Have we blondes always been the bad guys in history?
Have we blondes always been the bad guys in history?
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No, i think.
t. blonde and mean
Pretty much.
seems cherrypicked
>we blondes always been the bad guys
high odds that this poster is a homosexual
yeah, well, ripe cherries have more pigment for a reason
satan pls
>implying something can be objectivly "bad"
>Pic about Brown hair and brown eyes
>still put a lot of Germanic and almost no French nor Spaniards
This pic was done by an Anglo or an American
Celts are not bad and there not blonde either.
maybe it is because french and spaniards have made very few contributions to humanity
It's already proven that Alexander the great was blond
*laugh at you*
>this man slaps your kwayns ass
Do you do nuffin?
>Alexander the great was blond
This is a Roman copy of a contemporary portrait of him.
Also this.
>All whites are blonde
I'm blonde and Belgian. I am pure evil.
can he slap my ass instead?
Wasn't that guy a filthy slav tho?
Yet blondies are so often the villains in popular media these days. It really makes one think.
The only good thing snowniggers have is their women. The men are compeletly barbaric or gay
were do you think the archetypal blonde haired blue eyed hero came from?
Both Achilles and Helen of Troy are described as Blonde.
It helps the hero stand out in predominantly dark haired Mediterranean peoples.
Its just the modern western culture snubbing the ancient pursuit of perfection in their heroes for flawed heroes. And using villains who are too perfect for the common prole to hate against rich,powerful, too perfect etc.
Simple, blonde/blue is fucking beautiful
>were do you think the archetypal blonde haired blue eyed hero came from?
>believing jewish funded studies
Blondes on average have more fun and get paid more.
fun fact.
Seeing that they mostly live in oil rich socialized countries they probably have a better average quality of life than the overwhelming majority (brown eyes/hair) of whites.
not even we wuzzing.The Greeks primary were and are a dark haired people.Its no different than Japs giving anime heroes goovy coloured hair.
pretty much, even relatively dark brown hair is stunning in the Mediterranean sun.Scarlets yellows and honey colours form from the bleaching of the sun and salt air.ancient people would notice the few people that were light haired.
The greeks had contact with various celtic and daco-thracian people, both of whom were often blonde
thats true but interestingly the Celtic Britons and Guals were darker than they are today.
Still probably higher numbers than the Greeks though enough for them to notice i guess
>posts picture of a scythian
The celts they had contact with were probably of an admixture of celtic and nordic peoples. Iberian celts such as those isolated in Ireland were more pale and brown/red haired. On an unrelated note medieval Irish armor and weapons is a heavily underrated aesthetic.
t. Jew
>i wonder who made the statue
>brown haired subhumans putting their black haired superiors in the same tier
I know it is just base paint coat whatever but he really looks absolutly retarded on the right
i don't like blonde people so yes
Just gonna slip a little hitler in among those figures huh?
It is the estrogen, it makes them a bit more emotional, whiny cunts like women so no surprise if they are the bad guys
Just look at nordic countries today, cucklord central.
>Alexander the Great
how the fuck do you retards come up with this shit
FYROM historical revisionism.
>everything that hurts muh feels is Jewish!1!1!
I don't have a problem with blondes or Germans (one of my best friends is a German American, honest) but holy shit have all the blonde people I've gotten to know my entire life a bunch of rocks.
Out of all the stereotypes that persist on this website (looking at you /pol/) how has the "Dumb Blonde" faded away? I had to hold my best friends hand through elementary Algebra throughout his freshman year and he barely managed to pass it (he failed the first time around). Not to mention his writing and reading comprehension is pretty shit too, he may be taller and better looking but Jesus is he fucking stupid.
Anyone else here have a George and Lennie tier friendship?
Tesla had blue eyes
well I'm kind of blonde and I could barely get through chemistry in highschool, am I a dumbie?
I feel like blonde hair is nice in theory but how many blonde great men can you name? Most great men in history have had dark hair.
Blondes are a relatively small subset of the overall population so of course there is going to be fewer famous ones. However there are still countless examples, pic related and Tycho Brahe both come to mind.
just to not make it seem like a jewish conspiracy
>Von Braun was blond
Thanks for the correction user, I'd only seen black and white photos of him and mistook his grey hair for blonde.
like user said there a small subset but id imagine they do well and are over represented in the general population since are ancestors choose to breed with men and women with light hair over dark hair
>Its no different than Japs giving anime heroes goovy coloured hair.
Wow, I've never thought about it like that.