What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

His paintings weren't good enough

Autism and micropenis


He lost. Other than that he was right about everything.

>purges the most coherent and intellectual elements of his own party
>right about anything

He was an opportunist who cucked himself to big business and aristocracy.

He's what happens when you take is-ought into practice, and then take that practice to its logical extreme.

Making da poo-poos in his pants.

Closet faggot.

He thought that Russians were subhuman and thus would put up little resistance

He was wrong

>What the fuck was his problem?


Literally daddy issues and oneitis

I hear he had a small peenus weenus

He based his political opinions on pseudo-science and from a military standpoint was pretty inept.

Somebody took his dog.

He also Remembered the Raisin and swore vengeance against the evil British for their crimes.

Inability to listen to generals

His obsession about race.

daddy issues

This Hitler's dick thing is an ahistorical urban legend that needs to die. He had, at worst, hypospadias, which means your pee hole isn't dead centre on your knob but on the lower half of it, or in severe cases, on the underside of your shaft.

He was obviously just a touch psychopathic. Anti-semitism was nothing new.

>"Work will set you free"

He didn't let the Soviet Union into the axis after the talks in late 1940

Look if you want to tell everyone that you have microbenis and one ball there's always /b/ , /r9k/, and /bant/

he pooped his pants


>He didn't let the Soviet Union into the axis after the talks in late 1940

That talking point about the USSR being part of the Axis was and will always be bullshit.

>from a military standpoint was pretty inept.
>Inability to listen to generals
Half truths. He often made good calls but everyone only recollects the bad ones, there's also a propensity for Generals to blame everything on Hitler after the war.

If he didn't listen to his generals, how did France fall? Had he listened to his Generals, would he had re-militarized the Rhine, annexed Austria, the Sudetenlands and ultimately the remains of the Czech state without a war?

Hindsight is 20/20 but in 1940, after the fall of France, he was one of the greatest statesmen in history from the German perspective.

Invading dozens of countries simultaneously.

good bad is also hindsight, if a gamble works its good decision? no its still a shitty gamble
his luck ran out with poland, starting a war he cannot win in 1941 as a bonus

hes right

It's hard to ascribe everything to luck and throw of the dice. Either way that's not the point I'm making. Saying he didn't listen to his generals is a half truth, he did and he didn't, sometimes he was right and other times he was wrong.


Jews unironically fucked up his country hard to the point he said "enough is enough".

>implying Marxism isn't itself also the very incarnation of this jewish obsession with materialism and money and rejection of God

perfect. no need to say more. your wisdom is so radiant


Le Jews :(

>/threading your own post

he shat himself on numerous occasions

Slavs and jews

So there's nothing more Jewish than an Atheist ?
It already crossed my mind but now I've red a bit of the ancient testament and it is clear that it is a common things of the Hebrews to dismiss their god for no reason at all.
The thing is, Atheist aren't Jews. Where in the past they went from believing to not caring here it is more a matter of never caring which is different.
So maybe in the end : Jews = Atheists
since the jews worshipp satan, read the old testament. Sacrifice of animals all the time, only to calm god like his some kind of blood thirsty monster. Very weird things are done with blood of the animals more than one time. God wants his people to have some flesh of their dick cut off, wich is incredibly weird imo.
There's more things but I do not care enough about this unexisting subject to develop more. If you want to do some provocative philosphy work feel free to quote me as "Some random faggot on Veeky Forums" thanks you

>It's hard to ascribe everything to luck and throw of the dice
It really isnt... thats exactly what hitler did when he constantly pushed the limits of acceptability in geopolitics

He was jewish.