Has there ever been a more based language group?
Indo-European Language Family
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How the fuck can language group be "based"?
You must admire that linguistic imperialism
Why is Ural-Altaic shared typology so effective?
R1A, Mediterraneans, and British are the only okay ones in that picture everyone else is subhuman
>aryans BTFO
>believing the altaic meme
>North Africa
>Estonia and South Finland
*Estonia was part of Corded Ware culture, but this isn't enough proof that they also adopted an IE language
Yeah maybe Corded Ware and Yamna were both Uralic.
They were IE and there was no """""adoption""""" but mass migration and a large scale replacement of previous indigenous occupants.
Anthropologically North-Eastern parts of CWC were very diffrent from the rest of it, so it's possible Estonians only adopted the Corded Ware ceramic technics, but stayed Uralic.
Pic rel: CWC Estonian, non-Nordic as you can see.
CWC weren't Nordic.
Yes they were. Their race is called "Corded Nordid".
No, it's not. They were not Nordic. They pre-date snowniggers.
>Anthropologically North-Eastern parts of CWC were very diffrent from the rest of it
Most likely because they picked up only a small amount(~20%) of Neolithic farmer admixture in Poland from the Globular Amphora while other CW acquired much larger amounts and Central European Bell Beakers even a slim majority.
The idea of Uralic languages being pre-IE has always been hilarious but now debunked.
Maybe, just maybe in the Urals but definitely not Estonia.
They pre-date Germanics, but were Corded Nordids.
The "stereotypical" Nordic type (Hallstatt) is a mix between Corded and Danubian Nordics.
Iran are our brothers fuck saudis
>Hallstatt is CWC
>Danubian Nordics.
Stop posting already you fucking moron.
>The idea of Uralic languages being pre-IE has always been hilarious but now debunked.
Or was it? The most popular theory on Finno-Ugrics is that they come from Pit-Comb, and this culture existed in the Baltics and Finland before CWC. This even correlates well with "Finnic" N1c haplogroup.
>Hallstatt is CWC
I've said that Hallstatt is a mix of Corded and Danubian, and this is what Coon said as well dumbass.
>Danubian Nordics.
Narrow faced, light-eyed and mesocephalic, so calling them "Nordids" is not far from truth.
Those outdated phenotype memes were made during XIX-XX period. They're irrelevant.
No it doesn't since the Pit-Comb/Comb Ceramic Ware man from Estonia had "Middle Eastern" admixture at low levels and a rare type of haplogroup R1a not typical for Europeans.
It's starting to look like Kelteminar culture of Kazakhstan was indeed ancestral to Pit-Comb like archaeologists always said but they had jack shit to do with Uralic people at least in origin as they were slightly Iranianized indigenous folks from Kazakhstan, not the Siberian Mongoloids that Uralic people descend from.
Haplogroup N1c is a new arrival to Europe.
The "Corded" race is based on how CWC looked like, and Danubian is based on how pre-Corded people looked like, so it's not irrelevant.
I didn't hear about it. Then I'm wondering what the original culture of Finno-Ugrics have been.
Give back Atropatene you fucking T*rks
Indo-Iranians are actually R1a you not knowing this literally proves you're a subhuman.
Oh shit meant for
Nigger I literally am indo-iranian, that's why I said R1A is best. Fuck off