Were there black berbers/moors?
Were there black berbers/moors?
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Go to Morocco and see how many black people you can find
In the North? No.
I believe one of the Numidian groups, the Maures, was known to have darker skin and sometimes called the 'western Ethiopians'. This was back in Roman times and 'Ethiopia' was the name for all sub-sahara Africa at the time.
Yeah there were certainly black moors but they weren't a majority
>This was back in Roman times and 'Ethiopia' was the name for all sub-sahara Africa at the time.
Correction. Ethiopians was the name for all black people, and Libyans was the name for everyone who wasn't black nor Egyptian. As such, almost everyone who was black and known to the Greece-roman world was from south of Egypt, I'm not sure if they even knew if people lived south of the Sahara desert, or what color they would be.
If I'm not getting thing wrong here.
But there are black people living in Morocco today and even Moroccans have Sub-Saharan DNA from slave trade/caliphate and early trans-saharan trade between Mali and Morocco.
Yeah, Livy even depicted that the Numidians who were with Hannibal/Carthage to have had skin "darker than normal". Which is weird since Mediterraneans have the same climate and would tan the same also Romans knew what North Africans and Arabs/Semites look like.
Tuareg Berbers live in Sub-Saharan/ Mid-Saharan Countries like Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Fezzan Libya. They obviously have Sub-Saharan black admixture.
I just find it hard to believe that berbers migrated from the middle east all the way to the Maghreb for all those years and never had contact with Sub-Sahara.
Also why did the New Caliphate Arabs war with Berbers if they were the same people?
Probably mostly in numidia(modern day Libya)
Yeah some of the moors definitely were though a minority.
Google what an average Mauretanian person looks like today dumb wh*tebois.
Not all Moors were black, but Moors were both Arab-Berber and Black. Islam even spread to Sub-Saharan africa. Mansa Musa was Muslim and Ibn Battuta traveled to Mali.
I think even most people living in the Iberian Peninsula especially Portugal'/Southern Spain have black DNA.
Berbers are an ethinic group that aren't black, so n. Moor was a general term for people from north africa so you there were black moors.
A moor if I recall correctly was used by Shakespeare and other Elizabethan age writers often used Moor to refer to dark skinned people, which included what we today call blacks or what used to be called "negroes", before these terms were in circulation.
Some, sure.
Tuaregs are some of the most iconic Berber peoples and they are mostly black.
The well "Berbers" refers to a specific ethnoligustic group.
So its not like you would have found ones that would have been black.
Some may have some sub-saharan admixture, but calling the Berbers "black" would be like saying i'm a Indian because I might have about ~2% Cherokee DNA
In Portugal, some of that could be discarded as recent admixture. After kickstarting the transatlantic slave trade, some Portuguese brought back mixed wives.
I'm gonna take this with a mountain of salt
uma delicia
That's basically a myth. portuguese and spaniards donĀ“t score subsaharan genes, just some old noise. In matter of fact they are much more european than i've tought.
Berbers are very mixed and can range from blue eyed blonde to charcoal black
Those values are clearly higher than the ones for the rest of Europe. Wikipedia cites some studies that set Portugal and Spain apart: en.wikipedia.org
During Day of Portugal, that doctor that spoke before the army even went on about mullattas were imported (it was a very weird speech, he went on a tangent about which diseases Portuguese migrants spread throughout the world).
leaving this here
Berbers historically are a caucasoid group from north africa. If there are black moors, is probably for the same reasosn that now there are blck french or english.
Dude by that graph
iberians score close to zero. how is that clearly higher?
Yeah I remember reading Romeo & Juliet and Othello. The description of a moor is of a dark skinned black person and there are shitloads of Renaissance paintings depicting moors as Sub-Saharan black.
Epic meem bro, gonna post this on /r/4chand and /r/The_Donald
They were black like Egyptians, and they taught Europeans everything. My ancestor :)
Yes we all know everybody was blacki subsaharan, all of them, egyptians, moors, even greeks, vikings, anglos, italians, danes, portuguese, spanish, russians, irish..... alll lMAO
Egypt stretched all the way down the Nile river to Sudan Sudanese people are actual Nubians. Sudanese people are black.
There were/are blacks that lived/living in North Africa/Southern European (mediterranean countries). Maybe not in large percentages, but they were still there.
I don't know why you brought up russians, irish, danes, vikings, anglos.
Now you're just being retarded and exposing your /pol/ powerlevels.
Moors are diverse people, ranging from white skin, red haired blue eyed types to black sub Saharan types
Berbers are mostly brown/white Caucasoids with some subsaharan mix, which differs by area
Haha, I love it when somebody brings up Nubia when talking about Ancient Egypt. You know that they were tribes and invaders who regularly got into skirmishes with the Egyptian empire throughout hundreds of years, right? There is an overwhelming amount of archaeological and historical evidence for this. They weren't friends, or part of the civilization. They were viewed as thieves and slaves (both of which are historically true). To a lesser extent, this is the same with Canaan.
>Sudanese people are black.
Even so, they aren't sub Saharan West Africans. They are as far apart from West Africans as they are from Europeans.
This is false though. Nilo-Saharans are found throughout Central and West Africa via the Sahel. In fact Niger Congo noun classification derives in part from an influence of Nilo Saharans.
The formation of Western Africa is through the bidirectional path of the Sahel after the end of the Neolithic Subpluvial. The foundations of West African empire and nation-state derives from Tichitt, Sao and most importantly Kanem derived from the Tibesti mountains. Later the Hausa we're expulsed from Air.
Regardless of the intricacies to act as though there wasn't constant movement is to deny the realities of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Not that user by the way
No they knew about other populations.
Just look up the Macrobians.
According to an ancient explorer Blacks were native to the the inland course and highlands of southern Morocco.
>Iberian Peninsula especially Portugal'/Southern Spain have black DNA.
Yeah from the slave trade.
>This is false though.
Nah. The FST between East and Sub-Shara back is huge.
Sorry, you waz nothing.
>Morocco is 20% black genetically
All that mixing with the Berbers made Black Berbers/Black North Africans look like African Americans. Well, kinda.
Not true at all:
Probably but I don't think they would be a majority
Source : my ass
Dude what the fuck? Maybe moors could change colour at will