Why does leftypol want an anti white safespace?
Why does leftypol want an anti white safespace?
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Not your safespace
Not yours either
>no arguments
Why are leftists cucks so stupid
You didn't answer the question.
How does Frank keep getting away with it?
Why do you leftists suck establishment cock?
>wants to establish a European wide empire based on the principle of their innate superiority
>loses the only war it ever fought, to a bunch of slavs and jews
Thread has nothing to do with history, or even the humanities, mods where are you?
They are pseudo-intellectuals that want to redefine history according to their narrative, Veeky Forums is about a pseudo-science where you can seem intelligent despite turning to wikipedia for all of your answers and attempt to convince people to see history according to your narrative. They don't actually all care about knowledge or facts at this stage of their raiding, it's all about the narrative that supports their ideology.
It is only natural they want to colonize this board, just respond to their shitposting with solid awnsers and back all of your claims up with actual sources and you will see them fall apart and start posting the same tired memes and infographs over and over again.
Mods are niggers who support this by omission.
you really are fucking birds of a feather aren't you?
>post out off topic thread
>get told to fuck off
>uhrr not ur safespace.
Ah /pol/tard and their persecution complex. Yes everybody disagree with you not because you are obnoxious faggot but because they all are SJW JIDF commie.
Seriously? "Leftypol" is the shitposting problem?
This shit ain't funny anymore. Half of /pol/ is going full neo-Nazi cult and celebrating that woman's death while at the same time pretending to be peaceful (except for a few real hardcases who openly revel in her death).
Why do leftists cuckolds have such a huge persecution complex?
You leftypol shills have daily raids threads
Why shouldn't we celebrate the death of antifa?
My logic could actually be applied to both flavors of /pol/, but its still nice to know I got a reaction out of you by insinuating that you where both a charlatan and a sophist.
>captcha Helicopters
Daww, the leftypol cuck is triggered
Because it's wrong. Period, end of story. There is no argument against that.
Motherfucker, you are same shit as the people you're supposedly calling out here, have some fucking introspection and go have your ideological struggle the fuck away from here.
>guy who posts about other people having a "safe space" literally every day
>it's the other guy who has a persecution complex
>we should be happy when people fighting for white liberation die
>but the death of an antifa terrorist is a tragedy
I'm not the one one leftypol organizing raids on Veeky Forums
I like how the stormnigger has ignored this.
I'm seriously starting to think /pol/uters are inherently mentally ill people
There's simply no other explanation for such behavior
Why is this anti white jew worshipping cuck so lonely that he needs to samefag his own post?
Waste of time, /pol/ does this purely because Veeky Forums doesnt tolerate their 'hitler dindu nuffin' revisionist threads on here. And since they get btfo, they decide to shit up the board asking for special treatment
>that ms paint editing
Why are you SJWs so stupid.
You anti white cucks can't btfo shit, you cucks talk shit but you never back it up
I have nothing but contempt for both sides of this shitshow.
You just make threads to call each other niggercuckfaggot ad nauseam, never agree on anything and expect the rest of us to be your fucking referee, and when we actually step in and say "no, it was like this", we just get called whatever side of the barricade opposite to you.
Fanboying a political system is retarded and doesn't belong here.
Can't really throw you out, so if you really wanna act as someone's better, at least fucking behave yourself.