Investments that are not crypto

What does Veeky Forums invest in that isn't cryptocurrency?


only the finest silicon breast enchancements

Your mom's tight ass.

A decent boob job.


We outer haven soon

Military-industrial complex.

laminating machine for paper wallets
300 fake money notebook for shitcoin wallets

Will ww3 make me money if I invest in these?

And short Samsung, like half of their factories are within North Korea's artillery range.

Next time vote Hillary Clinton if you want these stocks to go up.

... Fuck it they'll go up anyway.

Thanks for the tip. It seems the stock goes up every time there is a terrorist attack as well. So the more sand monkeys that get imported into Europe the more money I will make.
That is a really good tip. Do you have any more?

lmao look at this fuck boy
>I can't do shit for myself so I ask random strangers on the internet for investment advice and take it like I've just asked gorge soros
Fuckin' moron

She's too fake, my man. Not attractive at all.


sauce on pic

There is no source. She is some whore I penis'd

I Pay $10 to snipe OG League names and resell them for 100-500$ depending on the name

well done op, moar.

Maybe i will if I get more good investing tips

Eh, its cool man, I'm not the one to give advice. Thanks anyways user.

Sluts with slits and big tits

>finding fake roastie whores attractive

all other investments are shit

stock market about to crash, housing bubble about to burst, auto loan bubble about to burst, student loan bubble going to take out the entire millennial gen in one fell swoop. cryptos are the only path ahead.

How do you go about doing this?

I invest in investments that vest over a period of time.

I own a 10 unit building and an office. $18k per month in rent ain't bad.

Right now I'm flipping two properties which should net me $87k in profit when all is said and done. Real Estate isn't for everyone, but I'm allowed to be a lazy fuck and just live comfortably off wagies.

If my net worth is over $1M will she love me?