How did the Norse come up with all this bullshit?

How did the Norse come up with all this bullshit?

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Just because you never found the world-tree doesn't mean it isnt there

Isn't this grizzleheim from wizard 101?

None has ever dissproven the world tree.

Norse? user almost all cultures had some sort version of "world tree"

Do people still play that?

Billions and millions

[spoiler]Would you recommend it?[/spoiler]

The world tree is a common thing.
It sorta makes sense when you think about it from the perspective of people just discovering the world for the first time.

You mongs realise that all religions have a world tree like that in one way or another right?


So the roots suck nutrients out of several planets? That must have some interesting implications.

how does it make sense?
i dont really get it


Lol, thanks for reminding me of that

altered states of consciousness

i-it's just a metaphor, bro

Screwing up the Garden of Eden story, with its tree of knowledge of good and evil.

This is as retarded as retarded can be. Sheol is said to be in the center of the earth, not underneath the earth. And the heavens above, the water canopy, no longer exists. Much larger oceans exist in its place. and the third heaven, where God and the angels live, is not higher than the second (space), but overlaps it at all times and at all places.


Dude shrooms, lmao.


I dont think Odin would care about worshippers as long as he is supplied with a steady source of slain warriors, which Christianity has provided him over the millenia

>Axis Mundi
>Thinks it's specific to the Norse
>Read more
Stop calling things bullshit if you don't get it btw that'd be great

>I dont think Odin would care about worshippers as long as he is supplied with a steady source of slain warriors
sounds autistic

Explain how this is more retarded than any other religious worldview.

Who cut down all the world trees?

Wow okay Veeky Forums seems pretty anti-pagan? Or are you all just le edgy atheists?

>HURR not believing in fairy tales is so edgy xD

You are thinking of the wrong god

Psychedelic Drugs and thousands of years of boredom with comparatively zero methodical science.

As an additional point:
The Central Nervous System is a treelike structure.
So, if your world, aka your perception, is predicated and generated by sense-data taken in and processed by a treelike structure inside of you, then it stands to reason that you would get the idea, however subconsciously, that this is going on.

Humans come from monkeys

Logically we'd see the multiverse as a tree or forest

The tribal wise men made shit up ( probably not on purpose, but drugs, dreams, insanity, etc )
The rest of the tribe couldn't say "that's bullshit" because of the wise mans status.
So the wise man keeps repeating the "vision", eventually it catches on because children will believe the wise man even if the adults only give him lip service. Compound this over generations and you have mythology.
t. Someone who has had some very interesting dreams and could probably make it a religion if I could be bothered to write it down. Even got visited by a divine messenger once. The difference is that I believe it's just a dream and has no greater meaning.
Prophets in human history probably actually believed their dreams/hallucinations.

isn't it more that he may decide the outcome of the battle if it pleases him to do so? The norse gods aren't these omnipresent things, they do whatever the fuck they want. Was Odin even revered in all places? Isn't it so that he was hated by many but respected for his power so you better stay on his good side, where as Thor was more of the everyman's god?

>Wow okay

I like how it end with that axe slash cause that's exactly what the romans did.

Alarmingly frequent are the dreams and intuitions which are metaphorically relevant to any given current situation an elder/shaman is faced with


Odin was mainly worshipped by edgy rulers who wanted to play Machiavelli. Thor and Frey would help you with harvests and fertility, so they were naturally more popular, despite not being the head honcho of the gods. How is worshipping the god of magic, poetry and war supposed to give you good crops? Thor is the guy that reigns over that stuff, plus he's the one defending mankind from evil shit that sneaks in

Norse mythology is kinda close to the ancient testament from all i know
Science is still not able to explain what is explained in religious book.
Big Bang ? Great, what was there before ? why did the Big Bang even happened in the first place ? like all the important stuff really isn't answered by science
I have to say the atomic part of science is pretty cool, looking at the fact that we're made from dust and that we will go back to dust.

oh btw you have to consider that all life forms ultimately come from one entity so saying that human comes from trees or whatever is not even wrong
It's metaphorical anyway so who gives a shit

Celt here, cringing at the autism of it.

Dreams and shit, surrealism and Freudian stuff dive into it better than I could pretend to but it can be meaningful if you want it to

Jung, to be sure

>oh btw you have to consider that all life forms ultimately come from one entity so saying that human comes from trees or whatever is not even wrong

It is. Do you understand how evolution works? Wtf?

If you like wasting time, there are much better fantasy MMO's however

Get this Evangelion nonsense outta here

Men's lack of faith

>Odin was mainly worshipped by edgy rulers who wanted to play Machiavelli.
Kek. It's the way I see it too. It's kind of a redpilled way of them to see the world, knowing that the top god really must be a bit deceitful and immoral in order for him to reach that position, since that probably reflects the real world better, where as the typical perfect hero like Thor who's a bit naive but more just simply can't be the top honcho, though you still like him better.

>so saying that human comes from trees or whatever is not even wrong

"Everything is made of matter so it's all the same" really isn't a useful way of interacting with the world. The norse knew that, surely you can too if you ponder it a bit.

Every living thing on earth as a common ancestor, life on earth is like the big bang.
Either we come from a singularity in which case all of life is one entity. So Gaïa is a reality and the hippies are right. Or the origin of life on earth is more mysterious and then all religion and tribal belief must be compared and understood to complete the axis mundi.

What I'm really trying to say, in this message or in the post you responded is not:
>>"Everything is made of matter so it's all the same"

Beceause things are always more complicated than they seem to be. Even tho I said some bullshit you thought about it. Science is just observing things and deducting from what is observed in purely logical manner. Except with the string theory where science is trying to go further. Most of the time it does not even come close from what is said in traditional or tribal mythology or religion.
The fact is that we are talking philosophy and spirituality and not biology or history. So I could say to you "but if we cut all the trees on earth we will have a hard time surviving thus making us dependent of the tress. So the relationship between humans and trees is like the one of a child to his mother, if you take away the mother the child dies" but this is not the point because technically you are absolutely right and I'm not stupid enough to really go against what you're a saying.

But you choose to attack me and not discuss wich is common on Veeky Forums I do this often too. But come on man "Everything is made of matter so it's all the same" is not even what i meant and it's clear that's not what I was trying to express with my post. I don't really give a fuck if you want to be the educated that mocks the ignorant but know that you seem to know things and that I'm interested in what you're saying so just wanting to feel superior is pretty mediocre. Like a teachers mocking students while keeping the knowledge to himself. If you have some interesting things to bring up, do it.

The kikes.

the indo-europeans did

Some giant asshole with a cow

Amanita muscaria is a helluva drug.


I like your tipping.

>"If a lion could speak, we could not understand him." -Wittgenstein
>As a historian and mythographer, Snorri is remarkable for proposing the hypothesis (in the Prose Edda) that mythological gods begin as human war leaders and kings whose funeral sites develop cults (Euhemerism)
We don't know much about Norse mythology, most of what we do know comes from one guy writing ancient Oral traditions down in Iceland.
It's perfectly possible and in-fact incredibly likely that they didn't typically believe the perimeter of the world was made out of a Gaint's eyelashes or that all water was once the blood of that same great Giant or that Loki became a horse-kin transsexual and gave birth to a horse. It's esoteric metaphor, all part of a convoluted and intricate world-view that isn't meant to be accessible for anyone.

Germanic peoples aren't famed for their stupidity or being primitive, superstitious and/or irrational. If don't know the language, let alone it's nuances then you have no business taking them literally or dismissing their opinions as "bullshit".

If a modern and capable physicist today could only express himself using a remote old Icelandic dialect, there would be a lot of ambiguity in translation and you might, mis-construing analogy, end up thinking he meant OPs pic. Frankly ancient polytheism is a lot more salvageable and less ridiculous than monotheism, at-least the Norse, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Hindu mythologies. That's why actual philosopher through the years have had to sheepishly read them.