What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
too pure for this world
What the fuck are you asking about?
Being stuck in the middle and surrounded by autistic retards
Germans(Anglos) and Russians(Jews)
Something a little bit more specific?
They literally dindu nuffin
Too bad they were so unfortunate being squished between Germans and Russians
autists to the left
mongoloids to the right
Recently the topic of war reparations reemerged in Poland. It's likely just a publicity thing like "you want us to take refugees? pay reparations first", but what does Veeky Forums think? We were sold to USSR who refused both the reparations and marshall plan in our stead.
Is there any point in trying or is it just a substitute subject for the media with no real meaning?
its just a way to justify saying no to the EU
They played imperialism and lost, they were too weak. Makes me wonder how would central and north asia look today if the Commonwealth had survived as an hegemon (since a weak Russia is obviously not gonna be able to take it).
More like a way to draw attention away from political bullshit that has been going on recently here. Typical pointless, but effective diversion
Lack of separation between Church and State if you consider that to be a problem.
>They played imperialism
Revoluška polski.
While it is a political suicide, it is true that by law Poland can demand those reparations, as Federal German Republic has rendered void all treaties made by German Democratic Republic, which was the one Poland made treaty about resigning from reparations "for accepting Odra-Nysa border", which in itself is quite bullshit reason.
Really makes you think.
>getting upset because they refuse to accept a single refugee
They were the natural leaders of an Intermarium union/empire that could have evolved from the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth and tempered the Germanics and the Russians, but they just couldn't stop squabbling over petty issues with their neighbors.
Its still a shithole where any person with half a brain fucks off from as soon as possible.
Any person with half brain will emigrate, all others - educated and successful ones, will stay in Poland. A win-win situation.
>By December 2015, 12% of Polish labor population left for UK to work there
> 90% of Poles under 34 have considered some form of migration.
>Over the past decade or so, there has been a visible trend that migrants are increasingly likely to be young and well-educated
>29% of Polish emigrants their job abroad is the first job they had in life
The country is a shithole that the young can't wait to get the fuck out of. All that is left are the retards and old people.
honestly i'd rather have my country be a shithole than to be a minority in my own country
all men from the beginning of time til today know that freedom and self determination is worth more than money
what good are all the riches when londoners and parisians are too afraid to walk the streets of their own city at night because they will get mugged or raped by niggers and arabs?
No, the Poles are going back actually.
not being split between germany and russia
Thank God without it there's at least some culture in the central Europe.
They are basically just russians with delusions of grandeur. They haven't been relevant since 1600s and nowadays their only thing worth of pride is their "purity". Let's just say that pure shit is still shit.
>central europe
Pure delusion
nice coping mechanism, too bad it's entirely grounded in /pol/ memes
I love Poland and Poles
t. Russian
This isn't /int/ you stupid fucking nigger, you actually have to have a historical topic in mind + sources. inb4 "everything is humanities" Saged and reported.
I guess you mean pure stupidity. In its history Poland always had the choice to either ally with Russia or Germany and most of the time they choose to fight them both instead, consequently getting gangbanged each time.
A more sane foreign policy and Poland wouldnt have to be everyones doormat.
They are hypocrites who are all for free eu bux from germoney but against all german influence in their politics.
They wan't to keep getting all that eurobucks without having to do anything. Which will bite them in the ass in the future. Contarary to the cuck reputation germans are quite brutal when it comes to dues to be repayed, take a look at Greece.
>We were sold to USSR
>hurr why doesn't USA and Birtain start a suicidial war against Soviets to free us
I really really hate Polish entitlement.
Geographic middle of europe is in poland you mongoloid
>i know everyone relevant just started one collosal waste of influence man power and industry to bolster the united states even fucking more
>but can we have another? I don't like my government
Fuck you.
>This isn't /int/ you stupid fucking nigger, you actually have to have a historical topic in mind + sources.
Apparently Veeky Forums in its overall extent had little problem with engaging in shitflinging in this topic before you showed up.
Face it - Veeky Forums is just /pol/ lite with pseudointellectual undertones and this very thread revealed that ugly truth.
t.actual Polack.
so why do you care so much?
i-its n-not real
>hurr durr being opportunist is something bad
This type of thinking is exactly why you leftists are losing.
Domestic terrorist attacks are included in this map. Not a single muslim terrorist attack ever happened in Czech Republic.
Do we really have a good grounding to shit on them for their leftism? Our government is based upon principles straight from Eastern Bloc - just because /pol/ is willing to overlook this due to immigration policy, it won't go away.
[spoiler] If that makes you feel any better, I really hope that Hiro realises what waste of space this whole 'humanities' board is and merges it back with /pol/ where it belongs. [/spoiler]
Polish "Shithole"
>economy is still getting better
>created crypto-Eastern European union/Intermarium - Three Seas Interactive, future succesor of the EU in the east
>homogenous, therefore stable as fuck
>ruled by wise opportunists
g*rman "superpower":
>lol implying they will not get into some crisis in the next 10 years
>european union is losing it's members
>multicultural, so unstable
>ruled by suicidal autists
r*ssian "empire":
>in contrast what ivans tell you, unsafe as fuck
>economy is going down
>created "eurasian union", which just has few countries, LOL LAME
>multicultural with all those muslim caucasians and immigrants from c. asia
>ruled by dictator who thinks that his country is some sort of superpower comparable too the US LOL
we get it, you got the last laugh
PiS did nothing wrong, nobody cares about your "le constitution" meme, and communist judges, get over it.
I'd prefer live in a dictatorship than in an unstable multicultural poor g*rman colony PO wants us to become.
For the most part your right, but thats because the bait threads always get the most traction.
Those imbeciles have approximately zero economic knowledge. If anything, PiS will only build a failing authoritarian welfare state that will last only for as long as agriculture workers get their gibs.
Should our economy go to hell, our society will welcome practically anyone who offers to alleviate these ills.
>Those imbeciles have approximately zero economic knowledge.
LOT under PO - 300 million zlotys on minus
LOT under PiS - 300 million zlotys OF INCREASE
VAT income - multiplied by 24%
>bu-but morawiecki is an idiot who doesn't know anything about economy!1111
>Those imbeciles have approximately zero economic knowledge. If anything, PiS will only build a failing authoritarian welfare state that will last only for as long as agriculture workers get their gibs.
If you relate to 500+, then I have a bad news for ya...
>Platforma zapowiada, że nie zlikwiduje i na pewno nie ograniczy programu 500+. Przeciwnie. Sztandarowy program PiS ma zostać rozszerzony. 500 zł na dziecko ma być wypłacane także w rodzinach 2+1 tak, aby stanowił zachętę do powiększania rodziny. skąd weźmie na to pieniądze? Nie wiadomo
Hahahaha, even the "neo-liberal" element of PO is lost. There is no single argument to vote for them.
Also, rapefugees want gibsmedats and effortless access to high living.
If we were to try and import them, we would have to place them in closed camps indefinitely so they wouldn't escape to Germany or Sweden.
Years back Kaczyński scorned Tusk on the grounds of building his campaigns on a non-threat threats (likening it to announcing the risk of Gabon invasion and patting himself on the back when it wouldn't arrive). Refugees in our context is exactly one such non-threat threat.
>If we were to try and import them, we would have to place them in closed camps indefinitely so they wouldn't escape to Germany or Sweden
No, because according to law Germany and Sweden would have a right to send them back... to Poland...
I don't have even to tell you that this will make immigrants angry on our government and they would demand as high welfare as in Germany...
Also the PO would do whatever the g*rmans want, so even if instead of 7000 they would have to take 7 millions - then they would have agreed.
As a Dutchman I am really wondering what terror attacks they're speaking of. I only recall 1 and that was 13 years ago.
>What is economical momentum
>What is period of Hossa on the markets
These are wearing themselves out as we speak and government has no idea what to do outside of state-owned businesses.
It is the private businesses that are the guarantee of economical success, you retarded socialist.
There is no possiblity of keeping them cooped up here, what are you smoking?
Go outside /pol/ from time to time and you will notice that the only other place in awe of our government and its 'successes' are public media and PiS-owned media.
>It is the private businesses that are the guarantee of economical success, you retarded socialist.
Then tell me how the PO will support private buisenesses with extended 500+
>inb4 they will lower taxes!!1
Yea, they said the same in 2008 and did nothing.
>economical momentum
>period of Hossa on the markets
I'd rather say that PiS, unlike PO, doesn't steal from the citizens.
PO was most likely manipulating VAT system to steal VAT income.
Would you vote for thieves?
>Go outside /pol/ from time to time and you will notice that the only other place in awe of our government and its 'successes' are public media and PiS-owned media.
Therefore from the Polish-owned media, not from the g*rman wyborcza.pl. or lisweek.
> Syria