed enough. Don't blame them.
Indeed atahualpa keep your shitposting.
they are the same, both are salty as fuck because the moor steals their wives.
Wrong. Atahualpa was a mongrel between sacred Inca blood and peasant "blood".
Eurangutans are all so mixed up that they don't even acknowledge what's their own origin, and fight with themselves. hehehe
>He isn't a centrist
The war was over secession, and secession was over slavery.
/our/ guy
I don't understand...pls explain
4 pests campaign
mao rekt his own country by killin birds
mao was a master of the self-rekt.
t. STEM faglord
>t. virgin
They should be switched though. Mao BTFO the flying bourgeoisie.
world BTFO
agree with you desu
t. socdem
t. spineless fence sitters
No, the war was over sovereignty. Secession was over slavery.
do it youself leftycuck
>it's bad if you don't go full retard like I did!
Good one. Fuck, never thought I'd miss all the autistic STEMposting abd the bad philosophy threads. Where did they go?
>you have to go one way or the other goy, just mindlessly follow what your party tells you.
Righties in charge of German.
new from /pol/
In all accounts I've read about the fighting in North West Europe in 1944 and 1945 there is frequent mention of American soldiers calling in artillery as soon as they see a single German because they were too much pussies to take casualties
The casualties from "combat fatigue" (aka being a pussy) were also much higher than actual combat injuries in many cases
It's bad to be like you and have no serious convictions
Every politician wants you to be a good docile centrist
I made OC, but it's only partially Veeky Forums related.
>f-f-fight me one on one so I can kill you
>no :^
Sounds like Germans alright.
Nice bait