Today Catholics and Orthodox celebrate the assumption/dormition of the virgin Mary. What are Protestants doing? Being cucked still?
Today Catholics and Orthodox celebrate the assumption/dormition of the virgin Mary. What are Protestants doing...
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>this different religion doesn't do our specific rituals
lol /x/tians
>tfw nearest parish is two hours away from you, and you only are able to go when in that town for uni
Being American and Orthodox can be pretty challening at times.
That sucks user. Did you do the fast?
I don't fast at home because my family isn't Orthodox, and I don't want to bother them with making food just for me.
>Christian "Fasts"
>Not actually fasting, just not eating the same stuff you normally do.
I don't know why this never fails to amuse me, but it does.
Only reason to be Orthodox is if you're born into it AND you're forced to keep that crap because of your surrounding.
Free yourself from this joke of a religion.
If someone were to invent a religion that's as absurd and ridiculous as possible, it would be Scientology and then comes Orthodoxy right after it.
>worship Mary
>"We- we're not polytheists! Honest!"
Even for Christians, you """people""" are retarded faggots.
Go back to r/atheism faggot.
You're retarded if you think that.
Nice fedora. I used to be an atheist; I came to Orthodoxy out of philosophical conviction.
Same here, atheism made me really immature, but then I realized it's just something faggot teenagers do to be edgy and rebellious.
Wow, man. You're so mature now that you have your cool religion with great hats.
How insecure can you be if you "choose" your religion based on how cool and mature it makes you look like?
Sure thing, you thought very deeply for a long time and came to the logical conclusion that wearing ridiculous hats and dressing like a magician is clearly the smartest thing to do. We all see how great Russia is doing with their spacemages spreading love and compassion.
Listen reddit, I know you're new here, but you have to realize that this is a Christian board, and your degenerate kind is not welcome here.
Holy shit you sound like a faggot.
I love Our Lady more than words can express and will resolve from this day forth to always serve her. My own wants, vanities, and delusions mean NOTHING and I pray that Mary my mother may occupy every inch of my soul and edge out these foul human vices and fill that space with her own holiness, her own perfect humility, her own serene peace, her own perfect union with her Son our Blessed Lord, of whom every blade of grass, every grain of sand and every wisp of breath in the cold air proclaims the presence and the glory.
Accept the goodness of Our Lady into your heart, take her as your personal confidant, express your love for Christ through her and keep a sense of her presence and blessing with you all day, every day during our sojourn on this earth and you shall never, ever fail or stumble.
Know Mary, know peace.
No Mary, no peace.
Make the right choice, my brothers and sisters, whatever your denomination may be. Our Lady is waiting for you. She has always been waiting for you.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Pray for us, oh Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
You're retarded, I didn't chose my religion because it's "cool." I chose it based on the fact that atheism is illogical and that people chose to be it for the very reason of trying to look cool and edgy like you right now, and my God you really do sound like a retard. I came to the conclusion that Christianity most reasonable and so I came to it, I heard Christ call me and I came to him.
>I thought so deeply about my religion that my best defense for all the absurd shit I supposedly believe in is some reddit memes
I like how you suddenly changed from orthodox to christian. Hint: Every other christian also thinks you're retarded.
I have to admit, I have no argument against that.
You offer no argument, just some faggot bullshit talk with no sense. The "other" Christians you speak about are the retarded ones, the Evangelicals, who are an embarrassment to Christianity.
>We all see how great Russia is doing
They're doing pretty well, considering that they (and eastern yurop in general) are still recovering from almost a century of such benevolent atheistic policies as gulags, brutalism, bread lines and absolute cultural degradation.
It'll take time, but I wish them all the best.
And why not Muslim or Hindu? Or a more sane branch of Christianity? The notion of being able to choose religion makes no sense anyway, you have no influence on the truth but then again, if you reject logic you can do pretty much anything.
It's just sad that your only justification for your believes is some absurd stuff about maturity and reddit.
I also don't understand how any other Christian can defend someone like you who thinks he's a special snowflake who gets a private audience with Jesus Christ himself.
Don't bother to reply, it leads to nothing. We have our opinions.
>let me define concepts and terms you invented for a religion that you invented that i have nothing to do with
you're like a little chihuahua, just barking at us with your silly little barks
>why not Muslim
they get the stories of the bible wrong in their quran
>or Hindu
>endless debt
how is this a facet of atheism?
>Or a more sane branch of Christianity
catholic-orthodox-miaphyste are the only sane branches of Christianity
It's one of the consequences of atheism.
We just explained to you faggot, because we came to logical conclusions ourselves as to which religion holds to the truth, and we found that Christianity holds to that. You're making a fallacious argument, you yourself chose and continue to choose atheism, yet we have seen that atheism is illogical and so that is why we rejected and continue to reject it.
This is a Christian Manga board, leave now atheist.
I laughed
>Rejecting a rejection.
Atheism is a violent religion invented by Hitler.
cool crown
The truth is the truth no matter how unfortunate the consequences of it
Atheism is incorrect, true enough, but if you converted to Abrahamic religion based on philosophical conviction then you seriously need to reconsider. Just take a deep breath, read some Classics, and dedicate yourself to truth rather than faith.
Mocking people who think John, who was taking care of Mary after the crucifixion, didn't write anything about it in the FIVE BOOKS HE WROTE.
Jesus is the Logos.
Mother Earth worshiping pagans are not Christians, and never have been.
Catholics are degenerate, pagan, backwards, and annoyingly condescending for a faith that has actively sabotaged every civilization it touches. Only catholic country that has ever succeeded is France, and it did so in spite of the church by confiscating church property and treating the clergy without special privileges. The failings of Protestantism are not the strengths of Catholicism.
You left out the Catholics being the most vicious and violent and murderous group of people in the last thousand years. Maybe over 100,000,000 murders to their charge.
You also forgot to mention the Dark Ages, when the catholic vampires blotted out the sun for centuries by creating a great bonfire, using ancient scientific treaties written by Greek pagan secular feminist lesbian scientists and eidetic nordic semen shamans as fuel.
Not a Christcuck but I guess Protestants have it right, nothing lowlier in the world than worshipping the female.
Modern Protestantism is a pox on historical Reformstion thinking. Mainstream Churches don't actually believe in an Abrahamic god, and thus care more about feeling liberal and accepting, and Evangelicals are worshiping the sensation of superiority and false righteousness rather than God. Catholics only seem to be the carriers of the Christian torch because they never stopped worshipping the Roman gods by saintly names. It's a tragedy for Christendom that God has died in the America and was never found in Rome.
[Psalm 101:3] I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
have you thought about finding a Catholic church near you? Orthodox are welcome to communion when they are in a situation like yourself. desu if I lived in an area where there was no Catholic church but tons of orthodox churches I would probably become orthodox. I don't really care about the ecclesiastical disputes between the two branches as a layperson, I just want valid sacraments.
all bait aside, the fact that Protestant countries do not revere or glorify the mother of Jesus Christ is the reason why their societies have such terrible women.
I will be as polite as possible and just say, "lol".
How is not deifying Christ's thoroughly human mother and not buying into word games equate to getting cucked?
>I also don't understand how any other Christian can defend someone like you who thinks he's a special snowflake who gets a private audience with Jesus Christ himself.
I for one do not and think he's baiting. Private revelation aren't exclusive to mystics but from the impression I got of the few I've met in my life I can assure you, you have to be of a very humble and tranquil disposition.
One of the priests at my perish told me he had celebrated mass at an Orthodox church in the past in our city.
There's very little different between the two when it comes to mass. You could honestly go to both and nobody would bat an eyelash.
>actively sabotaged every civilization it touches
>t.Incatard on full blast
'The virgin lutheran'
Acutely aware that divorce rates are higher where his faith is dominant
Knees buckle at the question of miracles
>s-sola scriptura
Privileges his reason over his faith, but not enough to advise others on their issues
>this passage is just a METAPHOR
Frail hands, did not manage to nail his theses onto the church door without asking for help
exorcises unclean spirits on the reg
Highly respected and always sought after for spiritual guidance
Members of his flock will hold off on dying for days until he performs unction
Honors the holy mysteries as his forefathers did
Chaste, exudes unblemished masculine vitality with every word
Shoo shoo faith goblin
I would Syriac/Assyrian/Church of the East to that group too.
I always hated the celibacy part of the clergy, why shouldn't they be allowed to marry? so many men to give up on marrying and breeding is almost as unnatural as homosexuality from my point of view
>tfw I'm none of these denominations
Both Jesus and Paul considered celibacy better than marriage
The words of Paul himself:
>But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.
Several apostles had wives, including Peter. Yet dumbshit Catholics think they're more holy than the apostles and forbade marriage to their clergy, which only ensured the clergy would become full of faggots, pedophiles and other degenerates who are never interested in living in a heterosexual marriage.
>american and orthodox
>I didn't chose my religion because it's "cool." I chose it based on the fact that atheism is illogical and that people chose to be it for the very reason of trying to look cool and edgy
So your perception of atheist, as if it's some uniform group of people, is literally made up of internet memes, and that's why you became a christian to stop being uncool. You honestly disgust me.