This region should have been abolished the same way the Allies abolished Prussia
This region should have been abolished the same way the Allies abolished Prussia
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Slaves should've gotten some form of reparations and good land out West.
Southern aristocracy and military leadership should've been executed.
Your average citizen/grunt should've been re-integrated back into the Union, though.
>Slaves should've gotten some form of reparations and good land out West.
No. They should have broken up the big plantations and gave them their own land where they lived, in the South.
>hurr stupid hicks fuck off
Northies are such fags
>not including Texas and Florida in the South
Mistake #1
>hoping to "abolish" the spirit of old colonial stock in the South, uncucked by the Puritan-turned-Protestant-Liberal demagoguery of the North
Mistake #2
The Hebrephile Southern Aristocrats should have been drawn and quartered and every member of the Democrat party hanged for treason.
Then either do Liberia and actually fund it for a decent amount of time or clear out the Carolinas and give them to the Blacks. Either works.
>No Democrats, you can't setup a neofeudal state and gobble up land displacing the free White populace with massive plantations
>Oh, and by the way, we're going to ship the blacks back where they came from
Should've just picked your own cotton tbqh.
So American Rhodesia?
I really wish Virginia would have gone with the Union, but also still split from West Virginia.
Do you think it would have been possible to strictly enforce integration and have blacks/whites living together? I'm not against it, I just don't know if it was feasible.
>Oh, and by the way, we're going to ship the blacks back where they came from
(not true, by the way)
>be south
>get niggers to pick cotton
>become agricultural utopia
>be north
>get niggers to build cars
>become industrial wasteland and murder capital of the country
Really rinks my dink
The proper answer
>whine about south
>south attempts to leave
>kill 350,000 yankees in order to make them stay
>yankees pay out the ass to support the south
>the south now chooses their president for them even though they lost the popular vote because of the electoral college
kek, yankees are such cucks
dude cucks lmao
>agricultural utopia
>no slaves
>much less production
>much less efficiency
>no money/resources to fund revolution
>no America
It was needed for the time
And how the fuck do you think we could do that? Prussia was eliminated from domestic and international politics, economics, etc via the end of WWI. Give me an example of how you would take away one of the busiest commercial airports in the world (Atlanta) and completely subvert the political opinion of an extremely important city in the US?
>have comfy af culture
>don't drop dead from smoke inhalation or pollution
>have large range of landscapes
>have nice people
>not a utopia
>No slaves
>cotton price go back to its pre slavery level
>Common people can start picking cotton again
>Large number of small exploitation open
>Smith's economy at it's full potential
>People in Europe move at a much higher rate to America
>common people have to get paid
>no industry to make this particularly profitable
>lots of plantations fail
>economy sucks
>people leave America
thats an interesting concept actually. was there ever any attempt to rewrite state boundaries after the ACW? imagine had the pro-union areas in tenessee, north carolina and kentucky had been given statehood similar to west veriginia. it would have been a powerful check on southern solidarity. it would also help had some states been merged to shrink the amount of settlers
>culture of laziness
>drop dead from malaria or heatstroke
>agriculture mostly in the shitty swamp lowlands
>nice people until you do something they don't like, then they lynch you, even if you aren't black
What the fuck do you mean? It was part of America to begin with and all it's people American citizens before the civil war. It's not like you're going to give the land to foreign nations or deport its inhabitants like German Prussia.
>Slaves should've gotten some form of reparations and good land out West.
Fuck J*hns*n.
>Billy Yank wants to powertrip and fuck with a conservative region to satiate his own leftist chode
and they say /leftypol/ isn't raiding
because black-run countries work oh so well...
>>Oh, and by the way, we're going to ship the blacks back where they came from
>still pretending that Back2Africa was a majority opinion among Republicans
here. What in the actual fuck are you babbling about?
That's not even a pic from fucking Zimbabwe, dipshit. That's one of the former Portuguese colonies I'm pretty sure.
>southern aristocracy
What the fuck are you talking about? People who have more than a certain amount of money?
The planters.
We stayed in the union, you fucktard.
Niggers and Northerners ALL deserve death. No exceptions.
Send every last one of them straight to Hell with a mouthful of Zyklon gas.
>culture of laziness
>drop dead from malaria or heatstroke
21th century.
>agriculture mostly in the shitty swamp lowlands
If it works its not your business
>nice people until you do something they don't like, then they lynch you, even if you aren't black
Yeah, came out of your ass.
a one-way ticket to Liberia, but no, they all wanted to the white man's gibs.
Wow colonies were horrible
Guaranteed replies
>executing military leaders
>looting the south for gibs to give to the blacks
wew big difference
>lost the war
>w-we must exterminate niggers and northerners
>>no industry to make this particularly profitable
2/10 see me after class do you even know what time period we're in nigger
Any cretin who uses the term "gibs" unironically ought to be hanged too, desu.
Honestly can't think of a better solution.
People freakout when they say blacks would destroy the land if not for whites but the ignore the fact that in lowland South Carolina and Sea Islands native Africans many of whom were Muslims basically ran whole operations for months on end while whites avoided the malarial season.
Same in the frontiers of French Louisiana on cattle ranches and rice plantations. It could have been done and worked.
Kentucky didn't "stay in the union", it opted for neutrality and chose the most cowardly possible weathervane course until it was invaded by both sides, and then declared for the one that successfully occupied them
Pretty embarrassing desu
I really really wish the CSA had won, the US was a fucking mistake and everyone in the rest of the world hates your guts.
CSA was like 10X more imperialist than the northerners u fucking retard. Who do you think pushed hardest for war again mexico and manifest destiny? You know they wanted to annex mexico? that they wanted to annex cuba? that some even spoke of subjugating latin america for plantations and for making fresh slaves? the confederates wanted at all costs to spread the institution of slavery so they didn't feel so isolated in geopolitics and because they thought it was a positive good. they were fucking psycho expansionists senpai
wow, i draw conclusions from a single picture!
horse drawn cotton picking machines came into existence a decade or two after the civil war. Steam Tractors already existed during the civil war. slavery was already uneconomical.
>implying they would of ever gotten past Panama
I hope you realize that killing off the South's leadership would have lead to a 20+ year insurgency.
This the main reason why the CSA winning would be a good thing, it would have crippled the US in its infancy before it could fuck over the other half of the world in the 20th century
>kill off leadership
>an insurgency needs leaders
wat. anyway souther culture of deference and hierarchy would have meant that whites would have been too cucked to revolt
Moronic. These are not the words of someone who wants equality and justice, these are the words of someone who is extremely tribalistic and wants to "stick it to the man". Both of these actions would have just caused cycles of hate and oppression.
>equality and justice
>he still treats these words at face value instead of hollow buzzwords
C'mon user its the CURRENT YEAR, you should know that these are just flimsy excuses
Instead of dying of smoke inhalation you'd die from malaria, hyperthermia, or pellagra.
Huh? The south was never a distinct legal subunit of the United States, the way that Prussia was a distinct legal subunit of Germany.
>expecting OP not to be a brainlet about the ACW
We're happy we split from West Virginia to this day though. West Virginia has like one of the highest rates of suicide in the country and is also one of the shittest economically as well. We're better off without them.
I was talking about the 1600 and 1700s, because my point was there would be no America without slaves.
this is the biggest load of bullshit ive ever read. where did you learn this, your yankee school up in rhode island?
Why are yanks so hostile towards Dixie?
>hurr stupid fat racist rednecks that fuck their sisters are making us look bad, fucking hicks
>"okay bye faggots"
>What!? Where are you going!? We're supposed to be a union!
and then they say some stupid bullshit like
>durr we should have hanged the confederates, fucking traitors
even though that would just lead to more violence, hatred, and division
>durr every southerner owned slaves and the war was about slavery my history teacher mr. goldbergstein told me so
only like 1% of the south owned slaves because only rich plantation owners had slaves, if you think every johnny rebel dying on the battlefield was thinking "golly gee i cant believe the yanks want me to stop being racist i guess i better risk my life so i can keep some niggers back home", then you're retarded.
and even then, southerners now have the "heritage not hate" movement because they want to dissociate the confederate battle flag from racism and slavery because they see it as a symbol of their culture and heritage, and yet all the yanks up north who never set foot in Dixie get all like "UHH NO THE FLAG IS RACIST EVIL NAZI SYMBOL YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO FLY IT BECAUSE I SAID SO"
>>What!? Where are you going!? We're supposed to be a union!
the logic of a child. if you actually knew anything on the subject you'd realize there were larger legal, constitutional and even geopolitical implications to the South leaving the union
>even though that would just lead to more violence, hatred, and division
hmm, not anymore hatred, violence and divisive tendencies than have come out of the south for a century and a half.
>only like 1% of the south owned slaves because only rich plantation owners had slaves,
utter bullshit. more like 30% and up to 50% of white families in some states owned slaves
>"golly gee i cant believe the yanks want me to stop being racist i guess i better risk my life so i can keep some niggers back home"
that was a HUGE part of it. a lot of whites were told that the north would free the blacks, make the whites into slaves and marry off their wives and daughters to blacks. It's YOU who fails to understand how deeply this sentiment was felt by most people by caricaturizing it. On the contrary, they were dead serious about their beliefs, no matter how ridiculous it sounds to us today.
>and even then, southerners now have the "heritage not hate" movement because they want to dissociate the confederate battle flag from racism and slavery
Are you not aware what happened TWO DAYS AGO?
What happened 2 days ago is that a bunch of people were angry about internet leftists so they went to basically spite on them, and the ANTIFA fags took things to the next level like always.
drop the double think, shithead. you said in your last post
>dissociate the confederate battle flag from racism and slavery because they see it as a symbol of their culture and heritage
holding torches reminiscent of the kkk, doing fascist salutes, chanting heil hitlers and antijewish slurs all while holding confederate flags is the exact OPPOSITE of trying to dissociate with racism and slavery you fucking mong.
First of all, you are talking to different people.
Second, yes, that's what /pol/acks tend to do.
>the CSA was a multicultural paradise of Whites, Blacks and Indians working together, the North were the Real Racist
>White Race, the North were a bunch of nigger lovers
So, which is it ?
But Prussia shouldn't have been abolished though.
That doesn't even make sense
It probably would have been better to send most blacks to settle 1 or 2 states in the west. We probably could have avoided much of the problems of the civil rights and even modern era. Black people would probably also have been much better off.
Lets be real, theres no reasonable way to pay or arrange for the transport of millions of slaves to some tiny african country. Especially due to recosntruction.