I'm legit thinking about selling my car for this

i'm legit thinking about selling my car for this.

would that be a wise move? what do you think user?

It's capped anyway, no way u will need to sell your car - rofl

i already sold my motorbike to opt in the second day when the UNCAPPED CROWDSALE OPENS AND I PUMP IN 50 ETH WITH 300000 GAS

dont do it

at the most, i would buy 2-3 eth for it with a credit card

The initial cap is like 3 ETH, man. Anyways, it looks promising.

That's madness

his 94' honda civic is probably worth 2-3 ETH.

2007 seat leon actually.
around 110 eth.

Just came out of a nice piece of business that netted me 300m USD. I also pawned my two jets and 10 of my lambos. Putting it all into Kyber

(You) in six months

around 35 eth

Are you new, OP?

yes i missed all the good icos that came before.

if you're going to sell something important for crypto, at least put it into something close to a sure thing. it's reasonable to speculate eth will at least 2x by the end of the year. buy eth now, roll half of your profits into a promising ico in jan/feb.

where can I buy it?

what? my car?


oh, registration is closed i'm afraid.

30k slack bots will be buyng this shit alone

Buy it on etherdelta for 10x its ICO price. BUY MY SHIT NIGGA

someone has graduated with honors from hebrew school. mazel tov!