should people be allowed to destroy historical artifacts they do not like?
Should people be allowed to destroy historical artifacts they do not like?
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>soccer kicking a bronze statue
Their foot must be killing them after that.
25 yeer rool
how much paint does one have to huff to make a post this stupid?
Sure, it is called iconoclasm and was/is practiced many times throughout history. It is history in action.
sure, why not
would have been okay for the british to destroy religious icons across india because they did not approve?
Imagine being this fanatical about something.
wow, they look like fucking morons
I think confederate statues should be taken down and moved to museums but God Dann these retards piss me off
>put up in 1924
Not really that historical desu
you're no different from them, just go join them. Don't forget to bring your best pair of soccer cleats and some ice for your feet afterwards.
Shhh, don't hurt their feelings.
It's ancient for Americans.
The country is 200 year old, so it's like an 800 year old statue for a French.
The mughals and various other Indian states were little better than the confederacy, massacring civilians, torturing religious opponents and treating peasants and slaves like garbage, so according to their reasoning it would be ok to destroy their religious icons.
However they are not destroying confederate statues due to some moral outrage.
It really fucking annoys me when somebody destroys/vandals something of historical interest. How much of a little faggot do you have to be to do something like that? Imagine being such a cunt that you want to destroy the physical representation of knowledge and past cultures because it upsets you that it exists. I want to strangle these Chinese and ISIS motherfuckers for their crimes against humanity.
>wanting to preserve a 90 year old statue = destroying it
t. retard
>little better than
when the fuck did the CSA do anything remotely comparable to any of those things?
I only hope burgers kill each other for bullshit like that, and free the world from their stupidity.
No. But local communities should be allowed to decide what monuments are put on prominent public display. Just put the old statues in storage or something, they should be kept so that historians in future years are able to examine them for whatever reasons that historians may have.
if you wanted to preserve it you'd leave it the fuck where it is. Nobody gives a shit what happens to it once you knock it down, we want you to leave them the fuck alone.
Yes. Stay mad alt-right filth.
>I want to strangle these Chinese and ISIS motherfuckers for their crimes against humanity.
You forgot about BLM
>Crying over country-destroying shitheaps who owned people.
Usually other countries do not celebrate the lives of rebels and slavers.
But oh boy, America sure wants to be speshul.
But that's just it, they don't want historians in future years to ever know it existed. The entire thing is about the marginalization, oppression, and extermination of Whites.
For fuck's sake, these people were (and still are) chanting about tearing down statues of Washington, Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman all across America. Slavery is just the motte to the genocidal bailey.
That's not a historical artifact, that's a monument put up much later than the actual historical event, in order to honor rebels who fought for a seperate government based on slavery. It's a travesty that it was ever displayed outside a courthouse.
Well to be fair, we kind of deserve it for not hanging every last Democrat shortly after the war was finished.
if the community doesn't want a statue there, they should have a right to remove it. if your fee-fees are hurt by its removal (not a synonym with destruction btw) then that's your problem. we have museums for preservation. let them be used for that
Americans did the same with Saddam's statue
>that's a monument put up much later than the actual historical event
as opposed to monuments which are constructed exactly as the events they are dedicated to are happening
>who fought for a seperate government
they fought for their states, unless it is a federal courthouse it has fuck-all to do with the US as a whole and everything to do with North Carolinians and Southerners honoring their own historical figures. Keep your nose out of other states' business.
During the war many atrocities occurred and before the war southern states participated in atrocities against native Americans and mistreatment of slaves. If a slave owner wanted they could torture a slave for their amusement and it is naive to imagine this never happened because slaves were pricy.
My point is not that one was more devilish than the other, just that they are in the same ballpark. It is the most realistic view of this situation free from ideology, of course it is unpopular and triggers everyone.
>Keep your nose out of other states' business.
Then why are you posting in this thread?
Uhh, where are the police? Arent they supposed to prevent stuff like this?
>the only people who do not look like deformed caricatures of human beings are wewuzian thugs
America truly is a wondrous place.
I can think of like 5 monuments within an hours drive of my house that are over 250 years old
>if the community doesn't want a statue there, they should have a right to remove it
no they do not, it is state property and it belongs to everybody living in North Carolina, not just the neighborhood it is next to.
I highly doubt many of the people in the OP webm are even North Carolinians, just disrespectful transplants who made the decision to move to a place they apparently hate the history and culture of.
Confederate statues? They should not be damaged. They're history.
Just collect them all in one place, and put them all in chains.
Guys look, I made this here strawpoll to help address the situation on Veeky Forums
I'm from North Carolina. These statues are protected by state law and this dumbasses will be fined or jailed out the ass. The statue will be back up within a year. btw pic related is the ringleader.
lel america is becoming brazil tier now
enjoy your banana republic
>Usually other countries do not celebrate the lives of rebels and slavers.
yeah but then we couldn't celebrate the founding fathers
Great, America has its own Red Guard. 打碎旧世界创立新世界 and all that good stuff.
Let's hope they're disbanded and forcefully suppressed like their Chinese equivelant.
The American people never chose to take it down. It was something done without a vote, or any kind of poll or anything.
>he's never heard of Sherman
And who only won due to French support. If the south had the backing of a major European nation, they would have won too.
Why do you think people are taking the statues down? Their feelings. Don't play the "fee-fee" ad hominem here.
Founding rebels who rise up against foreign tyranny is one thing.
Rebels who rise up against their own countrymen for some bullshit reason is another.
This stuff still has historic value, even if you don't like the fact that slavery existed. What does destroying something old actually achieve that is positive? And how is it "celebrating", what the fuck are you talking about? A museum full of WW2 artifacts isn't celebrating the nazi's, it's preserving historical interest.
>even though they were part of England at the time
>Rebels who rise up against their own countrymen
so yeah, like he said, the founding fathers
Mongolia just built a statue to a man that killed ~5% of the worlds population in the 13th century with his army, and has about 50 million living descendants because of all the rape he did.
Fuck of faggot
But isn't this subjective. You could just say the founding fathers didn't want to pay taxes and you could argue that Lincoln was a dictator.
is this what mental gymnastics look like?
>this level of cope
They need mangoes
Take down all the ones except Lee.
Especially Forrest statues.
Lost Cause is bullshit because it acts like every southerner was on Lee's level. Forrest straight up commited racial war crimes, was proud of it, then founded the KKK because he was so butthurt over losing.
Melt down Forrest's statues and use it to make an MLK statues at the Lincoln memorial where he gave the I have a dream speach.
>This level of asshurt.
The Confederates still broke their own country, I'm sorry, nothing will change that.
>the Confederacy broke the Confederacy
you learn something new every day
You are not a countryman for these new "rebels", you're just local enemy.
There are better reasons they are different situations.
Both consisted of traitors who were equally traitorous.
>Hurdurr the confederacy was a legal state!
Thanks for validating my point further.
Victors may do as they wish. White southerners are losers, and suffer woe to the vanquished.
>no argument
>g..g..guy the founders didn't really fight their fellow brits a..a..and they didn't really support slavery
Looks like someone hasn't read much about Forrest
did a huge 180 later in life
these are the kinds of stories that actually get through to true racists
nobody gives a shit if the country it was literally at war with recognized it you stupid fucking phonefag
you've already embarrassed yourself enough with this now piss off
Destroying things is part of human self-expression and the act is in itself a part of history.
>Victors may do as they wish. White southerners are losers, and suffer woe to the vanquished.
said by the same leftist faggots who bow down to native americans for "taking their land".
Does nobody else here take this shit seriously? Nothing is too insignificant for historical importance. Everything should be documented and respected, no matter how much you personally dislike it.
so slavery was a-okay then? Gotcha.
When did I do that?
>The CSA was unrecognized
Neither was the US until after Yorktown
>nobody gives a shit if the country it was literally at war with recognized it you stupid fucking phonefag
>you've already embarrassed yourself
Says the butthurt party here.