>dude that wasn't real communism lmao
Dude that wasn't real communism lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude that's not toxic just walk it off
>no means of production to the workers
>government still existed
Your point?
So is this true communism?
Retards gonna keep trying until they destroy the world
>that was state capitalism.
>post a bunch of memes that never even worked out
Is this the joke Im missing?
>a bunch of memes that never even worked out
Good to know you finally admit it.
>ppl don't get the pic
The pic is about how many attempts towards socialism and etc. were overrun by capitalists.
Why are there so many autistic commies on Veeky Forums?
Why are people insulting the "not real communism" argument when it actually, literally and objectively was not real communism?
There are definitions. You can't call a hotdog stand "communism" and gloat when it fails.
>Soviet union
stop being retarded
I can still see body parts that were not nationalized. How´s that supposed to be "true communism"?
>False analogy
Typical Commie autist.
Stalinism got rid of most of the capitalist roaders actually. Even fucking Mao Zedong admitted this.
Oh forgot to mention that.
Stalin and his successors (including Mao), were so triggered by anyone who wasn't sucking Stalin's dick, they also attempted to fuck up socialist attempts around the world who were probably much better than themselves.
>A is not B
>by capitalists.
Uncle Joe disagree with you
i-is that actually a monkey?
Don't worry, it's just a Brazilian kid.
Well there's your fucking commie hot dog stand mate. What more do you want? Motherfucker.
>hurr durr people died
this actually happens a lot when you look at history, stop being so triggered
>implying marx didn't use the terms communism/socialism interchangeably.
>implying Marx didn't define communism/socialism as a marketless, monelyess, private_propertyless society
USSR was not that. China is not that. Venezuela lol.
>When people die in capitalism: Capitalism is genocide the history desmostrate!!
>When people die in socialism/communism: oh shit happens man.
It had money. It had private property. It had a market. It even had small business.
The thing is both capitalists and socialists likes to use memezuela how example of the eachother failures.
I wasn't aware leftists use it as well.
Then again, 95% of the political venom seems to be right-side, so maybe I missed it in the swamp.
Radical left defends venezuela because muh imperialism, in the same way some of them defend north korea.
I don't know how NK is, do they have property and money?
>Impliying socialism countries don't have those same things in some level.
If they did, they aren't socialist.
Then no country was/is socialist
Yes, this is true. This is also what people mean by "not true communism".
There is a definition of it, and no candidate has met that definition.
Communism is like a family household - you don't pay dad money to use his slippers, nobody owns things its okay for you to use the spoon that somebody else got in the house or used yesterday, etc.
A country hasn't been able to scale this model up for many reasons.
>95% of the political venom seems to be right-side
You must be living in a different dimension.
Because muh real communism is fucking impossible.
Government doesn't just wither away. It's a retarded concept.
Post-scarcity is a fucking meme too.
>There is a definition of it, and no candidate has met that definition.
Then perhaps you should think more about WHY rather than keep telling people there is no "muh real communism".
Why every socialist countries in this world can never achieve their fantasy goals? Why even socialist countries also have those "things"? Why can everyone just be fluid genders psychotic degenerates? Why can these socialist countries can never abandon those "capitalist things" they hate so much?
>didn't even claim their countries where communist
>hurr durr it's communism
I'm not even a commie in fact i hate them (not because muh starvation or muh property) but calling marxism-leninism communism is dishonest as fuck
You are being silly.
People couldn't fly, until we could. We couldn't heal certain diseases, until we could.
Even in politics, we have been trying and (hopefully) getting better at a lot of systems and institutions.
>Soviet Union during the Russian Civil War
>Remotely communist
The future is red
Suppose we should keep trying communism until everyone is dead
Just like we should keep trying heart transplants and cancer treatment until we get good at it.
Nice numbers. Would be the perfect credit card if true.
I live off the grid, I generated my own power, water and grow my own food, I don't need money to survive and I'm getting 4 more families to come to my land and build their self sufficient houses, is this communism? If so, it works, but only on a small scale with people you know very well, on a large scale I can Imagine it will be a disaster, do you know how many fucking assholes are out there? I know people that are living on welfare because they simply don't like working.
>Seychelles Socialism
I want to know more
How many kids do you know with tails?
These people are not even Ukrainian. They're from the Far East of Russia,
Fact check your images first, trump-cuckold!
>Why are mentally deficient IQ 100-115 pseudo-intellectual faggots naturally drawn to boards where it's easy to pretend you're smart when you actually aren't by dabbling in seemingly intellectual subjects such as history?
Desperate /leftypol/ raid to turn this into a left wing /pol/
It failed within the first couple of weeks but I guess some retards just kept on trying.
Is this a meme or something
Half of these "succesful socialist attempts " were stpped by other socialists
Who was the black african socialist dictator that really helped out his country?
Educated the women and shit.
He ruined the Chilean economy
The failure of communism is due to the intelligentsia vanguard always descending into power struggles to decide who's autistic utopian version of communism gets implemented, which is a moot point because the intelligentsia are often sheltered diatribes that have no ability to get shit done and resort to having the military kill everyone who disagrees with them for being counterrevolutionaries.
Oh also we don't have unlimited free labor from robots.
Nonsense. Leftypol is completely irrelevant and didn't raid shit, it's just used as a scapegoat by /pol/tards. Veeky Forums has a lot of people that discussed philosophy from Veeky Forums, which had daily marxist threads.
Sankara. He wasn't "real" socialism either, if by it we mean workers owning and managing their workplace.
Meant for
Leftypol likes to make threads about communism to get reactions and then laugh of us because we not accept their narrow minded version of history.
They get BTFO on /pol/ and can't handle the bants so they come to Veeky Forums instead.
No true communism is literally no true Scotsman.
>Lenin established a communist state in Russia
>Marxists ALL OVER THE WORLD, from France to America all celebrate it
>it comes to light that genocides and organized famines happened
>eventually it gets confirmed to the point they can't deny it
>I know people that are living on welfare because they simply don't like working.
Living the dream. I wish I was born in the states or western europe.
You're thinking of Pinochet
Except heart transplants and cancer treatment actually save people, but your deranged delusion kill and harm people.
You want to die, you want to castrate yourself, you want to experiment on your worthless life, go ahead. But you have NO rights to drag us all down with you.
its almost like the political left is not all one person
>Lenin was an outspoken COMMUNIST, the head of the COMMUNIST party, created an Union of Soviet SOCIALIST republics, and started an ideological branch called MARXISM-Leninism
>nothing to do with communism here goyim, remember the Scotsman isn't even Scottish
>the more you call yourself something the more true it becomes
(I actually do consider the USSR Communist up until Khrushchev but I still think you're an idiot)
In this case the Scotsman holds Scottish citizenship (if such a thing existed), looks like the second coming of Sean Connery and dances around in a fucking kilt and you're telling people that this doesn't matter because according to your internal mental gymnastics he's actually a Russian.
But...but...communism isn't REAL communism unless it works
It was a communist party, not a communist state. The leaders always talked about communism as something that was yet to be achieved. If you bothered learning what communism actually was it would help before making comments like that
>Jesus tells disciples that the world will end and he will come back within their lifetimes
>disciples wait all their lives, jack shit happens
>Montanists predict the second coming will happen in 2nd century, jack shit happens
>St. Martin of Tours thinks second coming is happening before the beggining of 5th century, it doesn't
>half of Europe expects Christ to come back in 1000 AD, everyone is left disappointed when yet again nothing happens
>same pattern for the next 1000 years
Same with communists crowing that capitalism is on its death bed and will end any time now. Remember when they claimed fascism to be "late stage capitalism" and that communism is just around the corner? Fascism ended in the 1940s and the fascist countries just reverted back to normal capitalism, but communist faith seems unshakable. Communism is essentially a secular religion, except instead of God there is historical materialism that is being held as the sacred, infalsifiable doctrine despite getting BTFO by reality numerous times.
Utopian prophesies are for retards too stupid to realize that we live in an imperfect world and always will
>the DEMOCRATIC republic of north korea
More democratic than America anyway.
Nothing to do with holiness, romans or imperialism here goy, remember the Scotsman isn't even Scottish.