We Greeks Wuz Nords was debunked good. What's next that will get the most triggering?
What We Wuz are you looking forward to getting debunked next?
Other urls found in this thread:
North african berbers We Wuzzing Carthage
Still things like Carthage and Egypt being proven to be not sub-Saharan African because blacks will literally shoot someone over it.
We know now that the Lebanese are more or less the same as the Canaanites and by extension Phoenicians and by extension Carthaginians (not the foreign labor).
Not my fault you Amerifats think Africa is Niggerland.
The Egyptian study only utilized skeleton samples from Northern/Lower Egypt near the Levantine.
It's not representative of Egypt as a whole .
White americans we wuzzing the founding fathers
>and by extension Phoenicians and by extension Carthaginians (not the foreign labor).
Except Carthaginian DNA was never found
There is no better way for Western/Northern Europeans to appease the "New Europeans" than telling them they wuz Romans, they wuz Egypt, they wuz Hannibal.
Japanese we wuzzing Hungarians.
>pretending there's a huge difference
Hannibal wasn't Brad Pitt or Kunta Kinte. Deal with it.
Nordics wewuzzing Proto-Indo-Europeans.
White Americans are mostly of German origin. And the most of founding fathers were of British origin. DEBUNKED.
G*rmans WE WUZZING Charlemagne.
>We show that present-day Lebanese derive most of their ancestry from a Canaanite-related population, which therefore implies substantial genetic continuity in the Levant since at least the Bronze Age. In addition, we find Eurasian ancestry in the Lebanese not present in Bronze Age or earlier Levantines. We estimate that this Eurasian ancestry arrived in the Levant around 3,750–2,170 years ago during a period of successive conquests by distant populations.
No Niggers or Berbers here.
Wait, WHAT
You're right, that belongs to the Dutch
There is
/pol/tards wewuzing everything.
Ancient Macedonians - let the debate end if they are "Hellenic" or "Macedonian" or neither has a real claim.
>Carthaginians aren't Phoenician
Epicccc this is epiiiic I walk le lonely road
They were berber to the bone genetically after 600 years of mixing
Nobody is more than ~50%
Brits We Wuzing as Templars
Let me guess: You non-ironically believe the Spainards and Greeks were Nords before the Moors and Turks invaded them. Or that Ancient Egypt was turned brown when the Arabians came around.
Okay. So don't have any acceptable basis for saying the Berbers had the same status as Phoenicians.
Autist meets turboautist
I walk le lonely roaaaaaad
I'm sure they remained exactly the same after leaving Tyre (a What? 20-30,000 city when they left it to settle carthage and the west med) so how many could They have been? 5,000 against what? hundreds of thousands of berbers, Iberians, Sards, Sicani yeah I'm sure They stayed exactly the same Jumbo
Says the giga autist
>t. New Worlder
Take Mexicans They might speak and act Spanish but genetically they are 80-90% native
Romanians saying Dacian was related to Latin and that Romans migrated from the Balkans.
Thats kinda true Romans were urnfield
Not B*lkans
The IE migration route went through Hungary or southern Poland
western europeans getting their dreams trashed about being from the steppe/aryan.
it will only do justice when they find out they were cucked by ancestors of balts and slavs.
That really doesn't make sense.
The options are
1. their paternal line is steppe
2. their paternal line is non-steppe but they cuckolded Corded Ware until they became genetically indistinguishable from them
See, if they got cucked by Balto-Slavs they would share paternal lines with them.
Hindu nationalists wewuzzing the indo-European urheimat. They're going to be irrevocably BTFO by the end of the year.
majority of steppe ancestry in europe comes from cwc(proto-balto-slavs, as well as proto-germanics)
bell beakers(aka culture with paternal lineages that most of western europeans have had almost non-existant yamna admx)
all there is needed is one more study and the whole "aryaness" of western europeans will come crashing down,
>genetically they are 80-90% native
>beaners believe this
Beaners what happened when Spanish and Maghreb men muh dicked Redskin women. Hardly what happened in North Africa under the Phoenicians.
Mexicans are mongrels like South
Funny thing because nobody treats their shit teories seriously outside of India. And when you ask them for genetical, anthropological or archeological proof they turn ultimately butthurt.
Their only "proof" is some shit written in Rig Veda/Mahabharata, which is just their interpretation.
Le lonely roaaaad
It's The same and Mexicans are native
Tell us when plague wiped out a significant chunk of the Maghreb's population and when the Phoenicians colonists to it were largely if not totally male.
You're mistaken.
Bell Beakers had high levels of Yamna ancestry.
In some cases, as much as 80%.
They either got it from their daddies or their mommies but the daddies would be much preferable for Balto-Slavs since otherwise they would have got cucked.
>Bell Beakers
>one ethnicity
This now an Undebunkable Actually Wuz thread.
Now this is next level WE
>pretending Assyrians aren't the closest to the Ancient Mespotamians.
You're just a polfag sore at how Assyrians show the Ancient Mespos were swarthy aren't you?
No ones gives a single fuck about Cuck Beakers from Tagus
The original beakers were Iberian fool
Again, no one gives a single fuck. Their existence was irrelevant and whatever the fuck they drank from those beakers was of no consequence.
Irrelevant to what?
Beaker Iberians created much more than subhuman beaker central europeans
Tbh honest the pyramids on that image are kushite, so built by sub saharan africans desu
The upper class like Hannibul would stay 99% levantine.
Source: your ass
Mixed marriage were common since the very beginning when Phoenicians started settling in the west
Nice source
White americans are mostly of Mexican origin.
Yeah man, Hannibal sure lookee like Shaniqua Jamal.
"Sofonisba of Carthage narrated by Tito Livio, daughter of Asdrubal son
Of Giscone, was part of a Carthaginian aristocratic family and lived
Between 221 and 203 BC Celebrated for her beauty, she received one
High literary and artistic education
During the Second Punic War 86 when, in 204 BC, married the
King of the Massyli (Berber tribe) Siface"
""Asdrubale Barca and her brother-in-law
Hnnibal, they married in fact with young women of the iberian elite. With
This maneuver that was mutually agreed and this contributed to
Some measure to the acceptance of (and of thehegemony) of Punics by
Part of the Iberian aristocracies; Diodorus informs us, in fact, that only
After the marriage of Asdrubal with the daughter of a king ibero,
The Carthaginian aristocrat was actually recognized as
General in charge with full powers of military nature ""
Okay. So show the Phoenician colonists and their descendants when Carthage was a thing mixed with foreigners to a high level instead of just the upper class.
Another example
"The recovery, with increasing volume, of material of
Nuragic tradition in Phoenician archaeological contexts has been repeatedly
Explained with the solution of "mixed marriages, that is the union between newcomers from the East and native Sardinian women of high ranking class"
"Researchers have sequenced the first complete genome of a 2,500-year-old body discovered in Carthage,Tunisia and found the man had European heritage.
The man's maternal lineage is believed to have come from the north Mediterranean coast, which would be the first known evidence of a rare European genetic population in North Africa."
>Niggers in Persia
What do you think? The Ancient Arabians weren't Niggers in majority either.
Proofs of otherwise?
You're not fooling anybody leftypol.
Says the double nigger.
The interesting thing about that site is they get a lot of the narrative history right and obviously have read a great deal, but all of the Africans in wherever stuff is 100% schizophrenic conspiracytard wewuz bullshit.
Hannibal was from a phoenician family, not berber.
>obviously have read a great deal
>Taking a African Studies in Amerifatia is now being well-read
You have to wonder if leftypol really believes in We Wuz Kangz.
>We Greeks Wuz Nords was debunked good.
I refuse to believe anyone else but larping muricans genuinely believed this.
Read the site. The names, dates, etc. are correct and then the WE WUZ is grafted on at the end somehow.
>The Greco-Persian Wars were a series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire of Persia and city-states of the Hellenic world that started in 499 B.C, and lasted until 449 B.C. The collision between the fractious political world of the Greeks and the enormous empire of the Persians began when Cyrus the Great conquered Ionia in 547 B.C, Struggling to rule the independent-minded cities of Ionia, the Persians appointed tyrants to rule each of them. This would prove to be the source of much trouble for the Greeks and Persians alike.
>In 499 B.C, the then tyrant of Miletus, Aristagoras, embarked on an expedition to conquer the island of Naxos, with Persian support; however, the expedition was a debacle and, pre-empting his dismissal, Aristagoras incited all of Hellenic Asia Minor into rebellion against the Persians. This was the beginning of the Ionian Revolt, which would last until 493 B.C, progressively drawing more regions of Asia Minor into the conflict. Aristagoras secured military support from Athens and Eretria, and in 498 B.C, these forces helped to capture and burn the Persian regional capital of Sardis. The Persian king Darius the Great vowed to have revenge on Athens and Eretria for this act. The revolt continued, with the two sides effectively stalemated throughout 497–495 BC. In 494 B.C, the Persians regrouped, and attacked the epicentre of the revolt in Miletus. At the Battle of Lade, the Ionians suffered a decisive defeat, and the rebellion collapsed, with the final members being stamped out the following year.
It reads like it might have been copied from somewhere, but it's not wrong.
I had to think about it but you're right. Holy shit talk about winning on a technicality.
>skeleton samples
try their entire genome next time, dummy.
They were closest to Bedouins and Saudis.
Some Bedouins by the way.
In what possible way is that right?
It's all true, why else would it be called realhistoryww?
>Obviously non-Nigger art (see the Olmec)
Do Amerifat Niggers grasp the notion of phenotypes?
I'd think realhistoryww is a parody site if it wasn't so extensive and wordy, it really does read like one
>Eastern Europe
They dont look black at all
Did I imply otherwise?
Besides, temporally you mean Bedouins and Palestinians are their closest modern day analogues.
Haha, it's straight from Wikipedia. The wewuz stuff is much more poorly written.
Greeks were blonde and fair skinned, but not Scandinavian.
>80% - 90%
Lol no, they average about 16% native, still a lot, but not anywhere near what you're implying. Someone who is 80 or 90% is almost definitely going to be considered a native.
Kekity we got a live one