
What is the best astrological resource/ advising service?

I'm not going to explain myself to the uninitiated, but I'm sure some of you here know where to find such resources.

Thank you very much in advance!

Other urls found in this thread: of the Stars.pdf

Probably none of them. you should learn it yourself. I think thhe rosicrucian method is one of the most legitmate look up max heindels teachings he has a whole course online that is quite in depth. If you dont know who the rosicrucians are, you probably arent initiated. Also dont know why you would post this in biz

Law of attraction and common interest would bring me to the right person. I have a Rosicrucian building close to my apartment. I will go in tomorrow and ask them information.
Do you have any references I could use?

As an outsider. Have any YouTube videos?

oh sorry oh high one, i am just a lowly peasent that hasnt read the same shitty 1990s conspiracy websites you have

I only know basic stuff, man. Being a libra I write it off a lot.

It's kinda like calling someone a newfag.
fucking lol though my bad

Thats actually true, i wonder why tho

If the moon can control the oceans tides and depth. We humans are 95+ H2o how can the moon not effect us?

there has to be something to it, user.
go look at you chart on this site ,There are also the transit of everyday then go chek Krs channel on youtube and learn see it as a type of psychology.

Max Heindel was born in 1865
The rosicrucians are from 1600's

Since you all are too lazy to do a google search of the Stars.pdf


I'm thinking more of a resource that will help me realize which companies to trade

If you dont already know who the rosicrucians are or at least dont know about kabalah, I suggest you do more research. Kabalah is very interesting and ties in with astrology/magic/black magic

A bottle of bleach. You drink it and you'll meet someone astrologically compatible with you.

fuck man you're freakin me out

This is how I interpret the sigils
Sun Your Will
Moon your Mind
Mercury how you conceptualize , how you communicate
Venus What you like What pushes you to do what you do
Mars where you put your energy
Jupiter where things expand and grow $$
Saturn your fears Life lesson Challenge
Ascendant how you see the world how other see you

Cause I'm not a body of water?

Man youre not going to find that
People Billionaire especially occult these things for a reason you got to learn this science from the basic before understanding how ((they)) use them

just exercising law of attraction and asking for clues and for my personal motivation.

Here is how to make money with astrology:
1) figure out the exact time of your birth (this is important, preferably within 2 minutes)

2) cast an astrological chart/ horoscope for yourself using your precise birth time and location

3) on the chart you want to find out what sign the second house cusp is. The second house rules personal property.

4) then you want to find the planet that rules the sign of the second house cusp. This is the astrological planet that is in charge of personal wealth in your life

5) do rituals and worship this god/planet and they will aid you by increasing your personal wealth

It really is that simple. You can do the same thing with the ruler of your 10th house cusp which governs career and social standing.

Honestly if you arent dedicated enough to read essential books like the hermetica and the three occult books of philosophy and other very important legitimate works, then i wouldnt bother attempting to predict companies and other such things. 95% of modern resources of astrology are total garbage .

sounds more like you are communicating with devils. you probably unknowingly sold your soul or some shit RIP. i'd rather be poor than do something that retarded

how to do step 2?

am I on /x/?

You can also contact the Christian archangel associated with those planets if it makes your feel more comfortable.
Otherwise stay poor.

Turned off my VPN just for you guys.

Been studying Vedic Astrology for 15 years. AMA.

Wha-What am I looking at, user?

>body mostly comprised of water
>not a body of water


You rang?

yes because surely a devil will never lie to you and tell you that he is an angel. enjoy losing your soul for fleeting "wealth"

i know right. fuck you devil worshippers

God created the devil to rule this world, and everyone in it has to make some kind of deal with him. The only question is whether or not you get a good deal.

Saul consulted the Witch of Endor. Have you heatd of The Greater Key of Solomon? I have one of the earliest scrolls.

This shit is hilariously retarded. Well done, Veeky Forums you've convinced me not to listen to your advice. Enjoy the bullshit pseudoscience. Maybe someday you'll develop an ounce of skepticism.

Have you ever empirically tested astrology? Maybe you are the one who should be skeptical.


>the devil rules this world
>therefore everyone must make a deal with him
you most certainly did not get a good deal
what does that have to do with anything? Saul was not a righteous man.

what the hell is it and how can I learn how to use it. Also please post your Bitfolio

sounds like something a Lost Soul would say

You do not comprehend sub atomic physics, quantum mechanics, particle theory, etc, ad infinum, nor do you careto. Fedora Coin is that way------------->

>black magic
i love fried chicken. like really love it.

When I search on Google "body of water", I don't see humans.

Yeah at least when people are meming up and using bad arguments in favor of shitcoins, I can understand they're just desperate to make some money. But here... I don't think anyone in the thread is making money. Jesus what the fuck.

>We don't understand 100% of the world, so I'm going to give up and just substitute in my own truth

do you actually think the moon has special effects on h2o specifically, or is this double trolling both the astrolodumbfucks who believe you and the sane people who think you're serious

looks like a chart listing all your favorite shitting street locations.

lel, as if astrology and other such pseudoscience offers any understanding relating to those topics. Sure, I don't have a great understanding of the specifics of things like quantum mechanics, does that mean I should assume magic?

Jesus christ these are basic principles of the scientific method.

This thread is awesome.
Never thought of using space memetics to help finance memes.

Quantum Mechanics is difficult. I have seen many a Fedora who even glanced in the direction of a Treatise on such turn to stone instantly.

you probably don't even know what a zodiac sign is

Magic is the simple mans way of understanding and utilizing Quantum Mechanics.


whether its true is not the point. the point that even the biggest whale of whales believe it so its real

As someone that knows more quantum mechanics than you, that's the dumbest thing I've heard.

I'm being trolled confirmed. well done m8 topkek

have you tried daoist geomancy aka fengshui?

Ok was going to explain more, but realized there are those here who would greatly abuse what I was about to post. May the Trubador Seek The Silver Chalice. Orca out.

podesta cooked like 12 spirits and raped at least 37 kids, yet hillary still lost the election. so maybe if he raped 38 kids or cooked 13 spirits things would have worked out. i dunno. maybe it's real.

Why do you think your opinion on astrology is accurate when you literally don't know enough about it to define what a zodiac sign is?

>not utilizing Dream symbolism in your financial decisions
Why do people do this? Why deprive yourself of sleep to the point where you completely turn off a FREE visual guide to money?

That's a picture of the sky right now-ish from the east coast of the US. You can see the Sun "Su" on the left side of the chart in the 4th house, meaning it's Midnight. If I made this chart at noon, the Sun would be on the right side, in the 10th house.

When someone is born (exact birth time and place is best), we record the precise locations of the planets in the sky. Yes, the ancients knew of Neptune and Uranus, etc... but didn't consider them significant to individual life.

On my PC but I have 177 ETH, most invested in an ICO right now. I started trading on an auspicious day, which I calculated using a software called Shri Muhurtha (used the entry for investing in stock market).

You can learn by getting a copy of your chart and then understanding what it is you're looking at.

I'm of German ancestry living in the US. But yeah, I was a bit shocked when I visited India and saw the open defecation, people are really great though.

Brilliant. Under rated post of the year.

have you ever thought maybe hillary wasnt supposed to win?

as much as i've considered i'm not supposed to be rich.

Black Magic always comes back to exact its price with Interest.

>people are really great though
what is that supposed to mean? if you can't even be honest about street shitters i'm wasting my time reading your words.

that's just a scare tactic to steer people away from negro magic.

If you ever visited a country and had people treat you like an honored guest, you might understand. The people I stayed with poo'ed in toilets. But there were many farmers that I saw pooping out in the open in fields. My hosts were really embarrassed about it.

This is as real as it gets and I could tell you more
Learn to use the powers that the powers use and it wont freak you out or at least realize there are sophisticated elite human beings that believe this to the point all major decisions are made with natural forces heavily influencing there decisions
Your body is literally made of majority of H2o

i was honored in afghanistan, a time or three. pretty sure those dirt cookies are the reason i still have diarrhea 3 times a day. where are you going with this? they shit on the street dude. good they should be ashamed.

stop saying h20 nerd, you aren't impressing anyone with your science talk. i went to college too ok, it's called water.

I think the deeper meaning of this quote is that in order to make the the big, big money, you need to think unconventionally, maybe even in a way that is contrarian, unfashionable, or eccentric.

don't ignore me faggot, i'm remote viewing you. put down the hotpocket and respond.

I'm physically attracted to 0x

that makes sense, 0x is mostly h20.

What point are you trying to make?

i thought i made that clear. i suppose, to the uninitiated, it isn't though. hmm.

do people actually believe in this shit

Gravity is a phenomenon not unique to the moon. We are more affected by Earth's gravity than the moon's gravity. Go jump off a building and see what I mean.

Sounds like you got a shitty deal also.

our dark Lord works in mysterious ways.

Its all real. Oh yeah Earth is Flat. Go read your Corpus Hermeticum

I always consult my tarot cards when trading. Drew this card when I decided to buy ANS

/pol/ is leaking again

>piss on the ground and make a puddle
>jizz in puddle of piss
>if jizz floats in a steady line it means buy
>if jizz separates and floats off in different directions, sell
this is how you do it, right?

If you really want to use the movement of the stars know that you're being lied to and manipulated

Zodiac signs are defined according to the seasons in Western astrology. The constellations are just convenient names and markers. They briefly mention this at the end of that article.

this is clearly /x/ you fucking pajeetard.

Child sacrifice is where it's at bro.

literaly m8

excuse me but I think you spelled "literally" wrong.

Nicely shared, user. How to do step #5 though?

There are many ways, this is one, but different traditions have different ways of going about it.

Each of the seven classical planets is associated with a day of the week. This is pretty obvious, even more so in Latin derived languages.

Sunday = Sun
Monday = Moon
Tuesday = Mars
Wednesday = Mercury
Thursday = Jupiter
Friday = Venus
Saturday = Saturn

This site has prayers to each of these gods.

Find the right prayer and read it over and over again just after sunrise on the day of that planet. Try to do this every week. It also helps to burn incense as a sacrifice.

Okay, I'll bite. I actually have a lot of questions. Whenever I speak to Vedic Astrologers, they are usually cryptic and very weird about giving direct answers, but I'm hoping you'll be a bit more open. Here goes...

Is Jyotish as accurate as it's hyped up to be?
Is there a wide range of interpretations like there can be in western astrology?
How do you personally reconcile the Fate / Free will debate, given that you're privvy to Vedic Astrology?
What is the best remedy a person can do to bring in wealth?
Why do Vedic astrologers always get weird when they look at my chart / Nakshastra? :D
Has Jyotish helped you with success in finance? What if a person doesn't have the chart for it?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's into the mystic side of gaining money. Here's a good quote from the book the master key system.

"All possession is based on consciousness. All gain is the result of an accumulative consciousness, all loss is the result of a scattering consciousness."

Make sure you don't forget to do the thing where you jizz in a puddle of your piss, too. That's the most important part or else harambe won't bless you with the gainz.

Oh you mean our astrological position and the placements of the heavenly bodies don't actually matter and are just a facade in (((western astrology)))

You literally are though you dumb nigger

Awesome reply. Many thanks, based user!