What could 1930s Europe have done to prevent the rise of fascism?
No particular reason for asking.
What could 1930s Europe have done to prevent the rise of fascism?
No particular reason for asking.
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absolute monarchies
This is probably it.
When you think about it, the rise of nationalism was pretty inevitable.
what about when your king IS the nazi?
>Something about the Great depression
>Not appeasing Hitler
>Not being so scared about commies
Italy was already fascist, as for Germany I think the only way to prevent it would be to grant Weimar Germany some concessions when it came to Versailles while pushing for a crackdown on the Nazis and Commies, but assuming that could happen it would still probably be a dice roll.
a better answer would be avert the great depression in the first place, the Weimar Republic was slowly getting back on its feet before it got a second kick to the gut and balls with the depression, and it would remove the main reason so many people were willing to consider extreme ideologies in the firstplace.
What about assasinations?
I have a feeling in this case it could have had severly damaged their strongman image, instead of just creating martyrs.
>Not being so scared about commies
leftypol shill detected
I mean their fears were legit, Commies DID come and burn down their cities.
It was just the Nazi's fault. Dumb fuckers.
Nobody knew that monstrosity like Hitler would emerge. France and Britain were basically a-ok with Mussolini's Italy during the 1920s, he only isolated himself from them because he insisted on a war in Ethiopia despite League of Nations protests, which is kinda why he turned to Nazi Germany. Before Ethiopia France, Britain and Italy had common interests, especially against Germany (Stresa Front).
I mean Mussolini was a retard but at least he was the type of man who could be reasoned with. Nobody knew what Hitler would do or where he would stop. They appeased him for three years straight, from remilitarization of Rhineland to destruction of Czechoslovakia, believing this would calm down his ambitions. They were wrong.
Prevent the rise of communism by purging people like your pic, no commies no fascists.
That's half right. The other part is to make the center side of the spectrum actually effective at getting shit done and actually having or at least improving their economies That way people on the center right or center left wouldn't be pushed towards fascism or communism and instead make fun of both the Communist and NSDAP(and its analogous groups)
Fascism is meaningless. Every form of government has been effectively fascist since the beginning of society.
Its only meaningless if you don't know what it means, user.
No fascism truly is meaningless. fascist writers themselves keep it all so purposely ambiguous. Make a meaningful distinction between the behavior of Mussolini and Napoleon. Make a meaningful distinction between centralized war economies of the US, UK, third Reich, and Soviet Union. Make a meaningful distinction between all of the ways the aforementioned powers violated the civil rights of their citizens.
You cannot. Fascism in of itself is meaningless and what little you can ascribe to fascism is not unique to it at all.
Fascism essentially refers to ethnonationalism. Its not that difficult to understand.
Definitely not true, but if you go by that definition you are truly making it all the more meaningless and setting the bar even lower.
I'm not hearing your passive nihlist 'nothing means anything' bullshit, fascism is historically and politically defined, you're not being clever by saying it doesn't exist because Napoleon invaded countries too or because the USSR had a centralised economy. Those are both irrelevancies. The fascists even openly identified as fascists. I don't know how there is any question about this.
Oh boy, American powerhour is here...
Consider following: If Hitler was crushed early on, instead of keeping his regime as sort of bulwark against communism, Soviets wouldn't reach Berlin.
Fascism is deliberately ambiguous by design. Define fascism. Define unique qualities of fascism. You cannot.
Fascism was a literal buzzword even during Mussolini's time.
It fucking wasn't, you Yankee fuck. Oswald Mosely went around London literally declaring himself a fascist. Fascists were literally self proclaimed, its not just some Marxist conspiracy.
That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing and addressed none of the points in my post.
Fascism is meaningless.
Not gone full retard with all the communism
Fascism involves socialism on the national scale essentially and is opposed to both Bolshevik-style international socialism and capitalism.
Utterly retarded understanding of fascism hahahah. You obviously havent read ANYTHING on the sibject if that is what you think fascism is
It would have required communists to not be communists after the collapse of the European Monarchies.
WW1 not happening would of also helped, you wouldn't have millions of angry hungry Veterans in Germanybecoming fascists
if the Kaisergone and you didn't have a November "revolution"
tl;dr Fascism isn't against capitalism for the same reason that the Commies are.
Commies hate inequality and private property, yet Fascists dislike capitalism bc it places place profits an buisness over the Nation, Morality, Body politic, ect.
if the Kaiser wasn't gone*
>Prevent the rise of fascism
Better question, what could 1930's Europe do to prevent the spread of communism.
>Fascism was a literal buzzword even during Mussolini's time.
this desu
communists called everything not communism fascism in the 1920s, and they're still doing it in 2017
Stop Hitler, before it was too late.
>Hitler is the reason the iron curtain spread across Europe
*Hitler is the reason it didn't reach farther
you couldn't, it was only a matter of time before European nationalism entered the ideological wars. did you really expect the European people to sit on their asses while ideologies that undermine their power (Europe was still the most powerful continent at that time however the power was slipping away) and way of life take over?
Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany could have been suppressed if they didn't have the active complicity of traditional elites within those countries. The state of these movements were in reality very precarious and depended on a number of things going their way to achieve their political power.
The King of Italy's willingness to grant legitimacy to Mussolini after his march on Rome and Von Papen's backroom dealings with Hindenburg acquiescing to Hitler's demand for the chancellorship were integral to sustain the momentum of the fascist movements. If either of these instances were to have gone another way it's not unlikely that these extreme movements would have fizzled out. So much of Fascism's success depended on the perception of forward momentum, that the movement had a legitimate chance at obtaining political power and realizing its ambitious programs. Had these movements stalled at these critical junctures, it's not unlikely that their support would have dwindled away and the movements would have been mere footnotes.
> it was only a matter of time before European nationalism entered the ideological wars
it had already started with the Balkan wars and the internal instability of Austria Hungary and Ottoman empires
> however the power was slipping away
To how? I'll agree that France and Britain were over extended and Germany and Italty realized they couldn;t hold on the power as is,
but what non-european power, sans the United States, was going to upstage them?
>t. doesn't know what hes fucking talking about
I'm not a fash or a tankie but educate yourself on what these ideologies actually are if you're going to be shitposting on Veeky Forums you stupid motherfucker
>Hitler is the reason it didn't reach farther
Except he isn't. His invasion of the Soviet Union is what allowed them into Europe. What stopped the Soviets pushing further is the Western Allies.
>1920s Germany
>economy is in the shit due to inflation
>Wiemar government is weak and hated by nearly everyone
>reactionaries, centrists, commies, and everything inbetween are fighting in the streets
>millions of disposed veterans on the streets
>"Hurr durr if we just suppressed it it would have gone away!"
>mussolini quote on race
Mussolini was an oddball for the time, in that he was only Major figure of WW2 that didn't believe in biological race
Not entirely true. Mussolini gave a lot of speeches about race and while he wasn't as autistic about it as Hitler, he wasn't that dismissive either. He considered plummeting Italian (and European as a whole) birthrates compared to Asia and Africa to be a major problem.
he also founded fascism and can be therefore seen as a pretty good ideologue for the dogma
>he considered his country's birth rate plummeting compared to asia and africa to be a major problem
wow what a racist
>wow what a racist
I don't consider being concerned with your nation's birthrates to be "racist" (see: bad) but the idea that Mussolini was totally dismissive to the concept of race is simply not true.
Not even Mussolini can properly define it. Fascism is simply just opportunism mixed with brute force.
>What could 1930s Europe have done to prevent the rise of fascism?
literally nothing
fascism and communism (and other "fringe" ideologies) will always exist as inevitable alternatives to modern liberal capitalist democracy from which the arise.
Yes I'm saying that if Nazism wasn't perceived to have a legitimate chance at obtaining political power much of its support (who weren't dyed-in-the-wool true believers, but newcomers responding to populist appeals) would have drained away and looked for another solution that seemed more likely to succeed.
While the political situation of Weimar Germany was in shambles that doesn't mean the only possible way it could have ended was with Nazi ascendancy. If you believe that you have an incurable case of Whig History.
Nazism was fringe in the 20s. It was a brief surge of support in the 30s, coupled with complicity of the conservatives, that allowed Hitler and the Nazis to cement their power. You're underestimating how precarious and uncertain the Nazis position really was before Von Papen & Hindenburg allowed Hitler to become chancellor.
>Mussolini was totally dismissive to the concept of race is simply not true
he was a civic nationalist to the absolute extreme who wanted the state to have complete control over every aspect of the country, Italy was at the time ethnically diverse even within the confines of the singular "Italian people". A person from Milan looks strikingly different to one from Sicily.
this, also >fuck gommunism >:(
No it doesn't, Mussolini's Italy had Arabic and Jewish fascist organizations, it has nothing to do with ethnonationalism outside of Germany and Croatian Ustase
>opportunism mixed with brute force.
Just like literally every revolution in history, retard
>he was a civic nationalist to
He was not. He would have been opposed to millions of Chinese flooding Italy as immigrants even if they adopted Italian culture. He made speeches to that effect.
I'm speaking of the ideology not the act of Mussolini's revolution, you fucking queer.
>impyling Falange weren't ethnonationalists
>implying Codreanu wasn't a ethnonationalist
granted that isn't all there is to Fascism, but its certainly present outside of Croatia and Germany
Codreanu is always defined as clerically fascist over ethnically
A few things.
>Pass broad economic measures in support of a frustrated working class
>Put angry young men in their twenties and thirties to work on public initiatives
>Drum up hostility towards a foreign external threat, in order to unify the populace around a single issue (e.g. Sovietism)
>Correct the abuses of finance capital which indirectly fuels political resentments
> Elect a respectable, principled and firm leader who embodies some of the traits fascists respect, such as strength, determination, and sincerity
>Build up security and aggressively ferret out all police elements with pro-fascist sympathies
Falange wanted to include fucking Portugal in Spain, which has a different language and had no plans to enforce Spanish on them, Codreanu just hated Jews and gommunism he didn't mind the Hungarians
So Europeans could have prevented the rise of fascism by being fascists?
civic nationalist as in he didn't target groups in his country like Hitler did
If only europe had come togther to prevent Hapsburg imperalism into Eastern europe, and allowed Eastern european nationalism to thrive and the Hasburgs to be happy with Austo-Hungary.
A member of the Serbian black hand would have never shot Archduke Ferdinand thus bringing about WW1.
>Russia would have never been humiliated at Tannenburg thus jewish bolshevism wouldn't have overthown the monarchy.
>Bolshevik revloutionairies would have never been inspired to plunge europe into a mess, thus not creating a reaction against it.
>Hitler would still be a failed art student homeless on the streets of vienna.
>The easter uprising would have never happened thus Oswald mosley would have never joined the labour party, and later resign due to not listening to his ecnomic policy to get britian out of a mess and setting up a fascist party.
>Italy would have been stable and a coup would never have happned.
Why would they want to? fascism is pretty cool.
>easter uprising would have never happened
Anglo detected
Im half irish myself lad and have sympathy for a united Ireland if only it wasn't headed by marxist terrorists.
Wealthy scottish unionist land owners should have never had more votes compared to the poorer Irish public who couldnt vote.
Not to mention the use of criminals to be set upon the Irish by the British government was disgusting.
But back to my point it never would have happned, prehaps down the line but one can is only speculating from events that did happen that could be prevented.
>Britian wouldnt be distracted with war
>Socalist revloutionarys wouldnt have been supplied arms from Germany in an attempt to weaken the British army and draw them away from the western front
Except he is. Spanish civil war was kind of a proxy war between Russia and Germany , Russia had plans to expand under Stalin indefinitely
>Implying communism don't require a mixture of opportunism mixed with brute force.
My waifu
Instill social democracy before the war
Russian Republic pussies out of WWI, no Petrograd revolt means communists are temporarily sated while nationalists and monarchists take the lead.
Russia would still be seriously unstable, but without the USSR, communism has no legitimacy.
You sound actually literally retarded.
Consider suicide.
>short hair, small breasts,
>attitude/passion for a cause.
She's mine, faggot. Fuck off.
They probably shouldn't have tried to go communist
Did Veeky Forums just praise FDR?
That's a first.
Murdered the communist so there was no need for the fascist.
Wels and Thalmann should have started a voting bloc against Hitler and the Nazis.
Rise of facism and the rise of communism are tied together.
All the shit that happened was the clash of 2 facist ideologies.
The US did try that with the Smith Act.
Spartacist party wins
>If only europe had come togther to prevent Hapsburg imperalism
Idiotic myths. At least learn history before posting here.
SPD was a democratic party, KPD were totalitarian bandits. Kurt Schumacher said that the Communists are "red-painted Nazis" and he was right.
in the 30's? It was too late
the easiest way to prevent fascism is either convince Pilsudski to attack Moscow with Denikin, or convince Makhno to not resist the White advances until after the Bolsheviks fall
Preahaps your right it does stem back alot further than pureley just the Hapsburgs, and could also be atributed to colonialism and the disputes between European imperal teritory across the world.
But then you could also say if it wasn't for usury and the Jewish money lenders financing these various expeditions and wars around the world, prehaps European colonialism would never has been as prevelent in the world?
>The British would have to make do with the resources from their own tiny island to finance colonialism.
>Colonialists could have probbly been defeated by natives due to the lack of men, arms and supplies due to not having that extra loaned money to give them that.
>what nation would want to risk losing an entire expedition at sea and potentialy never seeing them again, when they can use loaned money instead and could easily give them two fingers and not give them a penny back.
>Loaned money provides men with an almost infinte lust for greed, whereas if your a tiny island your limited to your own resources and can only do so much.
It's a fake quote.
Thats all well and good and such a scenario would definetly prevent a counter reaction against communism in europe as its embers would have been put out.
However the wall street crash would still have happned due to war debts, repirations and all the things related to the war that plunged the economy into chaos in 1929.
Baring in mind Karl Marx had still written his works, it was bound to be revived by people looking for extreme solutions to their problems, thus extreme fascism or some ultra nationalist form of it would have emerged to counter the growing threat of communism.
There is no way of telling if such a quote is true or not, all sources have the potential of being forgeries or snapshots but just for this I will asume its unreliable as there was no refrence behind the image.
However the matter still stands he alongside many others financed imperal colonialism, and as a result got very wealthy prehaps even some more wealthy than the empires he financed in the first place through intrest capital from lending money.
And if such practices were banned, colonialism across the world would be no where near as prevlent.
the rise of communism in the 20s is directly responsible for the rise of fascism. It's a reactionary movement.
Seeing as how Fascism began as a reaction to Communism, a quick and swift removal of the latter early-on would have prevented the rise of the former.
>There is no way of telling if such a quote is true or not
It's easy to tell if a quoye is true or not. Just look at the original source of it.
Being a racist and a nationalist dosen't equal ethnonationalism dumbass
Do what Finland did, as Finland successfully avoided three communist takeovers and one (two arguably) fascist takeovers.
Killing or removing communists from society, fixing the economy using fascist economic ideas like Roosevelt did, and not fucking up German borders and making a treaty that has special clauses for Jews. And maybe be less degenerate
>blablablabla commies waa waaa
communism didnt cause a world war, nor did it shake the foundation of european monarchies, ppl were simply fed up with the same old shit that kept happening, so one part of society turned left, the other turned right