*destroys your democracy*
*destroys your democracy*
yeah, the democratically-elected czar was doing a great job
destroys his democracy*
Bolsheviks didn't revolt against Tsar you historically illiterate dummies. They staged a revolt against Russian Republic.
I didn't post that man
Too bad the Czar abdicated long before Lenin showed up in Russia.
*pays your train ticket*
Monarcucks btfo
yeah, the democratically elected russian replubic was doing a great job
How do G*rmans keep getting away with it?
State capitalism :^)
Didn't it get revealed that the Germans were funding the Bolsheviks? Why would people still support them if it was publicly known that the enemy was literally supporting them?
*teleports behind your state*
*subverts your authority*
that was supposedly debunked propaganda levied against the Bolsheviks before and after the revolution(s). I say supposedly because Ive never really looked into it, and besides alot of Russians welcomed the germans invading during the Kerensky government anyways
Because the enemy was kicking their ass, the Russian people didn't want to fight in the first place, and the Bolsheviks wanted peace.
Jesus, I can't imagine a state so shitty that you are continually praying to lose a war and descend into a civil war.
*doesn't magically appear on shelves*
>teleports behind you
>creates state capitalism
The thing is, Russia had really already lost the war. That's why the Tsar abdicated. The republic tried another offensive, but their own offensive ended up pushing them back another 150 miles, and still the republic tried to stay in the war.
Still, wasn't only a relatively small portion of the Empire occupied by Germany?
Yes, but it's powers of resistance, and economy were shattered. Unlike in WW2, huge swaths of the Russian economy were dependent on exports, and their army had basically stopped functioning.
Ah, ok.
*Destroy your meme*
*destroys your Chairman*
on the contrary you have but ousted yourself as the leftypol menace i posted there simply for the reactions
>Russian Republic.
Literally the shittiest governemnt in Russian history. Thank you bolsheviks for getting rid of them.
>i'm just pretending to get reacctions man
You are shitposting your bullshit in both chans. for what purpose? trigger poltards?
>overturned the democratically elected constituent assembly
>didn't destroy a democracy
How? By tossing fallacies and insults and banning that poster?
What a bunch of faggots.
So how does r/socialism and /leftypol/ want to conquer this place if the ideology their worshipped can't be logically defended since it was so awful in every possible way?
>So how does r/socialism and /leftypol/ want to conquer this place
they don't, it's just /pol/ memes
stop fucking larping thinking you're fighting some kind of fucking internet war, you're making me cringe
>sinking a thread means banning the poster
Plus someone already pointed out that the government was only provisional
desu no one mentioned that they continued WW1 for no good reason
Is this supposed to be damage control or were you just absent for a couple of days and don't know that internet socialists seriously wanted to raid anti-communist threads here?
>hold election for constituent assembly
>lose in a landslide to the SRs
>close assembly after 1 day
why was lenin completely unable to win an election anyway?
wasn't he popular
The Bolsheviks were only really popular among urban workers and soldiers. Most Russians were still rural peasants.
*slaughters your revolutionaries*