Why were crusaders so ineffective?
Why were crusaders so ineffective?
white people cannot fight. they're inherently effeminate. they need toys that shoot bullets to win wars.
They were pretty sucessful inside Europe. In the balkans and greece and in iberian peninsula they were massive victorious.
Dude white people conquered the entire world, from the english, to the french, from the portuguese, to the dutch and spaniards and then americans.
>Dude white people conquered the entire world
I don't see any wh*Tes here bro.
Your logic is false! You cherry picked the battle where peasants went ahead of the actual army and got lost. Why don't you show the battles and sieges that happened after this battle?
Turks are not good soldiers. Mongols are good soldiers. Turks do nothing in life other than get assimilated by cultures around them and lie to themselves about them being the best. And they keep getting raped by mongols. (Both seljuk and ottoman empires were destroyed by mongols in two different wars)
>peasants, women and kids
It's because they drank. Same reason that the Turks were always beating the Austrians. The Turks were sober.
One day, I hope the US abandons Turkey and let the Turks fight the Russians. See how long they can hold Istanbul before it becomes Constantinople.
>The Turks were sober.
Didn't one of the sultans die when he was drunkenly chasing a naked boy around a bathhouse? I find it hard to believe Turks were all sober.
Because the Turk is a superior soldier to wh*tes
>From this you will see that it is the patience, self-denial and thrift of the Turkish soldier that enable him to face the most trying circumstances and come safely out of' the dangers that surround him. What a contrast to our men! Christian soldiers on a campaign refuse to put up with their ordinary food, and call for thrushes, becaficos [a small bird esteemed a dainty, as it feeds on figs and grapes], and suchlike dainty dishes! ... It makes me shudder to think of what the result of a struggle between such different systems must be; one of us must prevail and the other be destroyed, at any rate we cannot both exist ]in safety. On their side is the vast wealth of their empire, unimpaired resources, experience and practice in arms, a veteran soldiery, an uninterrupted series of victories, readiness to endure hardships, union, order, discipline, thrift and watchfulness. On ours are found an empty exchequer, luxurious habits, exhausted resources, broken spirits, a raw and insubordinate soldiery, and greedy quarrels; there is no regard for discipline, license runs riot, the men indulge in drunkenness and debauchery, and worst of all, the enemy are accustomed to victory, we to defeat. Can we doubt what the result must be?
t. holy roman ambassador
Western Orientalists thought that Turks were the most beautiful race, but I think we all know how true that impression turned out to be....
>t. Roach
>Turks do nothing in life other than get assimilated by cultures around them and lie to themselves about them being the best. And they keep getting raped by mongols.
Gotta suck being a Truk. They were an "Empire," yet contributed nothing to the world.
Turks were the most beautiful race. The only mistake they made was being too tolerant of wh*tes and ar*bs and turn the empire into a multicultural shithole. Now Turkey is filled with non-turk genes.
They contributed the art of putting copper buttplugs into the asses of Cypriot boys to prepare them for a long future of fulfilling the unearthly lusts of debauched, liquor-swollen Turkish men.
lmao the butthurt over 500+ year old wars is amazing. That shit was so far back we probably both are related to the same damn soldiers who fought in these battles
bruh for every beautiful Turkish girl theres like 100 beautiful white and Arab women. And please stop warping history to fit into your little modern ideology
Lol thats a gook. Nice "genes"
turks at the time were known as some of the best mercenaries one can get and were employed for hundreds of years by people in the middle-east and east-europe
stop talking shit about my waifu wh*Te boy
that's not related to the topic or what the HRE ambassador meant.
Yet you speak a white people language.
>Because the Turk is a superior soldier to wh*tes
>Talking about Turks
>Brings up battle between Egyptian land rabble and peasants against a modern army with very likely exaggerated casualties
Fuckin rekt
>against a modern army
>french peasants armed with guns
Pick one
Traces back to proto-slavic and eastern languages.
Checkmate buddy
Actually traces back to Germanic, particularly Ingvaeonic languages.
Checkmate, nigga.
Also, Slavic people are considered part of the "white" race, dumbass.
Germanic traces back to eastern slavic languages too.
>slavs are part of the white race
Nice meme dude. Whites never developed a written language, all their alphabes and languages were burrowed from Greeks, Persians are proto-slavic immigrants.
Why can't this Turkish faggot just fuck off? He's shitting up every board with his forced memes. And by the way, no one finds "wh*Tes" funny. It's as pathetic as /pol/tards who think writing "nigger" makes them funny.
wh*Te meme is not meant to be funny
it indicates that you're subhumans.
But I'm not subhuman, that's a really horrible thing to say. Why can't you be nice?
because i hate wh*Tes
I'm speechless at the retardation I'm seeing from your post. Have my last (You), because I'm not going to have linguistic argument with a retarded troll such as yourself or your Turkish friend.
The only subhuman here is the person that tries to be the new Ikibey but ends up looking like a cheap knockoff version while putting in twice the effort.
It was French infantry with muskets vs Turkish cavalry with sabers and guns
Same technological advancement, but Turks were retarded and charged at squares
I'm not trying to be anyone, i'm proud of what i am, i'm your mother's bull
Honestly, no Turks should be allowed on Veeky Forums.
>Turkish cavalry with Sabres and guns
Lets get one thing straight, there were next to no Turks in this battle nor all of Egypt.
Now we got that cleared out of the way, no. Firearms were scarce among the Egyptians, the few were antiquated Jezzails or pistols carried by small scattered contingents of Mamelukes. The majority of the army was bubonic plague-ridden peasants rooted out of their mudhuts along the nile and have whatever that is in their possession that can be called a weapon
>Turks were retarded and charged squares
Guess what, the french are retarded too and charged squares many times.
So basically you are saying the Turks got beat fair and square in a fair fight.
kys faggot. You're fucking helpless
I'm out
I win again, I have vanquished the Turk.
i'm not him but i'm still here
Why are Turks basically mongrelised Caucasians with occasional but negligible chink ancestry that got Persianised and larp as sandniggers then go around saying "wh*te" as if that is supposed to mean something?
>wh*Tes in charge of genetics
why are you wh*Tes always so cringy and retarded?
Sounds like a personal problem Mehmet
my personal problem is your mother
>your mom jokes
>>>/4th grade/
I personally like them
so does your mother
>wh*Tes in charge of genetics
We did invent it.
>why are you wh*Tes always so cringy and retarded?
I don't know, my slightly non-white friend. Why don't you tell me why you made this thread?
>wh*Te boy thinks i'm one of his untermensch kind
>Why don't you tell me why you made this thread?
i didn't
>uses untermensch
How very white of you.
>i didn't
If you say so.
BTW, I've known "wh*tes" who have been mistaken for Turks by actual Turks.
>inb4 they were roaches
>BTW, I've known "wh*tes" who have been mistaken for Turks by actual Turks.
then it means they're not wh*Te lmao
>not white
Lack of gunpowder, most likely.
don't care nibba we're talking about phenotypes here not genotypes.
Prove it.
we would just behead Russians i guess just like how Chechens did in Grozny
Guess how that turned out in the long run.
Indo-European languages include both European and Indo-Iranian languages. Which makes the language family not exclusive to whites.
What the fuck are you talking about, Persians predates slavs by thousands of year. Iranian tribes were predominant in eastern europe centuries before Slavs lived there. Also, Greeks are white. Nice meme.
Why would Turkey and Russia fight each other? Nobody cares about who controls Instanbul/Constantinople anymore, there are no Christians in the Russian government, just like there are no Muslims in the Turkish government.
Are you retarded.
with the french going on to colonize north africa and the ottomans disntegrating?
Brits had to save retarded Turks
The mongols were hardcore assimilators lmao what you on whitboi?
yt boy wants you to start the truck
>what is late 1300s to early 1900s ottoman occupation of balkans.
Are eurangatuans this delusional?
God was against them
Yeah, probably the same way casualties fighting the Cathars are "unknown".
Richard the lionheart and his dudes cleaned house, mang. IDK what you're talking about.
They feared the cockroach warrior
Okay, James Portnow may be a sensationalist shithead who thinks the Crusaders had no justification for counter-invading Anatolia and the Holy Land, but he still pretty much has a point about how fucking disorganized and badly trained the People's Crusade was when compared to the Turkish army.
You're aware the Ottomans had been losing ground in the Balkans since Vienna? In the end they couldn't even beat a mob of Serbian and Greek goat farmers with pitchforks.
>people's crusade got fugged
>1st crusade was a massive success
Gee, its almost like t*rks are only good at fighting disorganized mobs
With Western Europe bailing out the Ottomans when they were being btfo by Russia?
Turks lost because their tactics were outdated.
They still held the area from 400 to over 500 years. Thats two times older than the US
>People's crusade
Well there's you're problem, OP, you used a horde of zealous unequipped peasants as your strawman.
But user, the Turks lost against the Austrians half the time during the Ottoman-Hapsburg wars, and proceeded to lose against the Russians, who were even heavier drinkers, if anything. Even at the height of their power, the Ottomans were viciously harassed by the alcoholics of the Cossack Hetmanate, whose forces even sailed to Constantinople and defeated the Ottoman navy on their way out after sacking several Ports on the Bosporus
OP used the fucking people's crusade, fairness was already thrown out the window.
Seriously though, it was a lack of gunpowder. Before gunpowder, laying siege to ANYTHING took FOREVER.
Nigga the crusaders were kicked out of the holy land by an army of turks.
Also lets not forget how the ottoman empire rekt several crusades in the balkans or how they fucked up the italians and the spaniards at sea till lepanto happened.
No you are he is right russia and turkey have pretty good relations now.
They don't have any reason to fight.
That was during the decline though also the cossacks were genocided at the end as far as I know.
Reading through the Venetian and Portugese conflicts against the Ottomans is really depressing, and even more so the crusader battles against them during the 15th century, notably the Ottoman and Hungarian war where crusader knights were just fucking smashed to pieces by jannisaries and sipahis.
Seriously, after reading this, I fail to see crusaders as anything but wimps now. Their crowning achievement, the siege of Malta, is just but one speck on a mountain of defeats against their arab enemies.
What's hilarious is that the Holy league still lost that war despite that naval victory because their leaders couldnt agree with anything.
I think a major reason why crusader coalitions always get beaten by the turks is because of that very reason. Fuckers always fight amongst themselves
>Walter Sans-Avoir
kek, what a glorious name
I want to hop on my horse (truck) and kill wh*Tes.
>hide behind walls
>still lose 10.000 men
why are wh*tes so shit?
>People's crusade
Why not just shill the children's crusade also? Obvious b8 is obvious
I didn't know that Weimar Republic or FRG had colonies
>Having to cherrypick victories
This triggers the t*rk