How does a libertarian society deal of the shitting-on-the-beach problem?
How does a libertarian society deal of the shitting-on-the-beach problem?
By being wealthy enough that people can afford toilets. CAPITALISM FUCK YEAH! MARXISTS SUCK AND WILL ALL DIE IN THE DAY OF THE HELICOPTER!
By privatizing the beach.
No offense, but if you don't know the answer to this, you haven't read a lot about libertarianism, nor political theory in general.
Almost all libertarians agree that the state has the right to intervene in circumstances that can be argued are tragedies of the commons.
what about other public spaces?
I thought as long as it doesn't violate NAP, it is legal?
>what about other public spaces?
Owned collectively by nearby landowners.
fuck off commie
wtf lol, private ownership is authoritarian, and requires authoritarian institutions to uphold it
>what are corporations
Libertarianism allows the police and military to be authoritarian institutions.
>I thought as long as it doesn't violate NAP, it is legal?
Most libertarians think using state force is justified in certain cases, even when it violates the NAP, and then there's a vocal minority who thinks there are no exceptions.
Designated shitting beaches
Nothing beacuse scat is part of their culture
>Gathering the shit and
>turn it in explosives
>use the explosives to fish
>Sell the fish to shitters
>Shitter shit more
Why do people think Libertarian and Ancap are the same?
What country is that?
Even animals don't shit where they sleep.
/pol/ whose understanding barely extends past "dude roads lmao"
Serfs can still use (((public))) spaces.
Well shitting on the beach might be preferable, compared to the other alternatives.
But to answer your question. Either:
a. the beach is privately owned and the owner(s) simply forbid it.
b. whatever municipal authority that governs use of the beach forbids it.
Libertarian society != Ancap society
just like Socialism != Communism
Why do retards keep confusing libertarians with anarcho capitalists?
Because they are both irrelevant American memes one can only laught at?
Yes, why did you post this?
Beach is bought by a private corporation which enslaves all the non-whites on the beach and forces them to clean up the shit before killing them and selling them to the local McCannibal's
t. Rhodes
To reaffirm what I already know