Hey Veeky Forums what do you think of mathematics?
Hey Veeky Forums what do you think of mathematics?
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nerd shit, useless
A waste of brainpower in most cases nowadays. I get that Math is very important, but most of it's practical applications nowadays can be done through a calculator. Aside from the theoretical math stuff, it just seems like a middleman-task that humans really shouldn't bother themselves with. I don't udnerstand how people find it "beautiful" or think that they are more intelligent than other people for being better at what is essentially just following instructions rather than actually solving anything, again excluding the most advanced mathematicians who use it to develop stuff like game theory and whatever.
I dunno, I'm definetly biased against it, but it just seems like boring drudgery compared to all the fields and disciplines that require abstract thought and creativity rather than pure computational power. Someone saying they are interested in math, to me, is like someone saying they are more interested in laying bricks than designing a brick hosue.
Also, fuck off STEMfag, you're ruining modern society with your materialism and science-worship.
Women and gender studies may be more abstract but I promise you having a degree in that doesn't make you as smart as someone with a degree in mathematics.
Lel you faggs will never be at our level. Die in your ideological mess driven by retarded political discussion.
>math is mostly computation
user, I know you understood my post. You're not stupid. I meant a lot of things when I referred to creative and abstract disciplines, things like Architecture, History, Politics, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, even Science and Engineering. I did not mean Gender studies. Implying I did and ignoring the actual contents of what I'm saying is childish.
>women and gender studies may be more abstract
>more abstract than fucking mathematics
>A waste of brainpower
this must be an elaborate kind of bait or one of those retardations frequently found within "humanities"
>t. Assblasted after barely passing high school algebra
Brainlets, when with they learn?
I personally hate them and would rather never listen a single word about pure math. I can respect those who master them though. And of course actual applied math is essential in any science but that comes without saying.
>when you're cursed to be a nanobrain
Bait aside math trains your critical thinking skills. Learning math is useful even if you never use it because it makes you more mentally agile.
>completely retarded post, embarrassingly ignorant of its subject
>get to the end
>it's a christfag
Big surprise.
It's the Queen of the sciences.
It's probably a deist of sorts.
Math doesn't offend us.
>Tfw no Iranian mathematician qtπ to take off her algebra, get on topology and do cock-ulus with and multiply with
RIP ;_;
>not being offended by things
I genuinely want to know how people find it enjoyable to practice math. I certainly hold math in high esteem but I've never understood when or how it becomes engrossing to someone.
This is actually pretty accurate.
I don't get it.
i really think it has to do with how your brain is wired and how you were raised. for whatever reason, i was instilled with a deep fear and aversion for doing math when i was young that has been nearly impossible to shake. i get an anxiety at the simplest stuff even if its easy. i also think this false dichotomy our society creates between "the creative type" and the "math type" forces people to identify as one or the other. that said, i've always been disgusted by humanities types who looked down or were proudly ignorant of math and sciences.
It's that feeling you get when you finally solve a problem after spending days on it
it is like a puzzle
>i also think this false dichotomy our society creates between "the creative type" and the "math type" forces people to identify as one or the other. that said
That behaviour pattern i think really limits people and humanity as a whole because high level math demands creativity more than any other activity.
Some theories need outstanding imagination just to comprehend them, more -- to use and apply, and infinitely more still was required to create something like topology or Principia or Euclid's Elements in the first place.
> i was instilled with a deep fear and aversion for doing math
Just as harmful is almost Pavlovian fear to the mere sight of numbers and thinking math starts and ends with them.
Hence ignorant posts about "calculators". It is also uniquely American view because Texas Instruments lobby is the only thing that keeps that atavistic and completely redundant tool afloat.
Turbo faggoters shiett
>Hence ignorant posts about "calculators". It is also uniquely American view because Texas Instruments lobby is the only thing that keeps that atavistic and completely redundant tool afloat.
What do you propose as an alternative for schools? Letting kids use their phones during tests?
I disagree with everything except your last line. The absolute faith people have in science by non science types is pretty amazing. I'm not talking about the older generation, but the 30 and under crowd where science is everything.
Seems the pendulum has swung the opposite direction from 100 years ago. Not that's its wrong but seeing people being absolute sure in things they don't know really know about is peculiar. I know technology has really driven this though, being able to google anything is extraordinary.
Not him, but I'd have the students actually do shit on paper. The calculator simultaneously works as a crutch for the math impaired and also makes everything seem more complicated than it really is. Actually confronting the difficulty and breaking it down is much better than taking a shortcut and avoiding it altogether in this case.
>What do you propose as an alternative for schools?
Why do they need calculators to begin with? To calculate 2354 * 412? It's basic arithmetics that students should leave behind as one and done after first 2 years of studying.
The purpose is to learn something and not just apply the same tool the same way with increasingly long numbers year after year.
Here is an example of actual math test. Out of 8 tasks in there only one is where calculator is even applicable at all and even then -- the calculation in there is so basic you do it by yourself.
Calculators are a complete meme:
>I genuinely want to know how people find it enjoyable to practice math.
Real Math even its applications is just glorified puzzle solving. No one practices math because they enjoy computation, they enjoy the intellectual hunt. It's why in the early years, mathematicians were almost all hobbiests. Fermat perhaps most notable.
That's not always feasible. A high school physics final would take ten times as long having to work shit out by hand and that just means less time you can devote to actually testing their knowledge of physics.
> a crutch for the math impaired
A crutch isn't something that allows everyone to walk faster.
>Why do they need calculators to begin with? To calculate 2354 * 412? It's basic arithmetics that students should leave behind as one and done after first 2 years of studying.
Exactly. Once you finish elementary school you're expected to have mastered that stuff to the point that doing it by hand would be a trivial waste of time.
>The purpose is to learn something and not just apply the same tool the same way with increasingly long numbers year after year.
Yes, exactly. The quicker you can take care of the easy stuff, the more time you can spend learning instead of applying the multiplication algorithm to increasingly long numbers year after year.
>brainlets thinking math is simple calculation
>brainlets thinking historians are superior to mathematicians, since... when?
>fucking brainlets man
also lol at thinking math requires no creativity, you have been mislead.
cure your math anxiety, fucking brainlets
>Once you finish elementary school you're expected to have mastered that stuff to the point that doing it by hand would be a trivial waste of time.
You missed the point the point entirely.
You still think that study of math should evolve by just making number longer and longer still and will at all times will require computation of any kind.
After students understood how to do simplistic computations they should move on to more high level stuff where calculations are irrelevant instead of just stagnating and just making computations harder.
are you saying there aren't advanced math and science classes that require large amounts of computation?
because there are
Mathematics is important for any society and it's useful for a lot of things. But the unfortunate thing is I suck at math and I had a hard time and I struggled with math. I still do today. They said I had a learning disability with math which made sense because I did math differently compared to others. I learned differently. But it's still difficult for me.
>Veeky Forums-tier thread
>filled with shit and piss
Surprising to perhaps dozens.
Galois was pretty cool.
>Too bad he's gonna be a meme soon
inummeracy is our times illiteracy, and I say that as someone who is probably somewhat inummerate.
Ur retarded bro
You're right. He's already a meme.
>thanks asshole
non-applied math is almost as useless as the (((humanities))) which creates shit threads full of brainlets like this.
There isn't a single field in math that isn't applicable to some extent.
That's not what he's saying. He's saying that an over reliance on calculators stunts learning because you can make computations without understanding the computation.
I'm a pure math major and I can't even disagree with this.
>"you're ruining modern society with your materialism and science-worship"
>implying pure mathematics is remotely materialistic
top wew. At this point you should probably kill yourself
Pure mathematics has no direct use outside of being aesthetically satisfying, but so many developments in the field have been proven to be extremely useful in subjects like physics that the overall utility of pure mathematics cannot be overlooked.
The Greeks did geometry for its own sake, not for the potential utility of it outside of geometry itself. Group theory wasn't developed for its potential applications, and nowadays it is extremely useful in physics. topology, originally a field of pure mathematics, has applications in physics. A shit ton of physics is even done with complex numbers, but Gauss and Euler didn't develop related theories for the potential applications.
You're dumb and it shows.
Design schools use mathematics as basis for what's coherent and what's fantasy. This is what allows us to create new unique building designs in 21st century. Mathematical models allows us to build buildings that can reach the sky. It allows us to fly to the moon and mars.
Mathematical models allow us to live in the modern world. The computer you're using is created on a mathematical principle. The music you listen to on your mp3 player. The cellphone you use to talk long distance. The Blurays you used to watch movies on. And so on.
Modern life is built upon mathematical principles. You as a retard may not "need" math, but you unknowingly use products made with math on daily basis.
>Real Math even its applications is just glorified puzzle solving
Any kind of activity is just glorified puzzle solving you fucking retard
> Running
> Weightlifting
> Swimming
all three of those require problem-solving, especially swimming.
>get mad when people shit on philosophy
>do the same thing to math
Good job Veeky Forums
i swear historian majors are the biggest fucking brainlets.
They are dismissing mathematics as 'computation' as it's a fact based subject when history is also a fact based subject.
historianiggers kill yourselves, enjoy minimum wage you faggots and a career with zero applications.
I am going to enjoy the $$$ I make from my prestigious commercial banking career.
>Tfw breast cancer killed my favorite Japanese rock/pop star and my favorite Fields Medalist
I share your opinion and I think the responses to it and the general attitude toward human sciences show the insecurities of many stem inclined people. They chose a subject because it was approved by mother and father and now project their superiority complex onto those who invest in ideas.
Veeky Forums are just a bunch of teenage contrarians, its why they shit on john green.
>t. guy who doesn't understand math beyond a high school level
We are literally making modern society possible you faggot
If you enjoy having realization of an object's structure and thinking "oh, that's all this is," you will love math. Abstract math is the easiest and most disciplined place to learn about how the human analytical thought process works.
He's right you know, the only time pure math becomes usefull its decades or centuries down the line after it was invented
Just admit your statement was dumb.
>Going to art school to show my mommy and daddy how much of a rebel I am
>Veeky Forumstards still think their board is one of the "smartest ones"
>Being this insecure
Just admit you don't know why youre in college
>implying John Green isn't an objectively terrible writer
>projecting your insecurity onto others on an anime image board
typical brainlet Veeky Forumstorian
That's engineers, chemists and other people in industry, not pure mathematicians.
The other guy's post is still wrong on its face though, and a probable troll given the number of buttbothered (You)s it has garnered.
t. math grad
If it wasn't for pure mathematics those engineers, chemists, industry people, etc. wouldn't be able to do the stuff they do.
Lacks of scientific groundind
Love math. Most fun subject by far.
>math trains your critical thinking skills
>STEMfags are more prone to believe /pol/ infographics to be true and send all their money to Milo and Lauren
You are born with critical thinking. Either you are masterrace or a retard
fuck we need to genocide these kikes for giving us art, philosophy and culture
>this entire thread