>BTFO by artillery
>BTFO by aircraft
>BTFO by any infantryman armed with AT weapons
>gets destroyed after 5 minutes on the battlefield because your big and slow and everyone aims at you
>completely useless in urban warfare
Are tanks the most retarded, pointless weapon in history? I can't imagine how anyone ever thought they would be a good idea, they're literally steel coffins.
BTFO by artillery
Other urls found in this thread:
They are a situational tool
Encirclements wouldn't be possible without armor.
You are right, tanks were a meme from the start. Every military on earth was scammed into adopting them and the jig is still not up 100 years later. Only you can see the truth.
>BTFO by spears
>BTFO by arrows
>BTFO by bullets
Are Infantry the most retarded, pointless unit in history?
>BTFO by artillery
Wut mortars cant penetrate armour
Modern tanks exists to fight modern tanks.
M1 abrams can't even penetrate each other
>BTFO by russians
>BTFO by americans
>BTFO by british
>BTFO (eventually) by french
Are germans the most retarded, pointless soldiers in history?
>t. I watched shitty arab """""armies""""" get their tanks BTFO and think they're useless.
The biggest war in history (WW2) had them as important. Look it up more. "Big and slow." lol too funny.
>M1 abrams can't even penetrate each other
how do they reproduce then
>BTFO by heat
>BTFO by cold
>BTFO by large carnivores
>Gets destroyed after 60 years of use, because shit reliability; lots of them even before that
>completely useless in marine enviromnent
Are Humans the most retarded, pointless lifeforms in history?
Artificial insemination of course, it's a hell of a job jerking off an Abrams
Mitosis, dumbass
Jesus Christ Veeky Forums is such a shit hole now.
Can you Faggots go back to your containment board, /pol/ autists aren't welcome here
>btfo by arty
No sorry try again
Don't forget dumbfuck 10-14 years of physical maturity.
>your big and slow
>BTFO by heat
>BTFO by electricity
>gets destroyed in just about every chemical reaction
>completely useless if you're on fire
Is oxygen the most retarded, pointless element in history? I can't imagine how anyone ever though it would be a good idea, it's literally explosive.
Are you fucking retarded mate? How is this even remotely /pol/? Have you ever even been on /pol/ or do you just use it as a generic insult for everything you don't particularly enjoy?
>or do you just use it as a generic insult
might as well, nu/pol/ is basically /b/ at this point
cloning, and because no one wants gay tanks
Tanks were a psychological thing. If you are just a dude out in the lines and you see a tank which you may not be able to do anything against, it is quite a bit scarier than if you just see another dude. Similar to chariots.
Tanks could also reduce you and your palls to smears from long range using its gun.
Or from Short Range using a canister.
Tanks were not just a psychological thing you dimwit. Armor allowed for quick exploitation of breaks in the line in a way that nothing in WW1 had, and no other armament in WW2 had. Sure, they didn't make those breaches, but the reason Sedan was crippling to the French and not just a defeat that forced them to cough up 5-10 miles before reforming their line was the exploitation done by highly mobile units that could also defend themselves on the run.
Hell, just using them to shock and awe the enemy with a frontal charge was probably the worst use of their abilities, and using them as such is one of the reasons the Soviets had such ridiculously high early war tank losses.
Heavy armor is basically pointless.
Lighter, more mobile armor is sort of the point. The shit doesn't work if it can't go fast.
>Tanks were a psychological thing.
Yeah I'm sure it had nothing to do with being a well armored moving massive fucking cannon. It was just to scare the enemy, not to shoot shells at him or anything silly like that.
Modern tanks are portable artillery guns
Ukrainian conflict showed that arty (spec.MLRS like uragan with cluster missiles) is still the most effective way to destroy tanks
>posts thread wondering who thought tanks would be a good idea
>clearly has no idea how and when tanks were "invented" and what they were used for
>looks dumb in a tank thread
Dude, tanks were a pretty fucking good idea when you were hanging out in trenches for a couple years and the air was full of lead for most of the day.
>a tank killer and infantry support weapon is psychological
Just stop.
Are the armored fighting vehicles in OP tanks or self-propelled guns? I do not recognize these as tanks, and have some knowledge of such from WWII. The Germans had a lot of different SPG's and anti-tank vehicles that i am not familiar with.
The file name literally says they are King Tigers
They're definitely tanks. You can see the turret.
It's the fucking king tiger, how the fuck could you mistake it for a fucking spg?
its a bunch of tiger 2 tanks
what was the point of this bait? these are hollow (you)'s because the post you made is clearly pure retardation so the mere quantity of them should not trigger your dopamine sensors.
calm down autist
>da tank in pic are tank or no tank? derp I german knowledge of histrory but can't know tank in pic
dat's how you sound in my head, idiot.
Yes, every single military commander of the last century has been wrong, but (you), an unemployed shitposter on a Mongolian cartoon imageboard have discovered the TRUTH about tanks.
>ukrainian conflict shows
No sorry try again
>insanely expensive
>completely useless without a huge airbase and accompanying infrastructure
are planes the most retarded, pointless weapon in history?
Big expensive MBT's are probably going to be obsolete in the coming decades. AT weapon technology and aircraft are getting more and more advanced to the point that tank defense wont be able to compensate. Light tanks and APC's will still be combat effective due to their combat role and they are much cheaper to produce compared to MBT's.
>someone asked a dumb question, BETTER SPERG OUT WITH MY AUTISM
That's you.
>BTFO by artillery
>BTFO by aircraft
>BTFO by any infantryman armed with weapons
>BTFO by tanks
>gets killed after 5 minutes on the battlefield because literally everything kills you with ease
>BTFO by artillery
>BTFO by aircraft
>BTFO by any infantryman armed with weapons
>BTFO by tanks
>gets destroyed after 5 minutes on the battlefield because your big and slow and you need other units to screen you
>BTFO artillery
>BTFO by aircraft
>BTFO infantryman
>BTFO tanks
>gets destroyed after 5 minutes on the airfield because assholes in technicals snuck through your lines
>cannot take and hold ground
Wrong. There were casualties suffered by tank crews in the first Gulf War from blue on blue incidents, one was a verified DU round from another tank. The others were from hellfire missles, and another 3 were abandoned, one was a mobility kill from enemy fire, the other two literally got stuck in the mud. They were destroyed in place.
They are tough as fuck though
>During an early attack on Baghdad, one M1A1 was disabled by a recoilless rifle round that had penetrated the rear engine housing, and punctured a hole in the right rear fuel cell, causing fuel to leak onto the hot turbine engine. After repeated attempts to extinguish the fire, the decision was made to destroy or remove any sensitive equipment. Oil and .50 caliber rounds were scattered in the interior, the ammunition doors were opened and several thermite grenades ignited inside. Another M1 then fired a HEAT round in order to ensure the destruction of the disabled tank. The tank was completely disabled but still intact. Later, an AGM-65 Maverick and two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles were fired into the tank to finish its destruction. Remarkably, the tank still appeared to be intact from the exterior.[44]
>Later, an AGM-65 Maverick and two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles were fired into the tank to finish its destruction.
That's a hell of a lot of money spent to finish off an already expensive loss.
Especially they knew for a fact that it was impossible to repair due to the fire damage inside.
Maybe the missiles were about to expire, still seems unnecessary.
Clearly the only correct response is to return to sharp stick based doctrines
He didn't say it was ONLY psychological. Just that psychology is part of it.
Tanks can't do shit about talmudic magic.
hate that rommel is the normie choice of german leader, why did no-one latch onto meme master guderian?
t. Brainlet who doesn't understand the concept of combined arms