How come human history consists of so much war despite it being against human nature to kill other humans
How come human history consists of so much war despite it being against human nature to kill other humans
>despite it being against human nature to kill other humans
Its true. Why do humans get psychological issues after killing other humans if that isn't the explanation?
And why do they still do it?
Killing other animals is pretty normal for every animal.
Deal with it.
not him
Animals killing their kind is not normal and very rare. (Bears rarely kill other bears)
because it's what causes the most change
no one really cares about all the boring stuff that happens while a country isn't at war
Because society tells them to. Also, most people are completely unaffected by actual killing others, especially in the context of war. That type of guilt is overstated, especially when the practice of making your enemies out to be subhuman or "had it coming" has been so common in history and tribalism/factionalism dynamics in general.
Among social animals, killing other members of the same species is extremely common. Anything from chimps, to wolves, to squirrels kill and rape each other with no remorse all the time.
t. slavs
Have you ever met a marine or us soldier who was deployed? They're very proud of killing towel-heads and camel-jockeys.
Doesn't disprove
>Predatory Fish
>Birds of Prey
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
That's still a very small list
>A small list
You have a very small brain
I don't count insects since they don't have enough brain
And yet still more than you all things considered. Your criterion is retarded.
>Using fucking insects as an argument
You're a fucking moron
Social animals (ie humans) are sometimes directly associated with intra-species violence.
>Not considering that there are other animals besides those listed that fit the criterion.
Dude you have the most autistic kind of ignorance I've ever seen.
When discussing human psychology. You rarely talk about toddlers. Because toddlers are fucking retarded. Same goes for insects as animals
What's the percentage for humans?
People talk about the formative years all the time in psychology you dumbfuck. You still haven't considered that there are more animals than that which engage in such behavior because you're so fucking uneducated.
2.3 for pre-modern humans, as high as 12% during medieval times, and as low as 0.5% in modern societies. In general its less than pre-modern human but this number varies widely between different societies which invokes the whole "society tells you too" thing.
>Using the most mindless creatures in the universe to try and win an argument
>Thinks that they doing something have the same weight in an argument as regular animals doing it
You're a fucking moron. Period
>Doesn't consider that there are more animals than those listed and instead hangs on one section of a huge list
Duder you dumber than an insect and thus prove my point.
You used insects as the main part of your argument
*meant to reply to
>The main part
>A quick example of five is the main part
Because... it ISN'T against human nature to kill other humans? Violence is in our nature, fucking deal with it.
/pol/acks have truly ruined this board
>(Bears rarely kill other bears)
>solitary animals that barely ever meet each other outside mating rarely kill each other
Gee, whodathunk.
lol killing is natural and we love it! we should all do it!
>lives in a first world country with laws and armed forces that try to limit killing
Humans, male humans, can kill without getting mental issues.
Vets don't have mental problems because they killed people, they have mental problems because they were getting shot at.
> states that humans have been killing eachother A LOT throughout history
> claims its against human nature to kill other humans
You arent the sharpest tool in the shed, are you buddy?
People have to be taught not to kill other people. It is the easiest way to immediately solve all your problems, trouble is that society cant function if everyone kills eachother on a whim and we become more susceptible to predators and other threats if we live as individuals. So we make laws and harsh penalties for murder, yet people do it anyway...all the time. We even make supernatural punishment like hell for fucking eternity, and people still do it.
Children under the age of 6-7 dont understand the concept of reasoning and thus the concept of death (this is an average so obviously there are some 4y olds that can). They are basically little sociopaths and the only hing keeping them in line is your training, strict eye, and their efforts to mimic your behavior in order to be like everyone else. Put an unrelated 2 year old and a 3 year old in a room without obvious spectators. Give the 2yo a bunch of candy and toys. Give the 3 year old a knife. The 3 year old may ask for some candy or toys, the 2yo will say no because thats all they do at that age and also they are sociopaths, the 30 will kill him. More likely scenario: the 3yo will try to take the candy, 2yo will resist and get beaten or killed. Completely unlikely scenario: They share and live happily ever after.
Its takes self control, education/fear of consequences I guess, and good grasp of sanity to avoid killing people.
>..all the time
In 2011, Germany had a murder rate of 0.8 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 662 murders in Germany in 2011
The other argument is also stupid. Learning is key for humans (but also many animals). Saying killing is natural because we would do it if not taught otherwise is like saying being mute is natural because we need to be taught how to speak.
I accidently killed a guy on a bike and I literally don't care
>I am a psychopath and a shitty human being, this is the norm
>human being
>on a bike
Melanin rich homo sapiens detected
Guilt is a mental mechanism we developed because our HURR SADISM YH instinct went haywire the moment we could use tools. Guilt stopped humans in Eurasia from killing eachother for fun the moment they got bored.
how is a fucking neutered nation reinforcing your point?
> picks arbitrary year of the country that commited mass genocide in the last century.....I wonder why
> thinks that people are born mute and dont verbally communicate.
Sit down for this, but we learn how to say specific words in specific languages, not to speak.
what? you couldnt be further from the truth. But it is intersting how your need to be racist busts out at any opportunity. I'm not sure what in my comment made you think I had elevated levels of melanin.
Everyone has the same amount of melanin brainlet. White people just have higher levels of pheomelanin over eumelanin. You also need it for your brain to function right, so in fact by calling someone "melanin-rich" you're claiming they're at lower risk for Parkinson's disease more then anything about their skin color.
why do sociopaths try to drag down the rest of humanity and justify their criminal and violent behavior
Because war isn't about killing people
im not a menace to society society is a menace to me
That's because Germans were taught to not kill or harm others by constant training (learning). Your statement does not refute 's argument.
A lot of the "psychological" issues retained by people in modern combat isn't actually caused by them killing other people. It's caused by brain damage caused by all the violent motion experienced by soldiers in war. Bullet shock waves, artillery impacts, weapon recoil. These things are just as bad as playing football (American and futbol both have CTE issues) and boxing to the human brain.
In my honest opinion, the increase in Parkinson's and all other brain disorders old people get are probably caused by the constant movement we all have now as humans (driving all day every day, riding on fast moving vehicles that move really fast then brake suddenly in relation to the human brain inside the skull, elevators). Humans weren't really designed to move as fast as we do with mechanical/animal movement, and now we generally do it almost every single day.
Except bears regularly kill each other dude. Imagine if some 40 year old guy walked across the street and viciously killed the two kids playing in the yard then went inside and fucked their mom. That is a common thing in the bear world.
You have absolutely no idea how "Parkinson and other brain disorders old people get" work, user
We recently had bear re introduced, and we have an alpha male than has driven or killed all the other males so he can fuck all the females during years, he is now fucking his own grandaughters and another re-introduced male bear has "misteriously died" near his territory.
I mentioned this year because it's the first thing to come up with a google search for my country.
The genocide was not a "natural thing" but orchastrated by the nazis and they had to hide it because they knew people would not approve. They used gas because they thought it would be a more humane way of killing (for the executioner that is).
>but we learn how to say specific words in specific languages, not to speak
One of the most retarded things I ever heard someone say. Tell me, how do you speak without words in a specific language?
I was never told to not kill anyone. Did someone actively teach you not to kill?
The whole idea to look at humans without their upbringing, social environment and what they learned is simply impossible. We are just smart monkeys without that.
Do you have a single fact to back that up or is it just your conjecture
Humans don't have a nature and if they did killing other humans wouldn't be against it
Not all of them do, some modern humans that have lived their lives away from their natural environment do though
Feral children can't speak known languages but they still vocalize, humans aren't mute by nature
>majority of people live in big communities trying to avoid violence
>edgy and anti-social contrarians try to claim this is innatural and we should instead kill each other on the spot
>Humans don't have a nature and if they did killing other humans wouldn't be against it
Are you fucking retarded? Of course we have. We just got the intelligence to defy it
Most of them don't
What is human nature and how is it different from other animals natures?
The problem lies more in killing without thinking, as reflex based training often has soldiers fire at enemies before they realise they are there.