Let`s make a appreciation thread to all the Balkan hereos trying to stop the Ottomans from reaching into Europe
Special mentions: Serb soldier 34
Bosnian Soldier 4
Albanian Soldier 97
Romanian Soldier 5678 and many many more
btw I just want to hear storys about how the Balkan countrys deal with the Ottomans
Let`s make a appreciation thread to all the Balkan hereos trying to stop the Ottomans from reaching into Europe
Skanderbegs resistance was pretty epic, fought the ottomans 300 style and albania only fell after his death. The rest of the balkan resistance was pretty lame and in the end they were stopped by the poles.
> Literally stab the Byzantines in the back
> Muh Serbian heroes.
Shoo, shoo demiroach.
Fuck off, they did it for themselves not for help anyone. They don't deserve any appreciation for selfish actions.
god helps those who help themselves
nobody ever fought for anyone but themselves
no true scotsman basically
Daily reminder that half the shitshow in the Balkans were conducted by the above mentioned peoples in the service of the Ottomans after they were conquered and/or vassalized
>nation states
>before the french revolution
>actions of statesmen attributed to nations
>in feudalism
t. retard
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
>we stronk principalities answer to noone
>suck turkish cock for centuries
>muh antemurale christianitatis
>muh fucking ungrateful west
delusions of grandeur held only by romanticizing retards and american DUS VEULT!1!1! /pol/tards
t. balkanite
Well at least some Balkan nations went out fighting and didn't become vassals sending troops against Christians. I'm looking at you Serbia.
>Let`s make a appreciation thread to all the Balkan hereos trying to stop the Ottomans from reaching into Europe
>le please suck slav cock because they defended themselves xD
kill yourselves
>Balkan hereos
>HAHA Fuck you Romans. We're gonna invade your Balkan territories, rape your women, and conquer it forever
>WTF? The Turks are trying to invade Balkan, rape our women, and conquer it forever. Remove kebab!
how is that even possible, with that many men. what has to happen in a battle for you to fuck up that much with such a large numerical advantage. terrain, equipment, training?
wh*Tes are genetically inferior to us.
>venetian kike attempting to shift blame
Anyone can do that, see; the siege of Malta
6100 (9000 with civilian help)
>Casualties and losses
2,500 troops
7,000 civilians
Shoo shoo, mongrel.
>Siege of Malta
>Ottoman navy was involved
>Commanders were Greeks and Italians
>Ottomans retreat when the top commander dies (friendly fire)
shoo wh*Te boy
>those excuses
No (you) for you, arab.
>wh*Te boy thinks calling me arab will trigger me
actually, i'd be very proud. I love how Khalid wrecked Fersians and Greek untermenschen singlehandedly
>not from the Greeks and Persians warring constantly/having civil wars
Poor form, try again.
>greentexting will make my tiny asshole less burnt
>still replying
It's embarrassing at this point lad
turks are white tho
what's embarassing is being wh*Te and posting to your non-wh*Te superiors without permission
wh*Ter than Amerimutts for sure but still that doesn't say anything
Woah....so this.......is the power of delusion
Go ahead and give me my last (you) like the good roach you are :^)
now post your wh*Te subhuman mother to please your non-wh*Te overlords just like your ancestors, do it wh*Te boy. do it you untermensch.
how r u superior though when all non-whites were colonized and made slaves to their white masters
checkmate slave t*Rk roach
>Turkey never colonized
>Even though we''re literally sitting on wh*Te Roman lands
haha nice joke t*Rkroach, you both are the same shitskinned brethren, same with all of the balkans. nowhere you colonized can be described as white
Who is this British man?
>my wh*Teoid ass is on fire
state your ethnicity first
if you're an amerimutt tell me.
i'm kurdish
when are you going to give independence? :)
Oh that Canadian
kurdish people are still more white than t*Rks, reminder we will kill every single last one of you to regain our homeland
if you're gonna thank anyone, thank the Poles, Austrians, and Hungarians - they actually went and did something
What is this cringy shit that poles ore any other individual nation "stopped" the Ottomans? It took the entire subhuman wh*te continent to stop the Turks.