Teach me about terrorism in the Western World.
Which one was the most successful, and why?
I know about most of the Anglo world like the UVF and KKK, but want to know about more groups, and know more about ones i already do.
First-World Terrorism
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IIRC the largest terrorist groups in the US in the latter part of the 20th century were radical Jewish-American zionists and Puerto Rican nationalists.
Latter hatched a direct attack on Congress and shot a half dozen politicians during a session.
Additionally alot of fringe political and cult terrorism in the 80s and 90s.
>Indian cult leader poisoned a buffet in a small town so he could get his followers to take over the area in a local election
>That time communists kidnapped the daughter of a Newspaper mogul and brainwashed her into robbing a bank
do i really have to bring up the IRA, ETA, etc
Whole lot of red terror groups in western world and Japan.
That was pretty bloody and for some reason it's not talked about at all. OTOH the jury's still probably up on whether the official explanation is correct.
>ever successful
If they were truly successful they wouldn't be known as terrorists in the first place.
want to know who the biggest terrorist group in the US is right now? the police
if you have something cool to bring
Baader Meinhof
>85 deaths
>first world
You're talking about the Weatherman Underground, they were pretty merciless and yet nobody remembers the crimes they committed.
Pic related is the only screencap I have on the topic, it may have some bias to it but I think it gets it right
In what regard? Pic related is a graph showing statistics of deaths during the Troubles, and as you can see all the loyalists really did was murder non-combatants.
If we're talking about just killing people, then sure they can do it just about as well as any other bunch of armed fags. But achieving actual strategic or even propaganda goals? They're fucking useless.
well the north is still british so theres that
That was achieved by the British themselves and ironically in part by the republicans.
The peace movement spearheaded by folks such as Martin McGuinness are what not only rebuilt the country but also the ones which prevented the Troubles from kicking off again.
The UVF had no impact on the conflict. They didn't even dent the IRA. They didn't help the British. The British helped THEM, but all they managed to do was kill a bunch of non-combatant fenians and lose the moral high ground that unionists could have had.
Now there is a nationalist majority in Stormont and the UVF are a joke.
They were useless.
im not defending the volunteers im just saying they got the outcome they wanted
Even that doesn't really apply, since it was hardline loyalists who instigated the aggression that lead to the Troubles and the Troubles in turn lead to irish people in NI having equal rights to british people, as well as having Irish nationalism forever enshrined in NI as an integral part of their democratic process.
Prior to the Troubles, NI was a British Unionist paradise for the average loyalist but post-troubles Unionism has become an awkward, bumbling laughing stock and the UVF's actions helped that happen in a huge way.
I don't want to sound like a bogtrotter but one truly cannot overstate the sheer useless and gormless nature of loyalist paramilitaries.
the union was preserved and i think any loyalist would say that is what matters in the end
But they're on the road to losing it, in part due to their own actions.
we shall see
>the union was preserved and i think any loyalist would say that is what matters in the end
Were it not for the actions of the loyalist paramilitaries, Sinn Féin would have had an infinitely more difficult time promoting their cause; the atrocities committed by the UVF with the help of the British were a massive driving force behind their movement and are what made them the second biggest party in NI which has-since their last election-brought them down to a point where the two are near even.
The union was kept there and then but it was never going to go away. The Troubles stemmed from a want for civil rights, the IRA just splintered into 18 quintillion retarded subgroups only some of which believed that this conflict would destroy the union.
The UVF put the Union in jeopardy. Again- simply cannot overstate how infinitely unimportant and useless asset they are as a force. They did far more damage to the union than they did to protect it.
The British did 100% of the work in fighting the IRA.
The UVF are relevant here in the same way that if a bus driver and a homeless dude fight and the bus driver wins then his passengers "win" because their bus has a driver.
They are unimportant, useless and generally inept as fuck.
they were on the winning team though
The Weathermen intentionally bombed when they thought buildings were empty.
Anyhow, the people who brain washed Patty Hearst were the Symbolese Liberation Army, who did shoot shit up.
OP if you want a crazy one look up Aum Shinrikyo. Basically the leader is the reincarnation of Buddah and Jesus Christ. He needed to flood the Tokyo subways with nerve gas so that World War III would kick off so that Japan could nuke the USA and then get nukes back, ending life and thus suffering.
They recruited enough scientists to do two gas attacks and also sent doctors to Africa to pick up Ebola blood during outbreaks but failed to weaponize it.
They are kind of around in Russia's Far East and Japan still but after the big gas attack the Japanese government started repressing them.
Also, Black Panther and Black Islamic Nationalists used to actually do terror fairly often in the 1970s.
You also have the last big public KKK attack I know of when they had a giant brawl that killed a bunch of people with a communist group in the 80s.
Give up, he'll never see sense. The fact remains that loyalism carried the day.
Why don't people know about leftist terrorist organizations?
it can NEVER falter
In the early 90s the loyalists were more effective than the republicans in terms of violence some even say that the pressure the republican community put on the PIRA to push for peace was due to the increase in loyalist attacks on them during that time in the early 90s
By that time the retards in the IRA had as I said splintered into a billion separate groups, however the simple fact is that loyalists didn't stop them. Loyalists couldn't figure out how to hurt the IRA, it was the actual British people from Britain that bent the IRA over and spanked them.
The UVF did more harm to the union than good.
They were a bunch of drunken good old boys who would participate in lynchings, I would hardly call them terrorists desu senpai. The US hasn't really had a white separatist terrorist problem, just some skinheads and lone wolf terrorism in the 90's. We had a few incidents with anarchists and their "Propoganda of the Deed" autism but that's about it.
Because we're supposed to believe that after the 90's white nationalists suddenly became a whole terrorist problem because one sperg blew up a building in Oklahoma City. They don't really teach us about the Weather Underground or the Puerto Rican independence shit.
Nowadays any kind of random hate crime is counted as "right wing terrorism". Some schizoid goes off his meds and shoots at a holocauster museum?
Some guy in Kansas kill a coworker while calling him a nigger?
School shooter didn't like black people?
yeah its pretty interesting how white power skinhead prison gangs are classified as terrorist organizations whereas other prison gangs are not
Other prison gangs aren't political.Its common sense really.
Somewhat. The Aryan brotherhood just commits crime like any other gang while being explicitly national socialist
Actually a lot of black prison gangs are extremely pro-Islam and political
>gringo dont kno bout aztlan
la raza es political ese
>people repeatedly post a picture of the KKK from the 1920's
>ask about the Weatherman Underground from the 70's
>the what?
>ask about ANTIFA in just the last year being bussed in and assaulting random people and setting the city on fire
I hear they're pretty leftist as well. Not really 1st world, 1st world terrorism these days doesn't really exist. At most we have clashes between anarcho communists and fascists at small protests but that's it.
This dude was pretty interesting. He wasnt really a terrorist out of personal belief (although I think he was a convinced marxist and anti-zionist) but really more of a mercenary to Saddam as well as the PFLO.
Did some cool shit and the german-french movie about him is really good and interesting.
>Indian cult leader poisoned a buffet in a small town so he could get his followers to take over the area in a local election
Wasn't that Osho?
Makes me feel kinda bad that he was my introduction to Buddhism.
Didn't the KKK number over 40,000 members in the 40's?
Hardly sounds like a group to wave off as a bunch of drunks. You have to have organization to reach those numbers.
Yeah but they spent most of their time just having rallies that didn't hurt anyone, consider those numbers and how few lynchings there were for that many, it was a LARP club
Aryan brotherhood's just a druggie prison gang, isn't it?
I always found it funny that people like that are attracted to natsoc and neo Nazi groups when Hitler most likely would've classified them as degenerates.
Holy shit I never even heard of this.
he fucking called it
In a desperate situation where groups are divided by race you might as well go full 14/88 because browns fear the swastika.
Yeah but most of what they did was just get drunk. Any lynchings that happened didn't have any kind of command structure it was just some local boys getting drunk one night and finding that one black guy they didn't like. At it's peak its core members weren't like that, they were just radical Protestant Christians in Indiana and the South
surely they aren't terrorists based on their use of violence against political opponents, as well as bombings...
>Aryan brotherhood's just a druggie prison gang, isn't it?
Pretty much yeah , it's kind of insignificant outside of the prison system though
There was only one bombing in 1963 and that was a lone wolf thing. The KKK itself had more/less strict divisions of itself and for the most part was just an excuse for the local ultra racist white guys to drink and shit talk. Other generations of the klan were essentially fundie Christian groups. It was a radical group, sure, but I don't think calling a terrorist organization is accurate.
Top fucking post mate
>There was only one bombing in 1963 and that was a lone wolf thing. The KKK itself had more/less strict divisions of itself and for the most part was just an excuse for the local ultra racist white guys to drink and shit talk. Other generations of the klan were essentially fundie Christian groups. It was a radical group, sure, but I don't think calling a terrorist organization is accurate.
>One is a riot and the other is vigilante actions
Yeah so like I was saying not a terrorist organization
The UVF didn't start shooting to stay in Britain, they did so to surpress NICRA, and prevent reform.
The IRA during the troubles fought for limited goals that did not include taking back north ireland, and achieved them quite splendidly with the good friday agreements.
There was that Basque Separatist group that packed so much explosives under a car, it flew 30+ feet into the air...
Right, but the klan was not an organization solely dedicated to that, it had certain cells and generation engage in low amounts of that behavior. The KKK wasn't the reason the lynchings happened , most of the time it was just local people unaffiliated with the KKK. In that same sense a lot of the Union activism of the 19th century would be considered terrorism because certain unions were more extreme than others.
>irish republican army
>not fighting to unify ireland
Distinguish between long term goals and short term goals, buddy.
goals are goals mate
it was Napoleons goal to dominate europe, but that don't mean he expected to get it all after austerlitz, nor did he receive it.
War is politics by other means, nig.
that's definitely a gladio operation
>had to do 3 captchas when normally I don't have to do any
fuck they know
oi if you asked the average shinner what he was bombing people for he would have said for a united ireland you are chattin nonsense lad
Average bloke on a crusade would say he's off to a pilgrimage, but he ain't the one planning campaigns or signing treaties, the higher ups got legal status for sinn fein in northern ireland and the rest is history. And in any case, the average shinner wasn't setting up bombs in London, that was sophisticated stuff there.
the history is that the british are there to stay because after brexit sharing a border with an eu nation gives them advantages and it didnt take any geniuses to blow up the red lion so give it a rest son
>stayed there after brexit
what, that bit a year ago? That's what you figure westminster was expecting when they signed the good friday agreements?
>red lion
belfast, bruv. idk what maps you're looking at. but belfast is a little ways away from london.
i dont know what westminster thinks but i do know that the north is british and that belfast bombing was the first the ira carried out so you dinnae get to pick and choose which bombings the fenians will be remembered for and thats that oi
Yeah, the first they carried out, who gives a shit tho?
No matter how you put it bombing department stores and the stock exchange was a bit more relevant
Yeah, the north is british, and it's also got a legal sinn fein and irish representation, which is what that lot was after.
you are full of it the only thing they want is a united ireland which will never happen end of story end of conversation oi oi
Sure they do, but in the short term they wanted political representation for irish northerners.
Maybe it won't happen, in which case yeah, long term goals aren't reached. Given the demographic changes in north ireland, that's likely to be the case. But they still achieved their immediate political goals quite splendidly.
In any case, insofar as northern protestants are of particularly low stock, I'm certain london and dublin can come to a mutual agreement limiting both their contact with belfast.
Didn't members of that group recently stage a robbery?
Oh and… youtu.be
take your chatter and shove it i dinnae have any more time for you
Really now, no wonder westminster give you lot the slip, ulsterites really are the gutter english.
>ITT: Jameson induced shitposting between Irishfags
The Maze Prison Escape by the IRA was incredible, and very interesting.
The Maze Prison was a maximum security prison considered to be one of the most escape proof prisons in Europe.
38 members of the IRA escaped from the prison in total after months of planning.
Upon commandeering a vehicle, one of the prisoners pointed to one of the other prisoners and told the driver "That man is doing 30 years and he will shoot you without hesitation if he has to. He has nothing to lose."
Gerry Kelly (along with several other members of the IRA) went on to peacefully lead government in Northern Ireland in Sinn Féin.
Unionist, Republican or somewhere in-between there is no denying that the Maze escape wasn't cool as shit.
>german-french movie about Carlos
Thanks for the recommendation user, it was really good!
Is there a movie?
There is one about ETA´s prison break from Segovia.
Hey, I had the same top. Mom got it for me, same shoulder and elbow pads too.
Should I know something here?
Not yet, although one is being made (much to the typical fury of unionists) this year.
Quick video here where Gerry Kelly talks about the escape.
Pic related is the prison itself.
I guess the assassination of Carrero Blanco was a pretty large success (meaning that it actually achieved some political goals).
Operation Gladio was run by NATO/CIA and killed thousands, I made a thread and info dump before and nobody replied.
I guess its just too much even for the people on here.
>>ask about ANTIFA in just the last year being bussed in and assaulting random people and setting the city on fire
Maybe James Alex Fields Jr is really a plant by George Soros to make the anime nazis look bad.
No way, look at that glorious alpine nordic uebermenschlich nose.
If you want people to stop freaking out then stop killing people.
Describes BLM down to a T desu senpai
Was it the intention to use pepe colors?
You totally missed the point.
AntiFa/BLM riots for months? All fine, no problem, oho.
Something FINALLY happens in Virginia?
It's all about disproportionate response.
>pepe colours
I hate you, just a little bit.
>Drive up to crowd hoping to part them and be on your way going the speed limit
>Slow down before you meet them
>one of them recognized thst you're a member of American Vanguard
>Assault your car with bat
>Surround you
>Drive through crowd afraid that they're going to try and break your windows and drag you out
>It's called a """""""domestic terrorist""""""" event because the media is too stupid and desperate for profits and a good story to show the webm of this happening
I remember when news of this first came out, Stormfront and pol did some internet detective work and quickly concluded that the driver was some 16 year old kid who was a leftist and owns a kind-of similar looking car, which was enough for them.
They also assumed that the injured people were white nationalists, and were complaining that the police hadn't blocked off the roads.
When it turned out that the driver was one of them, and the victims were the counter-protesters. It went from an "attack" to a "car accident." The protesters should not have been in the road (and it is good that the police did not block the road, because they should not have been there). Then they started talking about crisis actors.
The Vanguard America people scrambling to do damage control. They've put out a statement about how James Fields has never had anything to do with them, and you totally shouldn't read the fact that during the rally he was standing in their shield wall sporting one of their shields with their logo on it and wearing their recommended dress code for the day.
Self-defense against the protected castes is terrorism goy.
Apparently the founder of the RAF actually become either a far-right neo-Nazi or a Nazbol.
Ulstermen are not English you knob.
>There is a lot of chaos during riots and different people came up with different versions of the story because riots are confusing and usually full of rumors
Oh rly? You don't say? I dont even know why they want to deny this was their guy when it's pretty obvious he just got spooked after having a month of angry leftists recognize him as a fascist
Loyalists have been the biggest loser's of the peace process, hence why they're so angry all the time over bonfires and flags
leave are flegs out of this
No, I've been to a talk with some escapees though. The image of a dozen men on top of a commandeered car gets me giddy
its amazing to me how both roofie and fieldsberg are classic examples of lone wolf attacks in the sense that neither had any affiliation with a larger organization yet they are used to shame the right as a whole whereas antifa rioters are literally paid by leftists yet the left never gets blamed for them it really really makes me think
>AntiFa/BLM riots for months
Not months, has pretty much been happening for over a year at this point; Problem is it was all mostly happening in California which is far more gone than the rest of the country.