Would he have made every man a king?

Would he have made every man a king?

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yes he would have literally crowned every man in America and given them titles

in Huey Long's America, instead of 'Mr. ___', you would address others as 'King ___'

Could some people be Dukes, Princes, Etc.?

Epic joke my Redditbros, make sure to include me in the /r/Veeky Forums screencap

Why can't people have fun? Why can't people enjoy jokes without you shitposters?
Most jokes aren't made to be screencapped and put on reddit, they're made to be enjoyed for a moment on Veeky Forums.
Kill yourself, you stupid asshole.

You forgot though, no one wears a crown.

What were his chances for beating FDR in the presidential race?

high, why else do you think he was (((assassinated)))

no one wears a crown though bucko

allegedly he planned to split the vote so Roosevelt lost, then spend the next 4 years railing on the guy who won so that he could be the big name "progressive" candidate in the 1940 election

>tfw no American Union State

Was he Asian?

when every man's a king, no one's a king

If you cannot sing his"Every Man a King" song, get the fuck out of this thread.


The fact that Long never got to compete in the 1936 election and potentially upend the complacent Republican-Democrat order is one of history's great mistakes.

it fucking hurts bros

>tfw nowadays Huey Long is mostly remembered courtesy of Sinclair's fraudulent libel

>guy campaigns consistently on his wishes to help all Americans no matter who they are
>hahah what if he was Hitler lmao
journalism was a mistake

>the guy who assassinated him was named Weiss
at last I truly see

Don't worry about it comrade.

What benefit is there in being a king when every other man is a king too?

Mutual Regnal Brotherhood.

po faced fuck

He did call the New Deal the Jew Deal so I can see the connection but desu Long seems closer to Bernie or even Drumpf than any sort of fascist

That was Father Charles Coughlin not Huey Long.

I stand corrected, you're right. I think someone on here might've said he said it one time and I forgot to see if that was the truth.
He was pretty heavily involved with Coughlin through the Share Our Wealth Program so I can see where you can connect some dots if you're a concerned Jewish American

Probably Irish.

As Asian as the great Chinaman Robert E. Lee.

>I must unite the rich and poor under one America

he was pretty much the "non-Marxist socialist" meme that natsocs want Hitler to be when they're not trying to argue that he loved the free market and just wanted to get votes from poor people

to be fair he was buddy buddy with Coughlin, which I think was his greatest mistake and has allowed other to tarnish his legacy.