Bancor is literally unstoppable

Bancor is literally unstoppable.

Stoppable difficulty: low



NEOBNT token changer


Every day you make this thread
Every day the price goes lower
I want to laugh at you,because you're so pathetic,but all I feel for you is pity

Send your btc address,I'll give you 2 dollars


what's this doc? who wrote it

Unstoppable direction is never specified.

it clearly says guy @ bancor. it's taken from telegram.

What makes you post?Desperation?Depression?
I really pity you,not even trolling.I'll give you $10 btc after fees user,just send me your address

What makes you nobancs come into my threads everyday? fuck off

How much have you lost from BNT?Its pity that I come into your thread

im a lil bancor slut, send me btc


You fags havent even reached your pre ico hype price. So sick of you egotistical cucks acting like you matter around these parts

t. Arkie

Send it to himI'm up in fiat. You would only pity me if you're a low info nobanc that believes what's posted here.

When the time comes and bancor moons I'll be posting twice as much. kys

i fucking hate seeing those grinning kike whores in this board everyday

ethereum has been shitting itself ever since they got into crypto

gas yourself arkie

Use the filter then retard and while you're at it see what led the eth ath in the first place.

This chart makes digicucks, bancucks, and lisktards want tie a noose around their neck

kys nigger faggot

How many bangers do i need to suck her pinky toe

The thing is you post this everyday,like a desperate plea for a god to end your miserable banc bags,but he doesn't.He's a normal bagholder.
Post your address,I'll send the donation

stop over analyzing my posts and fuck off nobanc

everyone goy dollar invested in Jewcor is a dollar spent killing the white race. remember who your owners are good goyum



product isn't finished yet, you won't be laughing in the end.
nobancs will be spamming wojaks however

I'm up almost 300% in the past week and a half from Monero
Enjoy your bags, maybe you'll turn a profit a couple years down the line

Literally as soon as they release changers arbitrage will cause it to moon, and hype will further the moon shot. I haven't bought in yet either, but it would be wise to soon before they unleash the dragon


Still a money grab scam coin. Just like yesterday.

If i wanted to give my money to kikes i'd just stick it in a savings account.

CampusCoin? More like CampusCuties.