>Be german
>industrialist super rich family
>find poor jewish friend
>convince him to write propaganda for peasants
>work in the shadows (no one pay attention to him)
Was Engels the mastermind behind marxism?
Be german
>work in the shadows
>his name is on the cover of the book
>implying 99% of marxists actually related marxism to him
He's the second or third figure we mention after Marx. I guess 4th in the case of Maoists.
Marxists are well aware of his contribution to Marxist thought - he edited Kapital!
Marx and Engels were both racist shitposters
Engels hated Black people and Marx thought Germans had superior genes over Englishmen
Why do leftists deny this?
>Veeky Forums Marxism is somewhat reated to real world Marxism
>real world Marxism
You mean the genocide in North Korea and Venezuela?
Marxism is fundamentally just violence and oppression
Yeah Marx only did 1st part of Das Kapital while Engels did the following parts by himself.
Everyone has superior genes compared to incest monkeys on their little island. English people are the ugliest white people. You know it is true.
>Veeky Forums Marxism
please stop
If someone says something you don't like you call him a commie, that's Americans politics 101.
Also, Angels was bad at Marxism.
Have you seen Britons or Americans, although I wouldn't call Americans white
This wasn't really the case, Engels wasn't just the one providing the finances for their work but was the co-founder of the theory of Marxism and countinued with work after Marx had died, both continuing on Marx' unfinished work as well as his own texts.
no one has read the book
Marx was based as fuck
More important look at that beard holy fuck, alpha as fuck
Who denied that exactly? It's stormfags that cry about how he started a sjw conspiracy without reading anything he wrote.
pls leave
Engels was the sugar daddy of Marx
That's not how you spell fascist....
>who is McCarthy?
I'd think Marx (and probably Lenin) would be pretty horrified if he saw modern Marxism.
No you mistook yanks for Russians who call dissenters fascists
Your comment strongly suggests that you've inferred "the book" to be Capital V. 1. This because lots of people have read the Communist Manifesto, which is simply a long essay, and which Engels is credited as having co-written. However Capital V. 1 is a solo Marx work, and so if my presumption is correct then you've misidentified whatever the other person had in mind.
Also yes, almost no normies actually read capital but a small clutch of the population (academics, grad students and the odd Veeky Forums autist) has done so.
Engels was weird. He became some sort of proto-SJW after Marx's death and wrote The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, some kind of batshit insane rant on a mystical matriarchal prehistoric past.
>the genocide in Venezuela
lol burgers are literally retarded
Papa Fred was the kind of friend we all need.
Bakunin BTFO of Marx
That is a very impressive beard.
especially if you are a neet.
t. political illiterate who gets everything from the Mises Institute and Conservapedia
>needs to look intelligent and excuse murder to do so because leftist experiments are in some sense "intrinsically noble" or perhaps "cool", "interesting", etc
spotted the idiot who has no leg to stand on.
>dialectic pseudoscientific "analysis"
>objective value
>consensual contracts aren't consensual
Did you neets eat up all of this garbage? Pfft
>Be individual
>Write on why it's irrational to not do shit out of your self-interest and why Commies are ragamuffins
>Some cucks write a book criticising me
>Have never even met Karl Cuck
Even among strangers I make the spooks fear me.
How did he eat soup with that 'stache?
>when you find out Engels wrote poetry about Stirner and called him a 'good friend'
eating is for the bourgeois
What made him dislike Stirner later on anyway? Or was it just Karl Marx getting angry and Engels just played along?
I think it was just Engels playing along.
I don't know how much Marx really hated Stirner though. He never published the German Idealogy in his lifetime, and some say that his shift from idealism to a more detached scientific approach might actually be from Stirner's influence.